80 Years Ago....


GOP is quietly endorsing and their base believes that the Dems are stealing their elections and trafficking children into sexual slavery.

Now if any of these things were true it's easy to paint yourself as the good guy who's "restoring democracy" or "rescuing children".

I mean think about it this way . . . say you read on the news that someone suspected that his neighbor had a dozen kids locked up in his basement and he rapes daily and sells off sessions with them to other people. So he calls the police but the police won't act, just ignore it. So he goes in there himself and shoots the guy on the way in and does in fact free a dozen kids who were being held in sexual slavery. How many people are gonna say he was the bad guy in that??? Not very many.

So when the GOP leaders are quietly endorsing Q instead of calling them a bunch of nuts than that more and more moves the needle towards violence. It's easy to kill people if you are convinced they are doing unspeakable evil.
Your "Q nuts" are being elected to Congress. As Republicans. Do you really think it's a leap from claiming the Dems are trafficking kids and performing ritual sacrifices to saying they need to be killed to "protect the kids"? These are the same kind of deranged assholes who would walk up to doctors who perform abortions and shoot them in the head or try to blow up clinics. These are the same deranged assholes who stormed the Capitol looking for THEIR OWN vice president with the expressed intention to hang him for refusing to participate in a coup and the GQP leadership dismisses it. There is NO extremism in the Democratic party - not even in their rhetoric - that comes anywhere remotely close to what the GQP is actively doing.
The only problem is... this is a subjective take. You can bet your ass that people on the right (not just Q nuts) believe that there is a substantial threat from "The Left" when it comes to social and political circumstances. I don't believe there is an equivalent bunch like the Q nuts on the left, but that's because I lean left in my perspective.

The OP made a pretty ludicrous comparison, in my view. That is exactly the kind of behavior that people that lean right, and especially the Q nuts, are going to see as "extremism." Calling the GOP the new Nazis is just going to make things worse. The GOp hasn't shown me that they want to build concentration camps and commit genocide. Just like I don't see Democrats trafficking children for sex and killing babies to harvest their potency.
You did state "all wars", correct?

There are countless examples where your premise is abjectly false.
People who allow themselves to kill other people, in war, are doing it to stay alive and because they can dehumanize the people on the other "side."

The reasons why wars "start" are usually due to some wealthy men who want something or want to protect something and they get the poor men to slaughter each other to obtain that goal.
The reasons why wars "start" are usually due to some wealthy men who want something or want to protect something and they get the poor men to slaughter each other to obtain that goal.

But you just claimed it was due to "dehumanizing" people. Not due to "rich people".

Which "rich people" are pushing the GOP narratives to incite hundreds of their followers to "storm the Capitol"?

If it is GOP rich people, shouldn't we be holding them to account, instead of having folks like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon lying to them, routinely?
Are you trying to embody the subject of his quote? You're attempting to make people believe absurdities. What atrocities do you have for us next? As always, any contribution you offer always does more harm than good for the alleged side you claim to be on or for.
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Mainstream folks on "the Left" drown them out. They don't get headline footing on "left leaning news shows".
You don't even realize where YOU ARE on this scale! You think you're the rational baseline. Guess what... YOU'RE NOT!

Everything you offer is so biased that you can't even see it. That is the problem with people who believe they are either left OR right. You're both in a cult. You're both convinced that the other side is always wrong and you're always right. You have no perspective at all.
The funniest part of this whole debate is that many of the same dumbasses who love to compare Republicans to Nazis are the first people to lose their shit anytime someone calls AOC or one of her allies a socialist.

I'm not saying their Nazi's. . . I'm saying they are heading down a road like the Nazis which is to normalize violence against innocents as a good thing.

And quite frankly I wish both sides would use the term socialist correctly. AOC is not a socialist no matter what she says or the Republicans say. Her political philosophy is more or less that of social democracy.

