“Local” Political Commercials……..MAGA-style…..


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
I have noticed with Republican political ads the candidates talk about “Iowa values” and how they are just one of us…..No mention about how they have severely restricted abortion in the state of Iowa… they have broken the spirit of the Constitution by allowing public tax dollars to finance private/.parochial schools….how they have effectively restricted Iowa voting rights with strange unneeded regulations for registration and shortening periods to vote…..Not one of them mentions their (parties) crowning achievements….at least not here in Polk County, or central Iowa…..

Also, they (US Congressional candidates, Miller-Meeks and Nunn) talk about how they will “fight to save Social Security” when in fact it is their Party that has endorsed severe restrictions and re-doing the Social Security program via their “2025 agenda” endorsement……and we all know that Republicans love to “lock-step” and vote as one…..
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