Gilman Tweets another classic comment

I am on a message board that is devoted to Iowa wrestling fans. We are taking about a guy that many on here consider a flat out traitor, not only for leaving them for the hated PSU, but for what he has recently said.
Of course, many have now found negative ways to get back at Gilman. As such, do you really think I expect to change anyone’s mind on here over whether or not Gilman is a “choker”? I said my part and was going to leave it at that.
Since I was called out again, I felt like having fun with the situation, instead of arguing a topic, much like politics, where no minds are changeable.
If you didn’t find it funny, sorry. But, may I honestly inquire if those of you that responded to that political portion are in fact affiliated with the same party as Vak? I ask because I did actually have a point to compare the overall Gilman topic with a jaded perception.

Jaded Iowa fans=Gilman is a choker
jaded political party fans=I need Xanax

Wait, am I jaded or a zealot? Because those are basically antonyms. Also, you have no idea what my political affiliations are.
Wait, am I jaded or a zealot? Because those are basically antonyms. Also, you have no idea what my political affiliations are.

1.)You would know the answer to your 1st question better than me.

2.)Jaded and zealot are opposites? In what world? Most zealots become that way directly due to what jaded them. That doesn't even factor in the part where what I say you are jaded about has nothing to do with your political
affiliation, LOL.
3.)I don't? Are you sure your postings between this board and themat haven't tipped that hand?

Edited to add: I already gave you an avenue to get the last word, but you ignored the questions I asked. So, here is your 2nd opportunity. I have made a conscious effort to not go down the back and forth message board rabbit hole. It just bogs down the board. I have said my piece now, twice and had fun using an off the wall diatribe the 2nd time. So, like I said before, feel free to keep being you.
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1.)You would know the answer to your 1st question better than me.

2.)Jaded and zealot are opposites? In what world? Most zealots become that way directly due to what jaded them. That doesn't even factor in the part where what I say you are jaded about has nothing to do with your political
affiliation, LOL.
3.)I don't? Are you sure your postings between this board and themat haven't tipped that hand?

1. and 2.
Definition of jaded

1: fatigued by overwork : EXHAUSTEDa jaded horse
2: made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by having or seeing too much of something

Definition of zealot

1: a zealous personespecially : a fanatical partisana religious zealot
2capitalized : a member of a fanatical sect arising in Judea during the first century a.d. and militantly opposing the Roman domination of Palestine

Definition of zealous

: marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal : filled with or characterized by zeal

Are you just working off your personal definitions of words again? Because it seems difficult to be "dull, apathetic, or cynical" while also being "characterized by zeal"

3. Yes, I'm entirely sure you have no idea what party I'm affiliated with. However, I've made no secret about my feelings about one man.

Either way, we're only down this rabbit hole about politics because of you. I didn't bring it up. So which one of us is more likely to be the zealot?
Can we call it ‘situationally stupid’ or ‘situationally unaware’ and call it a day?
The reality is that there is a pattern developing where in his bigger matches he has issues winning.

Situational awareness is a big deal with him but I don’t if he knows how not to be aggressive. It’s like Daniel Dennis said about his loss at NCAAs...he didn’t know how to stall out. Most of us who wrestled know how because we did it out of necessity.

I remember a match between Metcalf and Jordan Oliver. Metcalf was winning and the last seconds were ticking down and all the fight went out of JO’s body and Metcalf ran him over in the last second. JO got pissed and shoved him and Metcalf was genuinely confused and gave him a “what the hell did I do” look. While most wrestlers would relax and accept victory, Metcalf wrestled to the whistle because he always has...same with Gilman.

Situational awareness is a big deal with him but I don’t if he knows how not to be aggressive. It’s like Daniel Dennis said about his loss at NCAAs...he didn’t know how to stall out. Most of us who wrestled know how because we did it out of necessity.

I remember a match between Metcalf and Jordan Oliver. Metcalf was winning and the last seconds were ticking down and all the fight went out of JO’s body and Metcalf ran him over in the last second. JO got pissed and shoved him and Metcalf was genuinely confused and gave him a “what the hell did I do” look. While most wrestlers would relax and accept victory, Metcalf wrestled to the whistle because he always has...same with Gilman.

I couldn't agree more. This has been my point the entire time and it rings 100% true in regards to Daniel Dennis. Now, I would 100% agree that Gilman has shown poor clock management several times now. But, that is something that needs to be coached or instincts take over. If your overwhelming instincts are to wrestle until the whistle, you aren't going to just shut down with a small lead in the waning seconds.

