13 Reasons Why AR-15’s Should NEVER BE BANNED


HB Heisman
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
13 Reasons Why AR-15’s Should NEVER BE BANNED
If you’ve ever heard someone refer to the AR-15 as a “weapon of war” that should be banned you may be wondering if that’s an accurate description.
The truth is, there are many reasons why the AR-15 is not a weapon of war. In fact, despite its military-inspired design, the AR-15 is a civilian firearm that is commonly used for hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense.
There is a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding the AR-15. Some people believe that it is a dangerous and deadly weapon that has no place in civilian hands. However, the reality is that the AR-15 is a versatile and reliable firearm that is popular among gun enthusiasts for a variety of reasons.

In the following sections, we’ll explore some of the key reasons why the AR-15 is not a weapon of war, and why it is a valuable tool for responsible gun owners and should never be banned.

1. Not Automatic
One of the most common misconceptions about the AR-15 is that it is an automatic weapon. However, this is not the case. The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, meaning that it fires one round every time the trigger is pulled. This is the same firing mechanism as many other common firearms, such as handguns and shotguns. It is important to note that automatic weapons, also known as machine guns, have been heavily regulated in the United States since the National Firearms Act of 1934. This law requires that anyone who wants to own an automatic weapon must go through a rigorous process that includes a background check, fingerprinting, and a $200 tax stamp. As a result, automatic weapons are extremely rare and expensive, and are not commonly used by civilians. The misconception that the AR-15 is an automatic weapon may stem from its appearance. The AR-15 is modeled after the military’s M16 rifle, which is capable of automatic fire. However, the civilian version of the AR-15 is not capable of automatic fire and is functionally no different from many other semi-automatic rifles commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

2. Common Use
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that is commonly used for civilian purposes such as hunting, target shooting, and self-defense. It is not a weapon of war, as it is not used by the military in combat situations. The AR-15 is a versatile firearm that can be customized to fit the needs of the user. It is lightweight and easy to handle, making it a popular choice for those who are new to shooting. It is also highly accurate and reliable, which makes it a favorite among experienced shooters.

3. Hunting Utility
One of the primary uses of the AR-15 is for hunting. The rifle is popular among hunters because of its accuracy, reliability, and versatility.
The AR-15 is lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it ideal for hunting in a variety of environments.
With the ability to customize the rifle, hunters can choose from a wide variety of calibers, barrel lengths, and optics to suit their specific needs.
The AR-15’s semi-automatic action allows for quick follow-up shots, which is important when hunting fast-moving game.
In addition, the AR-15 is a popular choice for predator control. Farmers and ranchers use the rifle to protect their livestock from coyotes, foxes, and other predators. The rifle’s accuracy and range make it an effective tool for this purpose.

4. Sport Shooting
One of the main reasons why AR-15’s are not a weapon of war is because they are widely used for sport shooting. In fact, the AR-15 is one of the most popular rifles used in competitive shooting events.
The AR-15’s design makes it an ideal choice for sport shooting due to its accuracy, reliability, and ease of customization. Many enthusiasts enjoy modifying their rifles to suit their preferences and optimize their performance in competitions.
In addition, sport shooting with AR-15’s is a legitimate and legal activity that is recognized and supported by many organizations and governing bodies.
Competitions are held regularly at local, state, and national levels, providing opportunities for enthusiasts to showcase their skills and compete against others.

5. Self-Defense
One of the primary reasons why individuals choose to own an AR-15 is for self-defense. The AR-15 is a reliable firearm that can be used to protect oneself and one’s family in the event of a home invasion or other threat.
In fact, a Post-Ipsos survey of AR-15 owners found that 33% cited self-defense as their reason for owning the firearm. This demonstrates that the AR-15 is not solely a weapon of war, but rather a versatile firearm that can be used for a variety of purposes.
Furthermore, the AR-15’s design makes it well-suited for self-defense. Its lightweight and maneuverable build allows for quick and accurate shots, while its semi-automatic firing mechanism allows for rapid follow-up shots if necessary.

