Just a little info and heads up if anyone is planning on going and maybe there are other ways to get tickets as well that I don't know about thru USA Wrestling etc but....
1) https://www.cosport.com/#rio2016 is the official ticket seller for all Olympic events for USA residents. They do not currently have any wrestling tickets available or any for any events for that matter besides Taekwondo. Apparently they started to sell tickets in April initially.
2) Tickets went on sale for Brazilian residents today and they currently have tickets available for all wrestling sessions.
So, if anyone knows anyone in Brazil that can buy them for them and you know you are going that may be the best option to secure them now. Cosport may or may not sell more...they are not very transparent.
There are 3 days of both Men's Greco (Aug 14-16) and Freestyle (Aug 19-21). Each day has 2 different sessions with the evening session being the medal sessions and more expensive. 1 USD = 3.8 Brazilian Real right now so it's a steal if you can find someone in Brazil to buy them for you now and pay them in USD. $100 Reais = ~ $25 USD. However, cosport is charging US residents at a 2.35 exchange rate so not near as good as the current exchange rate of 3.8.
Prices for the morning/non-medal sessions are $40/60/70 Reais (Brazilian currency)
Prices for the evening/medal sessions are $70/100/210 Reais.
The seating within each price range A/B/C is general admission and the arena will seat 10,000
1) https://www.cosport.com/#rio2016 is the official ticket seller for all Olympic events for USA residents. They do not currently have any wrestling tickets available or any for any events for that matter besides Taekwondo. Apparently they started to sell tickets in April initially.
2) Tickets went on sale for Brazilian residents today and they currently have tickets available for all wrestling sessions.
So, if anyone knows anyone in Brazil that can buy them for them and you know you are going that may be the best option to secure them now. Cosport may or may not sell more...they are not very transparent.
There are 3 days of both Men's Greco (Aug 14-16) and Freestyle (Aug 19-21). Each day has 2 different sessions with the evening session being the medal sessions and more expensive. 1 USD = 3.8 Brazilian Real right now so it's a steal if you can find someone in Brazil to buy them for you now and pay them in USD. $100 Reais = ~ $25 USD. However, cosport is charging US residents at a 2.35 exchange rate so not near as good as the current exchange rate of 3.8.
Prices for the morning/non-medal sessions are $40/60/70 Reais (Brazilian currency)
Prices for the evening/medal sessions are $70/100/210 Reais.
The seating within each price range A/B/C is general admission and the arena will seat 10,000
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