David Skorton


HR Legend
Feb 14, 2002
This is a little OT, but Skorton has been mentioned in several threads on this board. I think it is worth noting that in July this year, David Skorton will become the 13th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Good job, David.
Originally posted by hawkedoff:
I bet he will give that up to come back to a state that ran him out of town.
HAHA! Yep, I'll bet he's already told the Smithsonian to forget it, Iowa needs him.
100% right.
Winner, winner - chicken dinner.

With that said he wasn't that great.
I actually have been more impressed with some of the hires at Moo U for the president spot.
Originally posted by DogBoyRy:

100% right.
Winner, winner - chicken dinner.

With that said he wasn't that great.
I actually have been more impressed with some of the hires at Moo U for the president spot.
Skorton wasn't that great??!!

What criteria are you using??

He's led Cornell University to record fundraising and will soon be head of the Smithsonian Institute.

No, he's not coming back to Iowa. But, anyone who doesn't think he would be stellar for Iowa apparently doesn't know what a great university president David Skorton was.
I'm really not into rating college presidents by fundraising. Lot's of factors there - economy, luck,etc.
Sally was suppose to be a good fundraiser - she recieved the benefit of the anoyomous donor who donated to schools with women presidents. She had nothing to do with it. Skorton had a pretty good fundraising record but again - got some luck with it.
If it was up to fundraising the best in Iowa would be the guy from Grinell who got the Intel investment and ISU who got the Roundup guy(actually met the guy - can't think of his fricking name and to lazy to look it up). Anyway - pretty much ignore fundraising.

He allowed the law school to go down in the rankings dramatically as it became a liberal agenda nucleus. Top Iowa grads could get a job at almost any firm in Chicago or Kansas City beofre - now those firms are practically dead to Iowa grads as that downward spiral has continued. What was a pretty good pipeline is now limited to 5-10..

The same has happened to almost all the grad schools except maybe medicine and those rankings very alot by department...

I realize rankings are a little goofy sometimes, they are soemtimes based on perception but the bottom line is the graduates of Iowa pre Skorton, Coleman, Mason had much better job opportunities than those graduates now and it's jsut not the economy...
Ihate to admit it but the graduates of Moo U are trending the other way...
You are incredibly ignorant about pretty much everything you just said.

Mason received the benefit of a few million dollar anonymous gift? That is what you think?

The law school rankings going down are because why? Law school grads aren't getting hired by top firms? Do you have any understanding of any of this at all? If so start making sense and include context

Skorton wasn't a great president? Sure buddy

As for the commentator on running afoul blue cross? Perhaps it was his experience with them looting our hospital and calling them out. He made a bor mber reign from the board due to a horrendous conflict of interest and forced blue cross to stop looting the hospital.
The law school rankings went down because it lost a lot of good professors

The university president's power is greatly overrated imo
Law school pipeline dried up because the market for lawyers is over saturated. Hell on my street alone I have three lawyers I can name without thinking about it that are stay at home moms because there isn't much work.
Law is changing how they work as a profession. Rankings for law are a game and Iowa law is still a top 30 school in the country.

How many programs university wife are top ten nationally? Globally? If rankings are the way to evaluate a university president Sally did pretty well.
Was there any movement in the rankings during her time there? I am guessing yes and I would be interested in the direction.
Rumor I heard this weekend in IC from a very connected person is is that Terry Branstad is considering appointing himself President at U of I. His LT. Gov would take over Gov spot. Dear god I hope that does not happen..
Originally posted by Chewback:
This is a little OT, but Skorton has been mentioned in several threads on this board. I think it is worth noting that in July this year, David Skorton will become the 13th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Good job, David.
Would love to have David Skorton at Iowa again.