6. Educational Tool
The AR-15 is widely used as an educational tool for teaching firearms safety, marksmanship, and self-defense. Many shooting ranges and firearm training facilities use the AR-15 as a primary firearm for training purposes.
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that requires the shooter to pull the trigger for each round fired, unlike automatic rifles that continue to fire as long as the trigger is held down.
The AR-15’s design allows for easy customization, making it an excellent platform for teaching gunsmithing and firearm modification.
Additionally, the AR-15 is a popular choice for hunting, as it is lightweight, accurate, and versatile. It is commonly used for hunting small game, such as rabbits and squirrels, as well as larger game, such as deer and elk.

7. Precision
One of the main reasons why AR-15’s are not a weapon of war is their precision. These firearms are designed to be highly accurate, allowing for precise shot placement at long distances.
This precision is achieved through a combination of factors, including the rifle’s design, the quality of its components, and the skill of the shooter.
AR-15’s are built with a number of features that contribute to their precision. For example, they typically have a free-floating barrel, which means that the barrel is not attached to the stock of the rifle. This reduces the amount of interference that can occur between the barrel and the stock, which can affect accuracy. Additionally, AR-15’s often have match-grade barrels, which are made with high-quality materials and manufacturing processes to ensure maximum accuracy. Another factor that contributes to the precision of AR-15’s is the quality of their components. These firearms are often built with high-quality triggers, which can help to reduce the amount of trigger pull required to fire the rifle.
This can result in a smoother and more consistent trigger pull, which can improve accuracy.

8. Customizable
AR-15’s are not a weapon of war, as they are highly customizable. This feature makes them an ideal choice for sports and recreational shooting, hunting, and home defense.
AR-15’s can be easily modified to suit the shooter’s preferences. For example, you can change the barrel length, add a different stock, or use a different caliber. This customization allows for greater accuracy and precision, which is essential for sports shooting and hunting.
Moreover, the AR-15’s modularity allows for easy maintenance and repair, which is crucial for soldiers in the field. The ability to replace parts quickly and efficiently ensures that the weapon remains functional in combat situations.
In addition, the AR-15’s customization options make it easier for law enforcement agencies to tailor the weapon to their specific needs. For example, they can add a flashlight or a laser sight to improve accuracy in low-light situations.

9. Safety Features

Another reason why AR-15’s are not a weapon of war is due to their safety features. The AR-15 rifle has several safety features built into the design that make it a safe and reliable firearm for civilian use.
Firstly, the rifle has a manual safety switch that can be engaged to prevent accidental discharge. This safety switch is located on the left side of the rifle, just above the trigger. When engaged, it blocks the trigger from moving, preventing the gun from firing.
Secondly, the AR-15 rifle has a bolt catch mechanism that prevents the gun from firing when the magazine is empty. This feature ensures that the gun cannot be fired when there are no rounds in the chamber, reducing the risk of accidental discharge.
Finally, the AR-15 rifle has a buffer system that reduces recoil and muzzle rise, making it easier to control and shoot accurately. This buffer system also reduces wear and tear on the rifle, making it more durable and reliable over time.
10. Economic Impact
The AR-15 is not a weapon of war, as it has a significant economic impact. The AR-15 is a popular civilian firearm that has generated billions of dollars in revenue for the gun industry. In fact, the AR-15 is one of the most popular rifles in the United States, with millions of units sold each year.
The production and sale of AR-15’s have created thousands of jobs in the gun manufacturing industry. This has led to the growth of local economies and the creation of new businesses. The AR-15 has also helped to support the gun industry supply chain, which includes gun shops, gun ranges, and gun accessories manufacturers.
Moreover, the AR-15 has become a cultural icon in America, and many gun enthusiasts consider it to be an essential part of their identity. The popularity of the AR-15 has also contributed to the growth of the gun culture in the United States.

11. Historical Significance
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that has been in production since the 1960s. It was first designed by Eugene Stoner, who was working for the Armalite division of Fairchild Aircraft. The AR-15 was initially designed as a lightweight, air-cooled rifle for the military, but it was later modified for civilian use.
The AR-15 is often referred to as a “weapon of war,” but this is not entirely accurate. While the AR-15 has been used by the military in various forms, it is not a true weapon of war. It is a civilian rifle that has been modified for sport shooting and hunting.
The AR-15 has a significant historical significance. It has been used by civilians for decades for hunting, target shooting, and self-defense. The rifle has become a symbol of American gun culture, and its popularity has only increased over the years.

