104 killed in Gaza City, officials say; Israel cites stampede at aid drop


HR King
May 29, 2001
Officials in the Gaza Strip said more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more injured in Gaza City on Thursday, accusing Israeli forces of opening fire on a crowd of people waiting for humanitarian aid. Israel said an unspecified number of the casualties were caused by a stampede as residents scrambled to reach a convoy of trucks. Israeli forces opened fire on members of the crowd who approached soldiers in a manner deemed threatening, according to Israeli officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

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Here's what to know​

At least 30,035 people have been killed in Gaza and 70,457 injured since the war began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. Israel estimates that about 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack and says 242 soldiers have been killed since the start of its military operation in Gaza.
Gaza is on the brink of famine, humanitarian groups say, as the volume of aid has plummeted in recent weeks and as convoys have struggled to make deliveries amid intense bombardment and disruption at border cross

I know, it's funny those people trying to get aid died.
  • The German Board of Public Health in December 1918 claimed that 763,000 German civilians died from starvation and disease caused by the blockade through December 1918.
Ain’t war hell?
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  • The German Board of Public Health in December 1918 claimed that 763,000 German civilians died from starvation and disease caused by the blockade through December 1918.
Ain’t war hell?
Interesting take from someone who spends most their time here decrying conflicts. What makes this one different?
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Interesting take from someone who spends most their time here decrying conflicts. What makes this one different?
I decry our senseless involvement (and too often instigation!) of overseas conflicts.

I operate under no illusions about what war is.

Neocons like Hillary can create buzzwords like “smart power” to feel better about their advancement of policies that kill hundreds of thousands of real people, and some people buy into it. “She has so much experience!” But in my eyes that ‘experience’ is only in bringing misery to millions. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc., her and her ilk (from Bolton to Kagan to Kristol to Nuland and on and on…) just make the world worse.

That having been said, I wouldn’t involve the US in Bibi’s Injun War at all.

But I do view it as a war, and know that civilians will suffer until it ends.
I’ll speculate Hamas operatives in civilian garb were more than likely intending to confiscate the aid for their soldiers and not necessarily for women & children. It’s sad, but that’s the type of shit Hamas makes the teenage boys do.
speculate all you want, the videos are there to watch.
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speculate all you want, the videos are there to watch.
It’s absolutely terrible, but the other side of this is a potential Abbey Gate situation.

There aren’t good answers for a lot of these situations.
I know, it's funny those people trying to get aid died.
That was not what I was LoL’ing at.

I was LOL’ing at the oft-stated (e.g. see current AOC thread and protesters there in) claim that “30,000 Palestinians have died” in the war, when the source of that number does not track civilians versus combatants.

They may all be Palestinians, but many/most may be combatants, not innocents.
I decry our senseless involvement (and too often instigation!) of overseas conflicts.

I operate under no illusions about what war is.

Neocons like Hillary can create buzzwords like “smart power” to feel better about their advancement of policies that kill hundreds of thousands of real people, and some people buy into it. “She has so much experience!” But in my eyes that ‘experience’ is only in bringing misery to millions. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc., her and her ilk (from Bolton to Kagan to Kristol to Nuland and on and on…) just make the world worse.

That having been said, I wouldn’t involve the US in Bibi’s Injun War at all.

But I do view it as a war, and know that civilians will suffer until it ends.
Just to clarify, you'd cut Israel off completely?
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Officials in the Gaza Strip said more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more injured in Gaza City on Thursday, accusing Israeli forces of opening fire on a crowd of people waiting for humanitarian aid. Israel said an unspecified number of the casualties were caused by a stampede as residents scrambled to reach a convoy of trucks. Israeli forces opened fire on members of the crowd who approached soldiers in a manner deemed threatening, according to Israeli officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

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Here's what to know​

At least 30,035 people have been killed in Gaza and 70,457 injured since the war began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. Israel estimates that about 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack and says 242 soldiers have been killed since the start of its military operation in Gaza.
Gaza is on the brink of famine, humanitarian groups say, as the volume of aid has plummeted in recent weeks and as convoys have struggled to make deliveries amid intense bombardment and disruption at border cross

Israel is like a comic book character on things like this. Or maybe like Putin.

We didn't do it.
OK, maybe we did it but it wasn't our fault.
OK, maybe it was our fault, but we had no choice.
OK, maybe we had a choice, but you can't trust their numbers.
OK, maybe their numbers aren't so far off, but they started it.
OK, maybe we started it way back when, but they started it this time.
OK, OK, our bad, but they would do worse to us if we didn't do it to them first, so it was self defense.

