State Senator Janice Weiner proposes $5 million to study Iowa's soaring cancer rates. Io


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Iowa has the second highest cancer rates in the US, and the fastest growing rate of cancer diagnosis in the US. Why?
Weiner is proposing funding to examine pediatric cancer, clinical cancer research, cancer prevention, and basic cancer research.
Republicans have so far declined to allow discussion and a vote on Weiner's bill.
Seems like making a lot of chemicals illegal would increase land values as commodity prices would go way up.
I'm surprised a class action lawsuit has not been filed against Iowa Ag for polluting all the water ways all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.
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It is easy to blame all the chemicals and "nutrients" in our water and air, but the linked piece indicates our propensity for binge drinking in Iowa plays a part. Radon has to be a source of the higher rates, too.
Identifying the issues and prevention should be a priority for the state.
It is easy to blame all the chemicals and "nutrients" in our water and air, but the linked piece indicates our propensity for binge drinking in Iowa plays a part. Radon has to be a source of the higher rates, too.
Identifying the issues and prevention should be a priority for the state.

I've never dived into the issue of why Iowa has such high Radon rates.

If binge drinking plays a part, than Wisconsin should be number 1
I've never dived into the issue of why Iowa has such high Radon rates.

If binge drinking plays a part, than Wisconsin should be number 1
Radon is related to glaciation. Pleistocene ice sheets plucked off chunks of Canadian rock containing uranium and randomly deposited them in Iowa when they melted. The radioactive uranium decays into dense radon gas. But the random nature of glacial deposits is why radon levels are so random. You may have a glacial erratic directly below your house releasing radon into your basement, while your neighbor's basement registers almost no radon at all.
Radon is related to glaciation. Pleistocene ice sheets plucked off chunks of Canadian rock containing uranium and randomly deposited them in Iowa when they melted. The radioactive uranium decays into dense radon gas. But the random nature of glacial deposits is why radon levels are so random. You may have a glacial erratic directly below your house releasing radon into your basement, while your neighbor's basement registers almost no radon at all.

I learned something today. Thanks!!!
It is easy to blame all the chemicals and "nutrients" in our water and air, but the linked piece indicates our propensity for binge drinking in Iowa plays a part. Radon has to be a source of the higher rates, too.
Identifying the issues and prevention should be a priority for the state.
So really this is an attempt to fund some research that could put the blame on anything but the increasingly polluted water in the state.
Radon is related to glaciation. Pleistocene ice sheets plucked off chunks of Canadian rock containing uranium and randomly deposited them in Iowa when they melted. The radioactive uranium decays into dense radon gas. But the random nature of glacial deposits is why radon levels are so random. You may have a glacial erratic directly below your house releasing radon into your basement, while your neighbor's basement registers almost no radon at all.
Get that shit out of here! This GIAHORT for gods sake
I'm surprised a class action lawsuit has not been filed against Iowa Ag for polluting all the water ways all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.

Certainly not just Iowa, every state on the watershed is a contributor...
So really this is an attempt to fund some research that could put the blame on anything but the increasingly polluted water in the state.
No, the bill is pretty common sense. It contains money for research, education, and detection. There are a lot of causes for cancer, and it has to be looked at comprehensively. It has no chance in the GQP controlled legislature. Pink ribbons for breast cancer once a year while ignoring cancer for the rest of the year.
I think gulf states.did sue the northern states because of nitrogen pollution. It causes the dead zone in the gulf. I think supreme m e court denide the gulf states claim.
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Radon is related to glaciation. Pleistocene ice sheets plucked off chunks of Canadian rock containing uranium and randomly deposited them in Iowa when they melted. The radioactive uranium decays into dense radon gas. But the random nature of glacial deposits is why radon levels are so random. You may have a glacial erratic directly below your house releasing radon into your basement, while your neighbor's basement registers almost no radon at all.

Thanks. We, well some of us enjoy learning. It should be human nature to seek and/or evaluate information.
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