I am simply not a fan of the "choker" moniker. I think it is seriously overused by misguided(jaded;)) sportsfans.
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As far as getting robbed, the guys on FLO played the replay in slow motion and said it was a close call but it looked like it could have been two. That is not getting robbed. I'm sorry, but running at an opponent from the middle of the mat to the edge and then trying to drive him out of bounds while winning by two is flat out stupid If he had stood in the middle, the guy would have used 3 of the 6 seconds remaining in the match closing the gap to get his hands on Gilman. Gilman has great base defense and the match should have been over. This really is not debatable, but fairly obvious. This is not an example of staying aggressive or "doing what got your the lead" or instinct...there were 6 seconds left... 6 seconds--are you kidding me. Why remain aggressive when the guy is 6 feet away from you with only 6 seconds left. Let the guy close the gap and all he had to do was hold center. I used to be a huge TG fan and while I don't like the immature behavior of late, I have to question his mental state late in matches. Yes, you can call it poor clock management, but it's becoming a pattern.
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I couldn't agree more. This has been my point the entire time and it rings 100% true in regards to Daniel Dennis. Now, I would 100% agree that Gilman has shown poor clock management several times now. But, that is something that needs to be coached or instincts take over. If your overwhelming instincts are to wrestle until the whistle, you aren't going to just shut down with a small lead in the waning seconds.

I am simply not a fan of the "choker" moniker. I think it is seriously overused by misguided(jaded;)) sportsfans.

Gilman had his moments...2015 and 2017 NCAA semis and the Fix match. He was good for one or two matches a year where he just didn’t seem to be all there; usually when he was a favorite. The shot on Fix was dumb but I think he felt better getting in on a leg to waste some clock vs just holding Fix off for 40 secs. That too, was a controversial TD...many on this board felt that the HWC version of Gilman got ripped off but now feel, in retrospect (with him at the NLWC), he choked. Hey, I get it. I don’t like the stuff that he has said either.

No wonder she feels that way, she is old enough to realize you're riden with biden.

Nope, she is getting to the "no boys allowed" stage. And of course, that includes Daddy(unless she needs something:cool:).

As far as my voting goes, I have no issues stating I am on the conservative side, especially fiscally. However, I was NOT a Trumper. That isn't to say I didn't like a lot of what he accomplished as strictly the President. But, he is a horrible person. He actually energized the Democrat base to levels never seen before and even turned an already powerful, left leaning media into a nearly unbeatable enforcer for a leftist agenda.

With that said, I try to avoid getting into specific political beliefs because it is pretty much a useless debate. Nearly everyone is so dug in, they almost assuredly gloss right over any contradictory point of view.
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Gilman had his moments...2015 and 2017 NCAA semis and the Fix match. He was good for one or two matches a year where he just didn’t seem to be all there; usually when he was a favorite. The shot on Fix was dumb but I think he felt better getting in on a leg to waste some clock vs just holding Fix off for 40 secs. That too, was a controversial TD...many on this board felt that the HWC version of Gilman got ripped off but now feel, in retrospect (with him at the NLWC), he choked. Hey, I get it. I don’t like the stuff that he has said either.

Again, I agree with everything you said. And I do understand why many feel the way they do and inevitably are projecting the "choker" persona. I just don't think a handful of matches constitute a "trend". Nor do I believe all of those handful even remotely fit that persona.

Now, if he were blowing 6 point leads or getting beat by 10 to an underdog, I wouldn't argue against choking. I just don't think losing close matches at the end to very good wrestlers is choking. If that were so, A LOT of those that lost at NCAA's and Worlds are chokers. I lean much farther to the side where the winner's deserve a ton more credit than that.
Yo Chief. Pick your favorite:



Nope, she is getting to the "no boys allowed" stage. And of course, that includes Daddy(unless she needs something:cool:).

As far as my voting goes, I have no issues stating I am on the conservative side, especially fiscally. However, I was NOT a Trumper. That isn't to say I didn't like a lot of what he accomplished as strictly the President. But, he is a horrible person. He actually energized the Democrat base to levels never seen before and even turned an already powerful, left leaning media into a nearly unbeatable enforcer for a leftist agenda.

With that said, I try to avoid getting into specific political beliefs because it is pretty much a useless debate. Nearly everyone is so dug in, they almost assuredly gloss right over any contradictory point of view.
Pretty well stated for many of us!
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