Which is not to say they aren't sometimes right on some of those claims, but they are so damn predictable that you are a fool if you take them at face value.
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Just to clarify, you'd cut Israel off completely?
I’d cut off aid to all foreign nations.
There’s nothing special to me about Israel.
I’m not a religious person, so I have none of the Abrahamic attachments to the region.
Ordinarily I'd oppose cutting off aid to Israel, but I suspect my own and our nation's stance need serious reappraisal. Several reasons....

1. Their government has gotten progressively more right wing and theocratic in recent decades.
2. Do they really need our $3-4 billion per year?
3. They've been known to engage in both military and cyber activities that haven't been in our best interests.
4. They are behind powerful, successful lobbying in the US to the point that most congressmen and media are afraid to be critical, and any sort of opposition or even questioning of Israel can get you called "anti-semetic" or even fired.
5. They are in violation of some UN resolutions, and multiple international accords and standards. And that's not just my opinion or based on what's happening right now; it's BAU.

I'm part of the "Exodus" generation. Which is to say that my view of Israel was set in stone by that terrific 1960 movie when I was young. And my strong support for Israel never wavered until the 1990s, when the butcher Sharon made most decent people quite uncomfortable.

Netanyahu is arguably the worst PM of Israel ever, but while his main contenders may be less corrupt, they scarcely differ from him on policies.
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I’d cut off aid to all foreign nations.
There’s nothing special to me about Israel.
I’m not a religious person, so I have none of the Abrahamic attachments to the region.
I wouldn't cut off aid to ALL foreign nations. Might even give more to some. But what we give, to whom, and for what definitely needs assessment and auditing.

Are we really doing good with that money - whether for them, us or the world? I have serious doubts.
Ordinarily I'd oppose cutting off aid to Israel, but I suspect my own and our nation's stance need serious reappraisal. Several reasons....

1. Their government has gotten progressively more right wing and theocratic in recent decades.
2. Do they really need our $3-4 billion per year?
3. They've been known to engage in both military and cyber activities that haven't been in our best interests.
4. They are behind powerful, successful lobbying in the US to the point that most congressmen and media are afraid to be critical, and any sort of opposition or even questioning of Israel can get you called "anti-semetic" or even fired.
5. They are in violation of some UN resolutions, and multiple international accords and standards. And that's not just my opinion or based on what's happening right now; it's BAU.

I'm part of the "Exodus" generation. Which is to say that my view of Israel was set in stone by that terrific 1960 movie when I was young. And my strong support for Israel never wavered until the 1990s, when the butcher Sharon made most decent people quite uncomfortable.

Netanyahu is arguably the worst PM of Israel ever, but while his main contenders may be less corrupt, they scarcely differ from him on policies.

I decry our senseless involvement (and too often instigation!) of overseas conflicts.

I operate under no illusions about what war is.

Neocons like Hillary can create buzzwords like “smart power” to feel better about their advancement of policies that kill hundreds of thousands of real people, and some people buy into it. “She has so much experience!” But in my eyes that ‘experience’ is only in bringing misery to millions. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc., her and her ilk (from Bolton to Kagan to Kristol to Nuland and on and on…) just make the world worse.

That having been said, I wouldn’t involve the US in Bibi’s Injun War at all.

But I do view it as a war, and know that civilians will suffer until it ends.

Hilary seems to be an issue with you and Putin isn't. Real smart.
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Hilary seems to be an issue with you and Putin isn't. Real smart.
Hilary has hilariously committed the U.S. a string of failed overseas adventures.

Take your pick:
The U.S. aiding the Saudi Kingdom in their regime changes efforts in Yemen that has by UN estimates left hundreds of thousands of dead. And actually putting the United States imprimatur on the assertion that the gulf monarchies hand picked candidate in an 'election' with no other choices on the ballot was a demonstration of democracy.

Voting for the Iraq invasion. ("It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." -- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002)

Supported the nation building efforts in Afghanistan, and wanted to keep up the occupation indefinitely (At an event at the Council on Foreign Relations, the think tank’s president Richard Haass asked Clinton whether she would be open to keeping a residual force after 2016. “I would. It depends upon conditions on the ground,” said Clinton)

Supported regime change efforts in Syria that fed a civil war that has left hundreds of thousands of dead, with the US contributed weapons ending up with jihadist factions.

Pushed Obama to support the regime change in Libya, which has turned into a 'shitshow' as Obama observed, and empowered jihadists across northern Africa. The deleterious security situation has been seized upon in over half a dozen military coups in formerly democratic African nations.

Putin's brutal and stupid foreign policy has an objectively smaller body count.
She's that terrible.

Let's see if you have a response beyond an emoji to any of these facts.
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Hilary has hilariously committed the U.S. a string of failed overseas adventures.

