I love this website, I may spend all day getting hetero.
3 Ways To Keep Your Woman From Cheating
I’ll go ahead and save everyone the time and an unnecessary article and reveal the one and only way to handle sexual disloyalty from your woman:
You don’t.
Drop her like the cheating slut she is and don’t look back. Easier said than done, but we all know taking back a cheating woman will turn your life upside down in a hurry.
The best way to handle infidelity is to prevent it from happening in the first place. So here are my tried and true, three best remedies to keep your girl from spreadin’ em for other dudes.
1. Flirt with other girls in front of her
2. Never say “I’m sorry”……EVER
3. Be unabashedly selfish
3 Ways To Keep Your Woman From Cheating
I’ll go ahead and save everyone the time and an unnecessary article and reveal the one and only way to handle sexual disloyalty from your woman:
You don’t.
Drop her like the cheating slut she is and don’t look back. Easier said than done, but we all know taking back a cheating woman will turn your life upside down in a hurry.
The best way to handle infidelity is to prevent it from happening in the first place. So here are my tried and true, three best remedies to keep your girl from spreadin’ em for other dudes.
1. Flirt with other girls in front of her
2. Never say “I’m sorry”……EVER
3. Be unabashedly selfish