59th St Bridge Song


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
"Feelin' Groovy," also known as "The 59th Street Bridge Song," is a beloved folk-rock song written by Paul Simon and performed by Simon & Garfunkel. The song's enduring popularity can be attributed to several factors that contribute to its greatness.

Firstly, the upbeat and catchy melody of "Feelin' Groovy" immediately captures the listener's attention and creates a sense of joy and positivity. The song's cheerful tempo, characterized by its bouncy rhythm and playful instrumentation, evokes a feeling of light-heartedness and carefree happiness.

Secondly, the lyrics of "Feelin' Groovy" resonate with listeners on a deeply personal level, conveying a message of optimism, contentment, and mindfulness. The simple yet profound lyrics, including the iconic refrain "Slow down, you move too fast, you got to make the morning last," encourage listeners to embrace the present moment, appreciate life's simple pleasures, and savor the beauty of everyday experiences.

Thirdly, the harmonious vocal harmonies of Simon & Garfunkel add depth and richness to the song, enhancing its emotional impact and creating a sense of warmth and intimacy. The seamless blend of Paul Simon's smooth tenor and Art Garfunkel's ethereal countertenor creates a musical synergy that is truly captivating and unforgettable.

Furthermore, "Feelin' Groovy" has stood the test of time as a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Its universal themes of happiness, mindfulness, and appreciation for life's little joys make it a song that transcends generations, serving as a source of comfort, inspiration, and joy for listeners around the world.

In conclusion, "Feelin' Groovy" is a great song because of its infectious melody, uplifting lyrics, beautiful harmonies, and timeless appeal. It encapsulates the essence of happiness and contentment, inviting listeners to slow down, embrace the present moment, and find joy in the simple pleasures of life. As a result, "Feelin' Groovy" remains a beloved favorite that continues to bring a smile to the faces of listeners everywhere.

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