2002 Game


HB Legend
Sep 24, 2003
North Liberty
That game on Saturday felt an awful lot like that 2002 ISU game. Iowa comes out and destroys them for a half. Lets them back in it with crazy mistakes and eventually lose. Think that was a solidifying LOSS for that team and hopefully it turns in to one for this team.
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A couple of points here: the fact that we can say "this is just like 2002 when we saw Iowa lose to ISU" very telling. It tells me that Iowa has not changed at all in like 25 years!!! can you imagine?? It's like the ground hog day movie: we keep waking up and seeing the same thing over and over. The players change, the program stays the same.

By the way, the players: Dallas Clark and Brad Banks.... just to name a few.

I doubt Iowa can win as many games as they did in 2002. McNamara seems still a little injured as does Lachey. If not injured, then rusty.
Banks hitting his thumb on a DL’s helmet was huge. Without that, I think we win in a shootout.