12. Range of Use
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that is commonly used for civilian purposes such as sport shooting and hunting. It is not fully automatic and does not have the same range of use as a military weapon.
The AR-15 is a versatile firearm that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is commonly used for recreational shooting, including target shooting and competitions. Its accuracy and reliability make it a popular choice for hunters, who use it to take down a wide range of game.
In addition to its recreational and hunting uses, the AR-15 is also used for personal defense. Its compact size and ease of use make it a popular choice for home defense, especially in areas where the threat of home invasion is high.

13. Constitutional Right
The AR-15 should not be banned as it embodies the Constitutional rights granted under the Second Amendment, which allows Americans the right to keep and bear arms. This rifle, popular among civilians for various lawful purposes including self-defense, hunting, and recreational shooting, represents a significant aspect of American culture and tradition.
The AR-15’s legal status is protected not just by the Constitution but also through its widespread use across the country, making it a common and familiar firearm. Its capabilities for customization and manageable recoil also make it accessible and practical for a wide range of users. Moreover, it functions as a semi-automatic, not a fully automatic, which aligns it more with traditional sporting firearms than with military-grade weapons.
Banning the AR-15 would not only infringe on constitutional rights but also impact responsible citizens who utilize this firearm legally and safely.

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Best self defense weapon is a sawed off, double barrel shotgun.

Point and shoot. No aiming.

Unless it's fully automatic (which is illegal), ARs are terrible for self self defense. As are most riffles.
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Man, I'm all for ARs and being able to own them. I like shooting them, for several of the reasons stated above.

That said... that list of pretty weak.

It should never be banned because it's accurate and customizable? That doesn't make any sense at all.

And in an article that repeatedly (over)states "the AR-15 is not a weapon of war", to include "The AR-15 was initially designed as a lightweight, air-cooled rifle for the military, but it was later modified for civilian use.", kind of undercuts the point of the article.

Also, "decades of use" doesn't make something historically significant. My dad's Ford Ranger isn't historically significant and my favorite sleeveless t-shirt isn't historically significant - despite both being decades old.

And I've never known anyone to hunt with an AR, except for shooting hogs. Maybe people use ARs for hunting, but is it really used for that? Seems like the shorter barrel and smaller round wouldn't be good for hunting deer.
Best self defense weapon is a sawed off, double barrel shotgun.

Point and shoot. No aiming.

Unless it's fully automatic (which is illegal), ARs are terrible for self self defense. As are most riffles.
Depends on what you consider self-defense? Inside the home, the AR is probably not the best choice. If you are outside and trying to keep your property safe and you are under assault from numerous persons then the AR is my choice.
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The self defense argument is stupid. Get a shotgun especially for those not great at shooting. Plus most attacks in the home are when it's dark and sleeping. Waking up in a hurry to shoot a shotgun is your best bet.
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Depends on what you consider self-defense? Inside the home, the AR is probably not the best choice. If you are outside and trying to keep your property safe and you are under assault from numerous persons then the AR is my choice.
I actually live in a really nice area and have never needed to protect my property with high powered riffles or otherwise.
This is the type of shit people who don't shoot firearms say.
Yeah, I'm not a gun guy at all. Not anti gun by any means, just not my thing.

A county sheriff friend of mine shared his thoughts on home protection, and I'm merely regurgitating that.

Do you think riffles are better home protection weapons than sawed off shotguns?
Yeah, I'm not a gun guy at all. Not anti gun by any means, just not my thing.

A county sheriff friend of mine shared his thoughts on home protection, and I'm merely regurgitating that.

Do you think riffles are better home protection weapons than sawed off shotguns?
I think people who think the gun does the work are in for a rude awakening.
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Yeah, I'm not a gun guy at all. Not anti gun by any means, just not my thing.

A county sheriff friend of mine shared his thoughts on home protection, and I'm merely regurgitating that.

