2 states give HROT cons the middle finger, protect LGBT community

I live in Indiana.

If Indiana was serious about this, they would have added gender identity and sexual orientation to the Indiana Civil Rights statute.
It only has an effect in communities that already have ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. It doesn't change anything in communities that don't have such ordinances; in other words, status quo for much of Indiana. So, bigots can continue to be bigots.
Originally posted by mstp1992:
It only has an effect in communities that already have ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. It doesn't change anything in communities that don't have such ordinances; in other words, status quo for much of Indiana. So, bigots can continue to be bigots.
Examples of bigots continuing to be bigots in Indiana?
Originally posted by timinatoria:
What do we want? WEDDING CAKES!!!!!

When do we want them? NOW!!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's not about cake, it's about equality, and Justice and civil society. To say it's about cake is to say religion is also about cake.
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by mstp1992:

Originally posted by timinatoria:
What do we want? WEDDING CAKES!!!!!

When do we want them? NOW!!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
That's a very naive way of thinking about this issue. Â People can be refused employment and housing based on sexual orientation.

No, they can't.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yes, they can.

Fair housing.


This post was edited on 4/3 8:55 AM by mstp1992
There are no federal laws that protect LGBTs from discrimination in the workplace or housing. Many (maybe most?) states have some laws regarding such discrimination and within the states that don't have such laws many communities have their own ordinances.

Additionally, hundreds of companies have policies against discrimination in employment; same with a lot of companies that own rental properties.

The point is that they (LGBTs) are not consistently considered a protected class across the US and do regularly experience discrimination. It's getting better, but when RFRA laws like Indiana's come to light it brings the issue back in the public eye.
The federal government does not protect gay rights and neither do most states. You can still be fired for being gay in 29 states and most don't list sexual orientation in housing or civil rights laws including IN, AK and GA where these current religious freedoms laws are being considered. This is about a whole lot more than cake.
Originally posted by mstp1992:

Originally posted by timinatoria:
What do we want? WEDDING CAKES!!!!!

When do we want them? NOW!!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
That's a very naive way of thinking about this issue. People can be refused employment and housing based on sexual orientation.
But no one has made this about employment. They've made it about confectionary treats.

Do you think a jewish bakery should be forced to serve white supremacists? Do you think that a black owned business should be forced to cater a KKK dinner?
Actually, you're wrong. It's those who oppose rights of the LGBT community who continually claim it's only about cakes and pictures. The backdrop has always been the bigger picture of potentially volatile issues with housing and employment.

The difference is that dealing with those issues generally involves large share-holding companies. Bakers, florists, photographers tend to be self-employed or small mom-n-pop operations who may be more easily influenced (or burdened).
This post was edited on 4/3 8:44 PM by mstp1992
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
John Fugelsang nails it again,

"If you don't like gay people, take it up with the manufacturer, because God keeps creating them around the world."
No he doesn't. It's a choice.
Originally posted by cruhawk:
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
John Fugelsang nails it again,

"If you don't like gay people, take it up with the manufacturer, because God keeps creating them around the world."
No he doesn't. It's a choice.
Tell us about your journey to choose your sexuality. TiA.