12-6 Record

An outstanding season. Very much exceeded expectations. Congratulations to the boys and the coaches. They made the Hawk fans proud!

By 2 wins. Fantastic finish, Fran has really done a great job. Coach of the year in the Big if you ask me.
Originally posted by Mohawkeye:
By 2 wins. Fantastic finish, Fran has really done a great job. Coach of the year in the Big if you ask me.
Yeah, but Painter will get it. *thumbs down*
Nah that'll either go to Bo or the Maryland coach for getting 2nd in their first season. Still Fran has done a great job this year.
I do believe we were one Northwestern win away from a poster on this board buying beers for EVERYONE. He got lucky we lost that game.
We were one win at Northwestern away from a certain poster on this board having to buy the whole board a beer. He got lucky they lost that one!
locked up a tie for 3rd in the BT if that did not exceed everybodies expectations then you are/were from another dimension. I said 11-7 with a 4th place finish at best,

MSU win gives them the 3 seed,

IA wins 6 in a row and 8 out of the last 10, erases the bad taste of last season.
I believe I put this team at 11-7 with 10 as my low mark wins and 12 as my high. I have been high on this team all along, it took them some time to get just enough production out of the 2 spot but once they did they were the team I expected.

What a fantastic season, hoping they keep it going for quite a few more games.
Won two more B10 games than I predicted. 6 in a row to finish!
I think if anyone says they expected more, they need to be checked into the closet psychiatric facility.
Great season by a bunch of guys that genuinely care for each other.
Hope they come to Omaha's regional with KU as a 2. Hawks would have a good chance of moving on.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Two wins over Ohio State, One win over Maryland,
Indiana and Illinois. This was a great season with
6 straight wins down the home stretch. Aaron White
will finish his career as the 2nd leading scorer in
Hawkeye history.
I thought 10 to 13 conf. wins. Very happy with the strong finish. Keep the ball rolling Hawks!
I had us at 11-7. But what do I know.

More importantly, we are playing amazing basketball RIGHT NOW! We only shot 41.7%!!! Yet we controlled the game on defense and in the end it was hard to notice we were having a poor shooting night.

This team is just getting better, and better.

And my compliments AGAIN to the crowd.
I had us at 9-9, but the chemistry on this Iowa team and Aaron White's play down the stretch made me look stupid. Thank you, Hawks. I'll take that kind of stupid any day.
Originally posted by Mohawkeye:
By 2 wins. Fantastic finish, Fran has really done a great job. Coach of the year in the Big if you ask me.
I think he deserved some consideration, but every time I hear the subject debated, his name doesn't even come up.
I honestly didn't know what to expect this year. I think the thing that stands out to me the most is the chemistry on this years team vs last years team. You can tell these guys genuinely like each other, I didn't get that same vibe last year. I think the other real positive is that this team is a much better team IMO in early March then they were in January. Again, Not the case last year. Earlier in the year I wasn't sure what the heck we were doing on offense. Now they look like they all understand their respective roles and have a good feel for each other on the court. Overall they have been pretty solid most the year on the defensive end. From a pure talent stand point Iowa isn't going to wow you, That said, They have become a very good team.
After so many pre-season stumbles, it was hard to expect better than 10 - 8. So awesome to see the Hawks play tough down the stretch and win some great games.
I was guessing 10 wins in the B1G, so yeah, Iowa exceeded my expectations! It's awesome to see the Hawks finish the season strong and with a ton of momentum headed into the tournaments. Go Hawks!
Originally posted by HeRKeYHoPeFuL:
Too early to tell whether it exceeds expectations, ask again after March 22nd.
I actually disagree. Just the way this has felt down the stretch vs last year makes me think its more of a success. If Iowa is a 7 seed and loses to a 10 seed (lets say Xavier) I can't say its a disappointing year. My guess was 10-8 and just wanting to get in. Last year was different because it was such a choke job but this team could EASILY make it to the sweet 16 or could get bounced in their first game.. Still a successful season IMO
Originally posted by Servbot24:
Safe to say this met or exceeded our expectations?
i had us going 12-6 (i did not get each game correct, of course)

last year I had us going 14-4 (i was on track until the roof .... IU's roof, that is....fell in)
Originally posted by OskaloosaHawk2:

I do believe we were one Northwestern win away from a poster on this board buying beers for EVERYONE. He got lucky we lost that game.

Was hoping for 10 but expecting 9-9 and missing the Dance
Exceeded mine. I was hoping for a 12-6 record befor we lost to MN and NW. Then I had little hope after that. Iowa proved me wrong, and I've neverbeen happier.
Originally posted by MIHawk:
Exceeded mine. I was hoping for a 12-6 record befor we lost to MN and NW. Then I had little hope after that. Iowa proved me wrong, and I've neverbeen happier.
I would say exceeded, but I thought we'd be better this year than last year. And I got ripped for saying that before the season. I loved watching Roy Devyn play, but I think last year when games got tight, they stood around and waited for him to make a play. He was talented enough to do that, but not enough to overcome defenses focused on solely him and we were often stagnant late in games with the clock running down.

This year, we share the ball better in late game situations. We move it better and we get better shots. It could be anybody, White, Uthoff, Gesell, Jok, anybody. I think that makes us tougher to defend. Of course, my thoughts were predicated on the idea that Jok would improve enough and Uthoff would be more assertive on the offensive end and that a year of experience would make the difference. So far, mission accomplished.

When Iowa was 4-4 in league play I predicted they would run the table the rest of the way in league play. They came pretty close to doing that. I was just trying to counter all of the debby downers running around at that time. Thankfully those vermin have scurried for cover now!
I felt Iowa would be better this year than last. The conference schedule was pretty tough though, especially the front half. Getting those 2 Ohio State wins early really set the tone. I remember some people making predictions of Iowa starting something like 1-5 or 1-6, so getting through that stretch so much better than expected sure paid off in the end.
To put 12-6 in perspective for Iowa, this is only the 3rd season since 1988 that we've had at least a 12-6 record

1987. 14-4
1988. 12-6
1997. 12-6
2006. 11-5
2015. 12-6
Hawks exceeded my expectations in the B1G by two games, but they lost a game or two more than I predicted in pre-conference games and got swept by UNI and ISU.

I am greedy. I want at least 3 or 4 more wins, and I think that is very possible the way Iowa is playing.
Originally posted by HawkVic:
When Iowa was 4-4 in league play I predicted they would run the table the rest of the way in league play. They came pretty close to doing that. I was just trying to counter all of the debby downers running around at that time. Thankfully those vermin have scurried for cover now!
I wish we could all have such amazing prescience. I'm sure the debby downer vermin are as happy and surprised that Iowa
finished the regular season like they did as the "it's all good no matter what" giddy sunshine crowd. I've been on both sides, and I'm not "scurrying for cover" now. I'm just very glad for the Hawks.
Congratulations Aaron White, the seniors, Fran, and the entire team for the best season we've had in ages.
Those calling for Fran's job and running down the players are vermin. If they are still around, they've changed their tune now.
Originally posted by PositiveTrain:
Even the biggest koolaid drinker could not have predicted 12-6
I was expecting 9-9 before the season started...and was just hoping for that when we were 6-6.
Don't believe Fran will be named BIG Ten Coach of year, but he still did an exceptional job of coaching. I look forward this year helping the recruiting process and allow him to snare some of he big fish.