Do you think riffles are better home protection weapons than sawed off shotguns?

Wait a second. A "county sheriff friend" of yours said that a "sawed off, double barrel shotgun" is best? He recommended that?
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They missed one:

14. Mental Health of the Under-Endowed
While all guns are known as the go to for men compensating for small penises and the mental health conditions associate with it, none are better suited for the job than the AR-15. As the weapon of choice for under-endowed men everywhere, the AR-15 stands alone for its bold lines and looks that are the envy of military cosplayers everywhere. Banning of the AR-15 would not only leave pencil and mushroom dick men everywhere with a gaping sense of loss wondering how to compensate for their lack of inches, but further harm them as they can no longer participate in the fantasy of a rogue US government attacking the American populace.
If you were to recommend a home protection gun to an 80 year old woman, what weapon would you suggest, a riffle or a shotgun?
Good question.

Let's have some fun:

Wouldn't go 12 Guage due to recoil. So maybe like a 20 Guage auto loader with gas system to further reduce recoil.

ease of use, availability, low unwanted penetration. Buck shot readily available.

Cons: heavy, bulky, 5 shots max. Lack of mounting options for light/laser.


In suburbia I wouldn't go .223/.556 due to over penetration and poor single entry stopping power.

Let's go 14 inch barrel on an AR in .45, loaded with hollow points.

Pros: 30 rounds, AR controls, easy mount light/ laser, minimal recoil. Magazine reload.

Cons: less room for error on initial shot. Over penetration.

Kinda depends on your home. My nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away, I'm not worried about over penetration.

With "80" it might be worth betting on the first shot because realistically they are not getting in a shootout.


One more thing that's fair to add, personally, I would grab an AR. That being said, I keep a couple single shot shotguns around the house. My wife knows where they are and where the corresponding ammo is near. If she had to grab something I have told her to load it, pull the hammer back, and aim for center mass. Then use the shotgun like a bat. In the words of clint smith

"Shooting someone with bird shot won't kill them, but it's a hell of a way to start a conversation"
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So buy a Mossberg Nightstick.

Pump action shotguns are the king of home defense. I have an Ithaca 37 Police 12ga that I’d put up against anything else for the job.
I agree with this. If I need to actually protect myself or my family when startled awake at 3am and under stress, there's a close to zero chance I would aim a single bullet in an intended direction. I have a Mossberg 500 - like this one, but with a folding stock. Aiming "over there" would have a higher likelihood for success. Plus, if I were to miss, I don't have to worry about a round potentially traveling through multiple walls and hitting someone I like.

I agree with this. If I need to actually protect myself or my family when startled awake at 3am and under stress, there's a close to zero chance I would aim a single bullet in an intended direction. I have a Mossberg 500 - like this one, but with a folding stock. Aiming "over there" would have a higher likelihood for success. Plus, if I were to miss, I don't have to worry about a round potentially traveling through multiple walls and hitting someone I like.

32204_maverick88_20ga_pgrip_18.5_huwpswyegmuduhix.jpg have a light on it?
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Not yet. I found the one I want - the light is built into the racker. It's not an immediate need though, as there are nightlights along the hallways, so it's not super dark in the house at night.

Huge fan of streamlight stuff, actually looked at being a regional rep for them at one point.

Something to consider.

You know your home, a thief does not, darkness in your home is your friend. ( until you flash them and start shooting.)
Huge fan of streamlight stuff, actually looked at being a regional rep for them at one point.

Something to consider.

You know your home, a thief does not, darkness in your home is your friend. ( until you flash them and start shooting.)
I get that. It's a new home though - esp when the daughter comes home from school and she's not as used to it. The night lights in the hall help make it so no one's tripping over cats and/or failing down the stairs.
I'm glad you like their stuff - I don't have any experience with them, so that makes me feel a little better.
It's good stuff.

I just double checked, I was thinking I had a streamlight on my SHTF gun but it's a Smith And lesson light, don't know what I did with my streamlight. Practice with it if you do get it. My thumb sits on my switch for my.light, which reminds me why I switched to this one, it has a strobe, but it can be easy to turn off and on your light when firing.


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