80 Years Ago....

Oh, FFS, Hoosier. You too?

This shit has got to stop. Q nuts think there’s a Democratic conspiracy to traffic kids and perform ritual sacrifices. You really want to put yourself in the camp that believes Republicans are prepping to commit genocide against the libturds?

C’mon, dude.
I guess Q needed a polarity to balance it out. We've got Joe's Place to author the extreme.
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Oh, FFS, Hoosier. You too?

This shit has got to stop. Q nuts think there’s a Democratic conspiracy to traffic kids and perform ritual sacrifices. You really want to put yourself in the camp that believes Republicans are prepping to commit genocide against the libturds?

C’mon, dude.

I'm saying they are going down a road which can lead to genocide yes.

The right talks about taking up arms to "take back their rights" all of the time. Besides the obvious question of what rights have been taken away. . . who do you think they view as having taken their rights away from them and how do you think taking up arms doesn't end in a lot of people dying?

And again it would be fine if this group wasn't being coddled by the top leadership of the party. But the top leadership of the party despite being terrified on January 6th has now sought to re-paint that day as a bunch of tourists just having a look around.

After the last 5 years and all that has happened. Trump, their coddling of Neo Nazi's as "good people on both sides", January 6th. . . my question is why do you continue to think that these things couldn't happen here???
I'm saying they are going down a road which can lead to genocide yes.

The right talks about taking up arms to "take back their rights" all of the time. Besides the obvious question of what rights have been taken away. . . who do you think they view as having taken their rights away from them and how do you think taking up arms doesn't end in a lot of people dying?
They love to talk about it, yes. I think they fancy the IDEA of a war. But, straight up genocide? No way.

I will offer a caveat that the longer these two sides get a buzz from ridiculing each other, the closer it comes to a violent reaction... from both sides. But, methodical mass murder requires a different kind of commitment.
They love to talk about it, yes. I think they fancy the IDEA of a war. But, straight up genocide? No way.

I will offer a caveat that the longer these two sides get a buzz from ridiculing each other, the closer it comes to a violent reaction... from both sides. But, methodical mass murder requires a different kind of commitment.

Who do you think they are fighting in their fantasies? The US military? No they love those guys.

They are talking about kililng people who are mostly not going to be able to fight back.
I have listened to all of Dan Carlin’s hardcore history podcasts.

mass execution and genocide really wasn’t something all that uncommon in world history. Really shocking how normal it was.
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You love being afraid... I forgot.
Seems like a valid question. We have a mass shooting in this country every other week. Why is it such a fantastical leap to think that a group killing mass quantities of people they don't like with guns is a possibility the way things are trending?
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I'm saying they are going down a road which can lead to genocide yes.

The right talks about taking up arms to "take back their rights" all of the time. Besides the obvious question of what rights have been taken away. . . who do you think they view as having taken their rights away from them and how do you think taking up arms doesn't end in a lot of people dying?

And again it would be fine if this group wasn't being coddled by the top leadership of the party. But the top leadership of the party despite being terrified on January 6th has now sought to re-paint that day as a bunch of tourists just having a look around.

After the last 5 years and all that has happened. Trump, their coddling of Neo Nazi's as "good people on both sides", January 6th. . . my question is why do you continue to think that these things couldn't happen here???
For one, two completely separate political ideologies and circumstances. We also have a system of checks and balances and the majority of the American people would not allow it. Years down the road, history will view this era similar to the era of Joseph McCarthy.
For one, two completely separate political ideologies and circumstances. We also have a system of checks and balances and the majority of the American people would not allow it. Years down the road, history will view this era similar to the era of Joseph McCarthy.

And when I was a kid we were assured that the electoral college would be voted away the minute one candidate won with less popular votes.
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Seems like a valid question. We have a mass shooting in this country every other week. Why is it such a fantastical leap to think that a group killing mass quantities of people they don't like with guns is a possibility the way things are trending?
Well, to me, that's a totally false equivalent.

The Jews didn't have social media with which to argue and denigrate their Nazi detractors, either. The Left and Right are choosing to argue incessantly with each other, using that medium... as well as in-person when the chance presents itself. I already conceded that violence occurs, but that's a far cry from concentration camps and genocide. A VERY far cry! If you want to believe it's going to result in that, Joe will gladly add you to the guestlist.
For one, two completely separate political ideologies and circumstances. We also have a system of checks and balances and the majority of the American people would not allow it. Years down the road, history will view this era similar to the era of Joseph McCarthy.
And, people aren't starving to death and haven't lost millions of people to a ghastly, unprecedented war. Those tend to make people feel a little on-edge. A full stomach and "The Masked Singer" keeps you distracted.
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Dehumanization of those unlike you is Step One.
If that’s step one, and I agree that it is for those pursuing those aims, then the libturds started down that path years ago. Yes, the all-tolerant, all-compassionate, all-knowing libturds have characterized the stereotypical rural voter as one steeped in superstition (their religion) and given to archaic endeavors like hunting and reading the Bible. That is without question a “those people” mentality that reduces “them” to simple country bumpkins with no redeeming value for the post-modern era. That. Is. Dehumanizing.

