2-year-old dies after being left behind in hot car,

A family goes to lunch and 4 people leave a 2 year old in a hot car? I know the kids aren’t at fault but good lord.
maybe they thought the little girl got out and went to play with the older kids for awhile?

I mean, it is possible.

although it's Florida so meth is probably involved somehow
I can't imagine how it could ever happen, but it apparently does, several times per year, and not just to drugged-out trash. Several years ago it happened to a guy I went to college with. He took one kid to school, but then went to work, forgetting he had his 10-month old back there that he was supposed to drop off at daycare.

We weren't close in college, but he was supposedly a pretty decent person. However it happens, it happened. I know he got charged with something, but don't know how it turned out. I doubt there's anything the court could have done that's as bad as living every day knowing that he killed his kid.
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This comes up every once in a while. I don’t get where the assumption is they did it on purpose though. It doesn’t really say in the article.
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Horrible. I hate that this happens. I always have sympathy for the parent.

I am surprised though that a two year old couldn't figure out how to get out. Must have been true hell for her. Breaks my heart.
This comes up every once in a while. I don’t get where the assumption is they did it on purpose though. It doesn’t really say in the article.
It's an odd situation. Most of the time these tragic events happen when a parent's routine is changed. This one everyone goes out and comes home together. My guess is the 2 year old was asleep and everyone thought one of the other family members had carried the child inside to their bed.

Several years ago when I was teaching, a 3 year old rode the bus to school with their two older siblings. The parents had no idea she was gone until the school secretary called their house. Her mom was inside and dad(a Bellevue, NE police detective) was outside in his shop, both assumed the little girl was with the other parent. That situation turned out fine with a few laughs and some embarrassment, but it could have easily been tragic if the child had ended up in a more dangerous place than school.
One of the saddest “life hacks” I’ve ever heard is the suggestion that parents of infants and toddlers should put their phone in the back seat. Because they might forget they have a child back there but they’re not going to forget about their phone.
damn. i forget my phone in my car all. the. time.
Horrible. I hate that this happens. I always have sympathy for the parent.

I am surprised though that a two year old couldn't figure out how to get out. Must have been true hell for her. Breaks my heart.
my 2 year old couldn't get the car seat buckles undone. thank God. I would have to pull over all the time.

I have no sympathy for the parents at all in these situations. But I couldn't imagine not remembering my 2 year old was in the car. she never stfu. If u even leave a baby in the car to grab a 6 pack at the gas station you can F off forever in my book. just my opinion.
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Never had it happen to me but I just can’t judge the parents based on the limited info in the article. Could just be a tragic accident that they’ll live with forever.
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my 2 year old couldn't get the car seat buckles undone. thank God. I would have to pull over all the time.

I have no sympathy for the parents at all in these situations. But I couldn't imagine not remembering my 2 year old was in the car. she never stfu. If u even leave a baby in the car to grab a 6 pack at the gas station you can F off forever in my book. just my opinion.
No sympathy? Have you watched a grown man bash his head into the asphalt after backing over his 3 year old? How about a 20 year old woman asking for the police to shoot her after leaving her child in the car?

I get it. You dont make mistakes. There’s no way you could ever get distracted.
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No sympathy? Have you watched a grown man bash his head into the asphalt after backing over his 3 year old? How about a 20 year old woman asking for the police to shoot her after leaving her child in the car?

I get it. You dont make mistakes. There’s no way you could ever get distracted.
We’ve had a couple of the back up accidents over the years around my area. One was a dad and the other the grandfather. I can’t imagine the pain.

I bet those calls are the worst for you.
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No sympathy? Have you watched a grown man bash his head into the asphalt after backing over his 3 year old? How about a 20 year old woman asking for the police to shoot her after leaving her child in the car?

I get it. You dont make mistakes. There’s no way you could ever get distracted.
I said I had no sympathy in this situation. I am far from perfect dude. but I've never left a child in a car to roast. you have to be a dumb F to do that. sorry I don't.
My grandkids are delicate flowers, I treat them as thus. I know where they are, I know what they are doing, I watch them like a hawk.

I hate that babies die in these instances, and I realize that those parents and loved ones grieve for their loss. But it boggles my mind that you can forget a kid in a car in the blazing sun. What the ever loving **** are you doing to forget a baby, YOUR baby? I don't care, thats ****ed up.
I said I had no sympathy in this situation. I am far from perfect dude. but I've never left a child in a car to roast. you have to be a dumb F to do that. sorry I don't.
I get your feelings. I do. This article really doesn’t go into detail But I’ll share a story. On a normal day, mom takes a six year old to school and then goes to work. The school is on the way to her job. Dad goes to work later and takes the infant to daycare. This particular school was cancelled so the six year old stayed at home. Dad was sick and so they were taking the infant to daycare so dad could rest. Mom drove to work full of thoughts about her day in the hospital. Her routine was completely disrupted. She stopped for coffee and then went to work. It was the middle of summer. Just after noon daycare called dad asking where the infant was. Dad called mom. The scream was heard two floors away at the hospital. 911 called and we attempted to resuscitate the baby without success.

This is one of the most compassionate caring people I’ve ever met. She loves people and she would do anything for a patient. She killed her child. Not because she lacked empathy or was uncaring. She simply made a mistake. Perhaps the worst mistake a person could ever make in this life.

