12 Year Old Michigan Kid Robbed Gas Station at Gunpoint...

Maybe a “boot camp” for the test or something. The test is pretty tricky.
Oh. Regardless, no I don’t have it. I have a professional cert but I doubt you could guess what it is.
What? Links to articles of 12 year old friends shooting a gun while robbing a store? Plenty? Really? Not that I didn't have a clue before, but now I know you're basically f.o.s.
Did I say armed robbery? No, similar (felony offenses). If the kid blew the lady away, maybe I’d agree but at the end of the day everyone is fine.
Look- at the end of the day, it takes balls to rob a gas station. If he can direct that towards a more productive subject, he’ll be fine.
And if he doesn't...the level of violence will continue to rise until he is want to give him another chance to inflict harm...I don't.
That kid needs his ass kicked by his father or a male role model in his life. My Dad would of destroyed me once law was done with me.
I figured it would be rural West Michigan before I opened the thread. They raise ‘em different up there.

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