Hunter Biden reaches deal in child support case


HR King
May 29, 2001
Hunter Biden has settled a long-standing child support dispute with an Arkansas woman who is the mother of one of his children, apparently concluding the latest legal dispute that has created headlines for President Biden’s son.

Hunter Biden and the child’s mother, Lunden Roberts, agreed to settle the case, according to a document filed in Arkansas court on Thursday. Biden, who has been paying child support of $20,000 per month, will likely have that payment reduced.

The president’s son, who is trying to launch a career as a painter, also agreed to provide several of his paintings, which could be sold to benefit his young daughter.
“The child shall select the painting which shall either be sent to the child or sent to a gallery designated by Lunden Roberts,” the agreement states. “The net proceeds of any sales of paintings shall be wired to an account designated by Lunden Roberts.”

Roberts also agreed to drop her attempts to rename their daughter. She had petitioned to give the girl, who is now 4, the last name Biden, arguing that it carried prestige and cachet. Hunter Biden had resisted the move.
Attorneys for Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts did not immediately return requests for comment.
Republicans have long focused attention on the legal struggles of the president’s son, seeking to portray them as a reflection of the Biden family’s ostensible ethical challenges. Democrats have criticized the efforts as a misguided focus on the private battles of a presidential family member who has admitted to a long fight with drug addiction.

Last week, Hunter Biden reached an agreement with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two minor tax crimes and admit to the facts of a gun charge, terms that will likely enable him to avoid jail time. That proposed deal still needs approval from a federal judge, which could come next month in Wilmington.

Some Republicans complain that this amounted to lenient treatment for the president’s son. Democrats reject that claim, noting that the prosecutor who pursued the case was appointed by former president Donald Trump.
The paternity case came about in 2019 when Hunter Biden denied fathering the baby, prompting Roberts to file a suit that paved the way for a DNA test confirming he was the father. The two sides settled that dispute in March 2020, and Hunter Biden began paying child support.

Last year, Hunter Biden’s lawyer filed a motion to reduce the payments, suggesting his client’s economic condition had worsened and citing “a substantial material change in [Biden’s] financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income.”
The apparent resolution of the two cases surrounding Hunter Biden come just as his father pivots to what is likely to be a hard-fought reelection campaign.
Still, the agreements do not mean that Hunter Biden is in the clear just yet. House Republicans have said they intend to pursue a series of investigations of the younger Biden, including an examination of his business dealings over the years.

Let me get this straight, he doesn't want his daughter to have his last name?

I don't care what side of the aisle you sit on, but that's f'n terrible if you ask me.

Please tell me I'm missing something.
Can you name one person that has defended Hunter's actions? Also, I still love that you hate the new interim AD because she is a woman. You have issues.
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Let me get this straight, he doesn't want his daughter to have his last name?

I don't care what side of the aisle you sit on, but that's f'n terrible if you ask me.

Please tell me I'm missing something.
Especially rich coming from Hunter Biden, who has leveraged the shit out of the “Biden” name. I feel sorry for him and his addiction, but the guy is a total piece of shit.
He is going to pay his child support by giving his daughter paintings.....
I read it as "in addition to" rather than "instead of" the child support.

But I guess if they're reducing the $20k/mo child support (does he even have a "job" other than crack and hookers?) and adding a painting (who TF would buy a Hunter Biden painting?!) the net effect is similar.
I read it as "in addition to" rather than "instead of" the child support.

But I guess if they're reducing the $20k/mo child support (does he even have a "job" other than crack and hookers?) and adding a painting (who TF would buy a Hunter Biden painting?!) the net effect is similar.
Have you ever seen his paintings? A monkey with a bloody hang nail would create more thought provoking pieces.

“Roberts also agreed to drop her attempts to rename their daughter. She had petitioned to give the girl, who is now 4, the last name Biden, arguing that it carried prestige and cachet. Hunter Biden had resisted the move.”

She thinks the Biden name has prestige and cachet in Arkansas?
Funny thing is, the paintings only have value as a way to funnel money to the Bidens by those wishing to curry favor with them. When one buys a painting and that money is, in effect, laundered to them.

One of these paintings in the hands of a non Biden then resorts to having value simply as a piece of art. A value that is non existent. The fact is, Hunter knows this which makes him even more of a piece of shit. Giving them one as if it has value in the ordinary way most art might.
I think the Biden's sons are living proof that how you are raised only has a limited effect on the adult you turn out to be.

2 Boys raised by the same person in the same environment, one turns out to be a decorated military officer, married with children in a stable life and becomes the attorney general of Delaware. Granted his name probably helped him get there but he still got there being a responsible adult.

The other turns into a POS coke head who has multiple children with multiple women and would likely be living under a bridge if not for his last name.
I think the Biden's sons are living proof that how you are raised only has a limited effect on the adult you turn out to be.

2 Boys raised by the same person in the same environment, one turns out to be a decorated military officer, married with children in a stable life and becomes the attorney general of Delaware. Granted his name probably helped him get there but he still got there being a responsible adult.

The other turns into a POS coke head who has multiple children with multiple women and would likely be living under a bridge if not for his last name.
Didn't the second kid **** the first kids wife?
Yeah Hunter hooked up with his brother's wife after his brother died.

That's messed up of the wife and Hunter but that's not on Beau.

Beau seemed to be a stable person.
Agreed, but one would think in a normal society if anyone's spouse was going to go looking around it would have been kid 2's looking for a spouse more similar to kid one.
I feel bad for the 4 yr old daughter. Imagine being a granddaughter of the President but basically being disowned by your father and his family.

She'll be in therapy for Daddy issues.
Imagine being a 4 year old with Project Veritas trying to leverage any contact with granddad into media product to sell. Hunter is an idiot, so what’s that say about mom? Is her judgment much better? The kid will most likely have issues.
Imagine being a 4 year old with Project Veritas trying to leverage any contact with granddad into media product to sell. Hunter is an idiot, so what’s that say about mom? Is her judgment much better? The kid will most likely have issues.
Mom is most likely a opportunist money gruber.

I'm talking about the 4 yr old child.

Dad hasn't ever seen you apparently. Your Dad's family basically ignores that you exist. Your grandpa who just so happens to be the president of the United States ignores you exist.

To top it off you can't use your fathers last name.

That's all kinds of F'd up for the kid Lucas...even you have to admit that.
Mom is most likely a opportunist money gruber.

I'm talking about the 4 yr old child.

Dad hasn't ever seen you apparently. Your Dad's family basically ignores that you exist. Your grandpa who just so happens to be the president of the United States ignores you exist.

To top it off you can't use your fathers last name.

That's all kinds of F'd up for the kid Lucas...even you have to admit that.
I don’t believe I didn’t say it wasn’t messed up.
How do you think even the Lib media would cover granddad having the kid over to the White House? Fox and the lunatic media will use that child with no reservations. She’d be a prop to them.
They’ve had no contact. Dropping a child into that mess would be difficult.
I don’t believe I didn’t say it wasn’t messed up.
How do you think even the Lib media would cover granddad having the kid over to the White House? Fox and the lunatic media will use that child with no reservations. She’d be a prop to them.
They’ve had no contact. Dropping a child into that mess would be difficult.
How do you think lib media covers Don Jr doing the same thing Hunter did....and Don Sr ignoring the childs existence?

I'm thinking the coverage is vastly me crazy.