#13 Ole Miss loses to Unranked Memphis

It's doesn't matter anything about Memphis. It's all about the SEC, man. Don't you get it? The only teams that deserve respect are spelled S-E-C, and don't bother the experts with what's going on during the actual games. They know who is good and who isn't, and they'll tell you over and over and over and over and over and over and...yes, they will, and they did again today. What happens on the field is an annoyance to their prejudices, and they're not gonna stand for it.

This is why you need an 8-team playoff so five teams, the conf. champs, get in because of how they played, not because of bias and politics and guesswork.

This bias has always gone on, but it's not funny anymore. It's like the old propaganda machines: If you tell a lie big enough and often enough, most people will believe it.

ABC/ESPN obviously have built a powerful propaganda machine, and they ain't afraid to use it.