Take your pick:
The U.S. aiding the Saudi Kingdom in their regime changes efforts in Yemen that has by UN estimates left hundreds of thousands of dead. And actually putting the United States imprimatur on the assertion that the gulf monarchies hand picked candidate in an 'election' with no other choices on the ballot was a demonstration of democracy.

Voting for the Iraq invasion. ("It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." -- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002)

Supported the nation building efforts in Afghanistan, and wanted to keep up the occupation indefinitely (At an event at the Council on Foreign Relations, the think tank’s president Richard Haass asked Clinton whether she would be open to keeping a residual force after 2016. “I would. It depends upon conditions on the ground,” said Clinton)

Supported regime change efforts in Syria that fed a civil war that has left hundreds of thousands of dead, with the US contributed weapons ending up with jihadist factions.

Pushed Obama to support the regime change in Libya, which has turned into a 'shitshow' as Obama observed, and empowered jihadists across northern Africa. The deleterious security situation has been seized upon in over half a dozen military coups in formerly democratic African nations.

Putin's brutal and stupid foreign policy has an objectively smaller body count.
She's that terrible.

Let's see if you have a response beyond an emoji to any of these facts.

Don't worry about emoji's'

Afghanistan is a cluster**** shared by several, ended by one. We have argued re: Ukraine and you are full of shit. I won't waste my time debating. You see things linearly as conservatives do. Things go affairs are convoluted and sometimes the views backward are obvious.

Holy shit. Jihadists regimes in Africa. Not minimizing geographic area(s) but you're going macro to reach a point of debate.
Officials in the Gaza Strip said more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more injured in Gaza City on Thursday, accusing Israeli forces of opening fire on a crowd of people waiting for humanitarian aid. Israel said an unspecified number of the casualties were caused by a stampede as residents scrambled to reach a convoy of trucks. Israeli forces opened fire on members of the crowd who approached soldiers in a manner deemed threatening, according to Israeli officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

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Here's what to know​

At least 30,035 people have been killed in Gaza and 70,457 injured since the war began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. Israel estimates that about 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack and says 242 soldiers have been killed since the start of its military operation in Gaza.
Gaza is on the brink of famine, humanitarian groups say, as the volume of aid has plummeted in recent weeks and as convoys have struggled to make deliveries amid intense bombardment and disruption at border cross

Maybe they were running toward a neighboring border for sanctuary? Oh, I just remembered no Arab nation wants that rabble.
Don't worry about emoji's'

Afghanistan is a cluster**** shared by several, ended by one. We have argued re: Ukraine and you are full of shit. I won't waste my time debating.

Ukraine wasn’t even in the list of Clinton related foreign screw ups, but nice effort to distract from the failed regime change efforts in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya that she backed and devolved into clusters killing hundreds of thousands of people.

You see things linearly as conservatives do. Things go affairs are convoluted and sometimes the views backward are obvious.

When someone like Hillary makes in retrospect the obviously wrong decision to back regime change in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya, is that enough to realize her judgement in these matters sucks?
Isn’t it obvious now even if it was to you then?

Holy shit. Jihadists regimes in Africa. Not minimizing geographic area(s) but you're going macro to reach a point of debate.

These failed regime change efforts have consequences. Real world repercussions. The consequence of knocking over the stable government in Libya has been a profusion of jihadists across Northern Africa.

She made the jihadists a safe haven, and North African democracies paid the price.

Whoops. I guess she meant well, right?

Though jihadism continues to exist in Mali and to threaten Niger and Chad, it is no longer limited to this area. By “stirring up the hornet’s nest,” French forces have in effect nurtured a logic of dispersion. Many combatants have fled from Mali to southern Libya. Thus, after the Sahel, Libya is becoming the new epicentre of jihadism in the region. Indeed, four years after the beginning of the uprising against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, who ruled the country with an iron fist, the wealthy oil-producing country has been given over to rival militias, namely the Libyan branch of the Islamic State, well-established in several cities, from Derna in the east to Sabratha in the west, as well as Sirte in the centre, and another jihadi group, Ansar al-Sharia, which is entrenched in Benghazi, the country’s second most important city. Taking advantage of the absence of a central power, the jihadists are benefiting from the great number of Ansar al-Sharia members from Tunisia hounded by the authorities, and are beginning to develop ties to those based in northern Mali and with Boko Haram in Nigeria. Hence, southern Libya has become a genuine safe haven, with its vast expanses escaping the control of a Libyan State in the process of disintegration. The region has become a “place of regeneration,” where the jihadists reorganise and get fresh supplies of weapons originating from the former Gaddafi regime, without being disturbed by the French forces deployed next to the area (in Mali, Niger and Chad).