So, by your way of thinking, are the libs on track for committing genocide down the road? Perhaps they are currently in a foot race with the GQP?
Well, to me, that's a totally false equivalent.

The Jews didn't have social media with which to argue and denigrate their Nazi detractors, either. The Left and Right are choosing to argue incessantly with each other, using that medium... as well as in-person when the chance presents itself. I already conceded that violence occurs, but that's a far cry from concentration camps and genocide. A VERY far cry! If you want to believe it's going to result in that, Joe will gladly add you to the guestlist.

It could result in that yes.

You are looking at the holocaust as an event and not as a process. It wasn't like one day a bunch of Nazi's woke up and decided to murder 6 million Jews and the rest of the Germans were ok with that.

It was a process that took decades in the making that ended with the murder of 6 million Jews and a bunch of Germans being ok with that.

We are mirroring the start of that process.
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I'm pretty sure the reason he went there is political.

Do you really think he goes if the looting, trashing and setting fires is happening because of a sports team losing?

What makes a person grab a gun and drive a long distance to interfere in law and order in another part of the country?
He went there on the third day of rioting. Not even West Virginia fans riot for three days after a loss.
I'm not defending Rittenhouse. I'm saying he didn't kill for political reasons. Unless you think looting, trashing, and burning is political.
How the f*** do you know why he went there armed? Because HE said so? You really should sit this one out...again.
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We have a political party that wants to kill millions of other people?
Comparison does not necessarily imply equivalence. Repeat that, well, millions of times.

I get that invoking Nazis or nazism is triggering, and I know @BlackNGoldBleeder hates this shit, but there is so much rhetoric from the right—especially extreme Right—that does actually sound a bit like nazism. I have pointed to how RW media tends to talk about liberals and liberalism in racial terms, akin to a race of people and a “race” of thinking that is simply not tolerable, or diseased (Rush loves to call liberals terms like “mentally ill” and liberalism a “mental illness”). All of the “enemy” rhetoric, too. Liberalism the enemy, journalists the enemy, etc.

While there is some outlier rhetoric from the D direction that also fits this observation, it’s a helluva lot more mainstreamed and prevalent coming from the R direction.

No, Rs are not today’s equivalent of nazis, but that doesn’t mean some nazi-like shit is running through the current R popular rhetoric.

And, TBH, it’s not unexpected. In times of economic and social anxiety, this type of rhetoric tends to resurface.
It could result in that yes.

You are looking at the holocaust as an event and not as a process. It wasn't like one day a bunch of Nazi's woke up and decided to murder 6 million Jews and the rest of the Germans were ok with that.

It was a process that took decades in the making that ended with the murder of 6 million Jews and a bunch of Germans being ok with that.

We are mirroring the start of that process.
No. We. Are. Not.

Americans are fat, lazy, and unmotivated by anything not on an electronic screen. German society was ravaged by WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. Their people were burning paper money because it was more valuable to start fires with.

When American society reaches that level of desperation, then we’ll talk.
Comparison does not necessarily imply equivalence. Repeat that, well, millions of times.

I get that invoking Nazis or nazism is triggering, and I know @BlackNGoldBleeder hates this shit, but there is so much rhetoric from the right—especially extreme Right—that does actually sound a bit like nazism. I have pointed to how RW media tends to talk about liberals and liberalism in racial terms, akin to a race of people and a “race” of thinking that is simply not tolerable, or diseased (Rush loves to call liberals terms like “mentally ill” and liberalism a “mental illness”). All of the “enemy” rhetoric, too. Liberalism the enemy, journalists the enemy, etc.

While there is some outlier rhetoric from the D direction that also fits this observation, it’s a helluva lot more mainstreamed and prevalent coming from the R direction.

No, Rs are not today’s equivalent of nazis, but that doesn’t mean some nazi-like shit is running through the current R popular rhetoric.

And, TBH, it’s not unexpected. In times of economic and social anxiety, this type of rhetoric tends to resurface.
Mrs BNG and I are going to lunch. I’ll respond after we’re done.
No. We. Are. Not.

Americans are fat, lazy, and unmotivated by anything not on an electronic screen. German society was ravaged by WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. Their people were burning paper money because it was more valuable to start fires with.

When American society reaches that level of desperation, then we’ll talk.

Their economic ship had pretty well righted itself a LONG time before they decided they needed to kill the Jews.

They were not that desperate.
This shit has got to stop. Q nuts think there’s a Democratic conspiracy to traffic kids and perform ritual sacrifices. You really want to put yourself in the camp that believes Republicans are prepping to commit genocide against the libturds?

