Respectfully disagree. Top coaches want to win team titles. Gable wanted to win team titles. He was willing to wrestle true freshmen to do it (e.g. Davis, McIlravy, McGinness). He was willing to move guys to different weights to do it (e.g. returning champ Troy Steiner). His athletes were willing to follow his lead. His accolades as a coach begin with how many team titles he won, not how many individual champs he coached (that comes in the second line). When coaches or fans start talking about the importance of individual performances, that is code for "We can't win the team title, so let's talk about something positive."
I do agree with you that as an individual athlete, one's goals are personal (NCAA champ, AA, etc.), because that's what you can control. But even then, as a coach you must ensure that individuals' goals align with team goals (simply being the starter might be an individual's goal, but it doesn't help win a team title); you must ensure that you spread your top talent across the weight classes (so that you don't have 2 AA contenders at the same weight and holes at others); and you must recruit with the same parameters (so that you don't spend 75% of your scholarship dollars on 125-pounders).
I will add that on every team roster there are guys who are unlikely to be starters, and they have their own personal goals, and part of the mandate of great coaches (including Gable and Brands) is to help those guys achieve their goals too. I fell into that category and I'm grateful to Gable for helping me. But that can't detract from the uber goal, which is to win team titles.
My two cents. Sorry for the long monologue.