And quite frankly I hope she's pushed out in the primaries by someone who's willing to put country over ideology and be a team player.
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Your "Q nuts" are being elected to Congress. As Republicans. Do you really think it's a leap from claiming the Dems are trafficking kids and performing ritual sacrifices to saying they need to be killed to "protect the kids"? These are the same kind of deranged assholes who would walk up to doctors who perform abortions and shoot them in the head or try to blow up clinics. These are the same deranged assholes who stormed the Capitol looking for THEIR OWN vice president with the expressed intention to hang him for refusing to participate in a coup and the GQP leadership dismisses it. There is NO extremism in the Democratic party - not even in their rhetoric - that comes anywhere remotely close to what the GQP is actively doing.
None of that is in dispute.
Lol. Hoosier insists Rittenhouse went there for “political reasons” and nary a peep out of you about “how the f*** do you know?”. But I point out that he went there to confront looters and rioters who were burning businesses - which is pretty much common knowledge - and suddenly you leap into action.

It’s always entertaining to watch when your intense hatred for me clouds your thinking to the point that you simply have to disagree with me no matter how stupid it makes you look.
Some call this “clowning”.
The funniest part of this whole debate is that many of the same dumbasses who love to compare Republicans to Nazis are the first people to lose their shit anytime someone calls AOC or one of her allies a socialist.
Compare AOC’s policies to socialism. Great. Compare R rhetoric to that of nazism. Fine. Constructive discussion should be possible. Call Rs nazis. Dumb. Call AOC a socialist. Also dumb.

If people weren’t so quick to being poutraged and triggered, maybe some good dialogue could occur. Instead, we have the fun we have.
Their economic ship had pretty well righted itself a LONG time before they decided they needed to kill the Jews.

They were not that desperate.
The anti-Jewish rhetoric picked up steam long before that point. Read Mein Kampf (1925). And many Germans saw Hitler as their savior because they had been that desperate. In short, they would have bought into anything.

As you well stated, it was a long process that led to the genocide. The desperation of the German people after WW1 was very much a part of the process, as Jews were being conveniently scapegoated for the German people’s economic hardships even prior to the rise of Hitler.

There aren’t nearly that many people aggrieved in the United States today. What you are seeing today is good old fashioned tribalism at its worst. I will agree Trump and the movement he inspired are the most egregious offenders of tribalism. That is without question true.

None of that is an antecedent or direct line to genocide, though. The comparison is faulty. On many levels.
Again: "Jews....Will Not......Replace Us!!!"

The context is pretty clear on this one.
And yet, still not enough to broad brush. Maybe say there is some straight up nazism in the fringes of the Right wing. “Rs are Nazis” is dumb.
And yet, still not enough to broad brush. Maybe say there is some straight up nazism in the fringes of the Right wing. “Rs are Nazis” is dumb.
Were it only the "fringes", we wouldn't have a problem with right-wing extremism in this country.

This is the point: it's becoming "mainstreamed".
The anti-Jewish rhetoric picked up steam long before that point. Read Mein Kampf (1925). And many Germans saw Hitler as their savior because they had been that desperate. In short, they would have bought into anything.

As you well stated, it was a long process that led to the genocide. The desperation of the German people after WW1 was very much a part of the process, as Jews were being conveniently scapegoated for the German people’s economic hardships even prior to the rise of Hitler.

There aren’t nearly that many people aggrieved in the United States today. What you are seeing today is good old fashioned tribalism at its worst. I will agree Trump and the movement he inspired are the most egregious offenders of tribalism. That is without question true.

None of that is an antecedent or direct line to genocide, though. The comparison is faulty. On many levels.
See, I disagree with this. Read your own words, carefully, then think about Trump’s ascent and his rhetoric from the beginning—including the birther crap. And, no, today’s American may not have the same cause to feel aggrieved, or the scale is different, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t as widespread albeit on some lesser, more subtle level. People feel an economic anxiety and insecurity now. And they’re looking for someone to blame. Trump was/is really good at scapegoating, and even better at picking the usual suspects to scapegoat.