C’mon, dude.
Your "Q nuts" are being elected to Congress. As Republicans. Do you really think it's a leap from claiming the Dems are trafficking kids and performing ritual sacrifices to saying they need to be killed to "protect the kids"? These are the same kind of deranged assholes who would walk up to doctors who perform abortions and shoot them in the head or try to blow up clinics. These are the same deranged assholes who stormed the Capitol looking for THEIR OWN vice president with the expressed intention to hang him for refusing to participate in a coup and the GQP leadership dismisses it. There is NO extremism in the Democratic party - not even in their rhetoric - that comes anywhere remotely close to what the GQP is actively doing.
Their economic ship had pretty well righted itself a LONG time before they decided they needed to kill the Jews.

They were not that desperate.
The same teacher that told you the EC was going away must have taught you about the Holocaust.

All wars are launched from people starting-out hating the "other side" and not recognizing them as fellow human beings.

Americans seem to enjoy being divided. I'm not sure how much the Germans, as a population, were divided after WWI. A lot of them managed to get on-board with the National Socialists once they took power. Regardless, hatred toward Jews is about as ancient as the Jews themselves. And, it was a little difficult to pretend you were not a Jew in the 1930s. All the male Jews were particularly... um... challenged below the waist.
Your "Q nuts" are being elected to Congress. As Republicans. Do you really think it's a leap from claiming the Dems are trafficking kids and performing ritual sacrifices to saying they need to be killed to "protect the kids"?

I'm old enough to remember one of them who was going to "shoot up a pizza parlor" because Hillary had child sex slaves in the non-existent basement...
All wars are launched from people starting-out hating the "other side" and not recognizing them as fellow human beings.
um... challenged below the waist.

I seem to recall at least one that started on the premise of "taxation without representation", which had nothing to do with claiming the British "weren't fellow human beings"...
The same teacher that told you the EC was going away must have taught you about the Holocaust.

All wars are launched from people starting-out hating the "other side" and not recognizing them as fellow human beings.

Americans seem to enjoy being divided. I'm not sure how much the Germans, as a population, were divided after WWI. A lot of them managed to get on-board with the National Socialists once they took power. Regardless, hatred toward Jews is about as ancient as the Jews themselves. And, it was a little difficult to pretend you were not a Jew in the 1930s. All the male Jews were particularly... um... challenged below the waist.

Don't get me wrong the Jews were a distrusted population beforehand. But no one thought that it was a good idea to just exterminate them. That was a plan that they ended up at after years of dehumanizing rhetoric from their leaders.
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How the f*** do you know why he went there armed? Because HE said so? You really should sit this one out...again.
Lol. Hoosier insists Rittenhouse went there for “political reasons” and nary a peep out of you about “how the f*** do you know?”. But I point out that he went there to confront looters and rioters who were burning businesses - which is pretty much common knowledge - and suddenly you leap into action.

It’s always entertaining to watch when your intense hatred for me clouds your thinking to the point that you simply have to disagree with me no matter how stupid it makes you look.
I seem to recall at least one that started on the premise of "taxation without representation", which had nothing to do with claiming the British "weren't fellow human beings"...
Awesome! You're batting a thousand with false equivalencies today! The Republicans are the new Nazis is going to be really hard to top, however!
It's not up to me to do something about it, it's up to the GOP to do something about it.

See, the first step in leaving the cult is acknowledging you are in a cult. I got out before it became a cult because it was obvious what was happening and I couldn't do anything about it.

So, what are YOU going to do about it. If you aren't going to hold others in your party responsible for their actions, you're part of the problem. That's my point
Never was and never will be a Republican, Staff Sergeant.
Your "Q nuts" are being elected to Congress. As Republicans. Do you really think it's a leap from claiming the Dems are trafficking kids and performing ritual sacrifices to saying they need to be killed to "protect the kids"? These are the same kind of deranged assholes who would walk up to doctors who perform abortions and shoot them in the head or try to blow up clinics. These are the same deranged assholes who stormed the Capitol looking for THEIR OWN vice president with the expressed intention to hang him for refusing to participate in a coup and the GQP leadership dismisses it. There is NO extremism in the Democratic party - not even in their rhetoric - that comes anywhere remotely close to what the GQP is actively doing.


GOP is quietly endorsing and their base believes that the Dems are stealing their elections and trafficking children into sexual slavery.

Now if any of these things were true it's easy to paint yourself as the good guy who's "restoring democracy" or "rescuing children".

I mean think about it this way . . . say you read on the news that someone suspected that his neighbor had a dozen kids locked up in his basement and he rapes daily and sells off sessions with them to other people. So he calls the police but the police won't act, just ignore it. So he goes in there himself and shoots the guy on the way in and does in fact free a dozen kids who were being held in sexual slavery. How many people are gonna say he was the bad guy in that??? Not very many.

So when the GOP leaders are quietly endorsing Q instead of calling them a bunch of nuts than that more and more moves the needle towards violence. It's easy to kill people if you are convinced they are doing unspeakable evil.
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The funniest part of this whole debate is that many of the same dumbasses who love to compare Republicans to Nazis are the first people to lose their shit anytime someone calls AOC or one of her allies a socialist.
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