She was not charged with a crime, arrested, or anything like that. She just had to live with herself. I see her once in a while and feel nothing but pity for her. I’m sure she sees that and it must torture her, knowing that people are pitying her for killing her child.

People make mistakes in the world. How could anyone have anything except sympathy for this woman?
My grandkids are delicate flowers, I treat them as thus. I know where they are, I know what they are doing, I watch them like a hawk.

I hate that babies die in these instances, and I realize that those parents and loved ones grieve for their loss. But it boggles my mind that you can forget a kid in a car in the blazing sun. What the ever loving **** are you doing to forget a baby, YOUR baby? I don't care, thats ****ed up.
People make mistakes. I don’t know how to explain it better than that.
People make mistakes. I don’t know how to explain it better than that.
I read your post^^ and I get it. But I don't get it. Leaving a baby in the car is ****ed up, accidently or not. Your role as a parent is to know where your baby/s are at all times. At. All. Times. That is LITERALLY your job.
I get your feelings. I do. This article really doesn’t go into detail But I’ll share a story. On a normal day, mom takes a six year old to school and then goes to work. The school is on the way to her job. Dad goes to work later and takes the infant to daycare. This particular school was cancelled so the six year old stayed at home. Dad was sick and so they were taking the infant to daycare so dad could rest. Mom drove to work full of thoughts about her day in the hospital. Her routine was completely disrupted. She stopped for coffee and then went to work. It was the middle of summer. Just after noon daycare called dad asking where the infant was. Dad called mom. The scream was heard two floors away at the hospital. 911 called and we attempted to resuscitate the baby without success.

This is one of the most compassionate caring people I’ve ever met. She loves people and she would do anything for a patient. She killed her child. Not because she lacked empathy or was uncaring. She simply made a mistake. Perhaps the worst mistake a person could ever make in this life.

She was not charged with a crime, arrested, or anything like that. She just had to live with herself. I see her once in a while and feel nothing but pity for her. I’m sure she sees that and it must torture her, knowing that people are pitying her for killing her child.

People make mistakes in the world. How could anyone have anything except sympathy for this woman?

That's heartbreaking.
my 2 year old couldn't get the car seat buckles undone. thank God. I would have to pull over all the time.

I have no sympathy for the parents at all in these situations. But I couldn't imagine not remembering my 2 year old was in the car. she never stfu. If u even leave a baby in the car to grab a 6 pack at the gas station you can F off forever in my book. just my opinion.
Thats why I stay in the car and have my baby go get my beer.
I get your feelings. I do. This article really doesn’t go into detail But I’ll share a story. On a normal day, mom takes a six year old to school and then goes to work. The school is on the way to her job. Dad goes to work later and takes the infant to daycare. This particular school was cancelled so the six year old stayed at home. Dad was sick and so they were taking the infant to daycare so dad could rest. Mom drove to work full of thoughts about her day in the hospital. Her routine was completely disrupted. She stopped for coffee and then went to work. It was the middle of summer. Just after noon daycare called dad asking where the infant was. Dad called mom. The scream was heard two floors away at the hospital. 911 called and we attempted to resuscitate the baby without success.

This is one of the most compassionate caring people I’ve ever met. She loves people and she would do anything for a patient. She killed her child. Not because she lacked empathy or was uncaring. She simply made a mistake. Perhaps the worst mistake a person could ever make in this life.

She was not charged with a crime, arrested, or anything like that. She just had to live with herself. I see her once in a while and feel nothing but pity for her. I’m sure she sees that and it must torture her, knowing that people are pitying her for killing her child.

People make mistakes in the world. How could anyone have anything except sympathy for this woman?
I feel for her and the entire family. I'm sensitive to this. it hits too close to home.
I get your feelings. I do. This article really doesn’t go into detail But I’ll share a story. On a normal day, mom takes a six year old to school and then goes to work. The school is on the way to her job. Dad goes to work later and takes the infant to daycare. This particular school was cancelled so the six year old stayed at home. Dad was sick and so they were taking the infant to daycare so dad could rest. Mom drove to work full of thoughts about her day in the hospital. Her routine was completely disrupted. She stopped for coffee and then went to work. It was the middle of summer. Just after noon daycare called dad asking where the infant was. Dad called mom. The scream was heard two floors away at the hospital. 911 called and we attempted to resuscitate the baby without success.

This is one of the most compassionate caring people I’ve ever met. She loves people and she would do anything for a patient. She killed her child. Not because she lacked empathy or was uncaring. She simply made a mistake. Perhaps the worst mistake a person could ever make in this life.

She was not charged with a crime, arrested, or anything like that. She just had to live with herself. I see her once in a while and feel nothing but pity for her. I’m sure she sees that and it must torture her, knowing that people are pitying her for killing her child.

People make mistakes in the world. How could anyone have anything except sympathy for this woman?

I think that's enough Internet for me today.

There's a reason I don't do peds.
People make mistakes. I don’t know how to explain it better than that.
Definitely not csb: when my son was a baby I took him with me to the grocery store. Got out of the car and walked all the way to the front door of the store and realized I forgot him. ****ed me up for days if not weeks. I bawled my eyes out forever. Gave me a little bit different view on these things.
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Definitely not csb: when my son was a baby I took him with me to the grocery store. Got out of the car and walked all the way to the front door of the store and realized I forgot him. ****ed me up for days if not weeks. I bawled my eyes out forever. Gave me a little bit different view on these things.
Lessons like these, where no real damage occurred, are the best lessons.
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