5K -- Vote for Iowa Wrestling!

Come on Guys/Gals-- UNI kicking our butt so far! Tom Brands wants some new bikes for the Wrestling room!

You can vote once PER DAY!!

Help make it happen!

5K is not chump change :)
To the top-- UNI is now gaining a bit more! Need as many votes as we can get EVERYDAY until March 7. Thank you
ttt.. Keep voting! Also post on any other Hawkeye forums. Message boards,email lists etc. Thank you
keep it up ! Only 1% difference when I voted-- share on your facebook status,twitter , and post on forums--Thanks

Brands wants some new bikes for the wrestling room! #gohawks
I'm in but I don't have Facebook. Not the most user friendly poll. Do you need Facebook?????????????????
Keep it going...still 3% diff. The more votes the harder to close the gap!
Share on your Facebook and Twitter!
Wow -- considering that the Iowa wrestling fan base totally dwarfs UNI's, I find it very hard to believe UNI is pulling away in the voting. No, we're not talking about a huge amount of money, but every little bit helps, and this should be a slam dunk for Iowa wrestling. If Hawk fans share on their Facebook and/or Twitter, I suspect we can still make up the difference.
There is no way UNI is beating Iowa in this poll. I think Iowa State and maybe even Nebraska voters are voting for UNI

Hell anyone that evens visit our board from another team is voting against us lol still love the hate though

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