I don't think that's true at all. Other teams are getting their athletes to think about the team success instead of themselves. PSU and TOSU guys are doing it year after year. It is easy to see they have a mindset more focused on the team than individual success.
Micah Jordan went 31-3 during his redshirt year at 157. He sucked an insane amount of weight to get down to 141 for the team. It cost him by the end. He probably could have started for TOSU at 49 or 57, but the team was best with him at 41.
Pletcher is doing it this year. He started the year at his natural weight and was redshirting. Guess what, the team needs him and he's immediately bumping up a weight and burning that shirt as a true freshman.
The examples are really plentiful with these 2 teams. Guillibon could beat Conaway at 133, and was a very small 141 pounder. He bumped up to get them both in the lineup. Sacrificing his individual success for the team.
This is what the teams competing for titles are doing recently, and if our coaches and athletes are focused on individual success first and foremost then that is hurting the team and we will continue to be beat by PSU and TOSU.
Your examples are of teams that are right there on the cusp and needed that little bump and in those cases, I agree. But Iowa is not there. If we had Clark full bore and say Turk didn't get hurt and looked like a strong AA at 141, then I could buy into using AM or KY at 165. But as is, it's not even close to being worth it.
Just look at the lineups of the other big boys compared to ours. Do a dual comparison on wrestlestats with our current lineup. At some point, you have to be realistic about our team chances this year.