1956 Republican Party Platform

See, I could live with a Republican Party like that….I really could. I think it is normal for folks to turn more “conservative and centrist”as they age….honestly today, there is no such option available in America. For me, Democrats afford the best options. And Iowa Republicans are even more fringe than MAGAts.
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Nixon understood the Office but had personal demons that got the best of him…..Reagan was basically a good man but for some reason made “religion” a major player in American politics…and politics and religion do not mix…oil and water, as it were. The great divide in America started in the 1980’s and is continuing to run its natural course of division and feat and hate. Religion is the great divider in the world today…and the United States in no exception.
The amazing thing about “religion in American politics” is how selective it has become in choosing what issues to take a stand upon. Lying and cheating is not universally condemned? Infidelity is not a moral concern? Stealing and theft…well, maybe, but there might be extenuating circumstances….
If not there to provide a moral compass, what is the purpose of “religion” in America….other than a legalized tax scam?
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