It’s all super-reminiscent of circumstances leading to nazism. I’ve said this countless times now, and it’s never really disputed: whenever there is an uptick in economic anxiety/insecurity, there is almost always an uptick in racist-style rhetoric and xenophobic-style scapegoating. It’s a really easy tool to wield by those in power for whom “keeping things as they are” is of real interest.
I'm old enough to remember one of them who was going to "shoot up a pizza parlor" because Hillary had child sex slaves in the non-existent basement...
I'm a loooong way from thinking there could be another Holocaust-type event but I'm just around the corner from wide-scale targeted violence against people identified as Democrats. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see coordinated bombings of party headquarters in many states and mass shootings at rallies. There are poeple out there just itching to be's a very "Christian" thing to do. Anyone who says those kinds of attacks are unlikely isn't paying attention...or thinks they would be appropriate. At it's most extreme, I can see many in the GQP leadership turning a blind eye to those kinds of attacks.
All these people claiming the right is on the way to genocide while at the exact same time celebrating the deaths of unvaccinated people. Talk about normalizing hatred and dehumanizing a population. Look in the mirror you lower functioning hypocrites. Lol
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All these people claiming the right is on the way to genocide while at the exact same time celebrating the deaths of unvaccinated people. Talk about normalizing hatred and dehumanizing a population. Look in the mirror you lower functioning hypocrites. Lol
Lol. Valiant effort, bro. You the née FAUlty?
Comparison does not necessarily imply equivalence. Repeat that, well, millions of times.

I get that invoking Nazis or nazism is triggering, and I know @BlackNGoldBleeder hates this shit, but there is so much rhetoric from the right—especially extreme Right—that does actually sound a bit like nazism. I have pointed to how RW media tends to talk about liberals and liberalism in racial terms, akin to a race of people and a “race” of thinking that is simply not tolerable, or diseased (Rush loves to call liberals terms like “mentally ill” and liberalism a “mental illness”). All of the “enemy” rhetoric, too. Liberalism the enemy, journalists the enemy, etc.

While there is some outlier rhetoric from the D direction that also fits this observation, it’s a helluva lot more mainstreamed and prevalent coming from the R direction.

No, Rs are not today’s equivalent of nazis, but that doesn’t mean some nazi-like shit is running through the current R popular rhetoric.

And, TBH, it’s not unexpected. In times of economic and social anxiety, this type of rhetoric tends to resurface.
I agree 100% with you.

The reason why I take issue with capricious comparisons to Nazism is because the equivalence you mentioned is indeed being pushed and proper distinctions are not being drawn.

Parallels can be made to about anything throughout history. And in doing so, it often creates a slippery slope of false equivalence that is reckless and dangerous. Right now, certain members of the GOP should be highlighted on their own merits of reprehensible behavior and rhetoric. Drawing Nazi comparisons does the exact opposite of what it’s intended to do, though, which is to sound the alarm of how concerning and problematic the Trump movement is; the hyperbole undermines that and waters it down.

In short, let the Trump movement be spotlighted for what it is, not for what it’s not. If you have to revert to Nazi references and tropes (without clear cut evidence) to bolster your argument, then you have already lost the debate.
The only problem is... this is a subjective take. You can bet your ass that people on the right (not just Q nuts) believe that there is a substantial threat from "The Left" when it comes to social and political circumstances. I don't believe there is an equivalent bunch like the Q nuts on the left, but that's because I lean left in my perspective.

The OP made a pretty ludicrous comparison, in my view. That is exactly the kind of behavior that people that lean right, and especially the Q nuts, are going to see as "extremism." Calling the GOP the new Nazis is just going to make things worse. The GOp hasn't shown me that they want to build concentration camps and commit genocide. Just like I don't see Democrats trafficking children for sex and killing babies to harvest their potency.
This is not at all subjective. It's that kind of claim that normalizes "they're running pedo rings out of a pizzeria and drinking the blood of children in Satanic worship". People who belong to that cabal are winning elections to serve in Congress. That ain't a "fringe" movement.

I do not for a minute subscribe to a "New Holocaust" but, as I said, widespread, coordinated violence against Democratic targets isn't at all far-fetched. And it's, at the very least, being implicitly - if not EXPLICITLY - endorsed at the highest levels of the GOP when they try to dismiss a violent attack on the Capitol in support of a coup as "tourists" on holiday That's not some random guy on a backwater message board - that's the national leaders of a major party.

Not at all, in any way, even remotely the same.
The funniest part of this whole debate is that many of the same dumbasses who love to compare Republicans to Nazis are the first people to lose their shit anytime someone calls AOC or one of her allies a socialist.
She IS a socialist...a democratic socialist. Just about every living, breathing US citizen is somewhere on that particular spectrum. Those that claim otherwise are generally lying. Or too stupid to know what it means.
I'm not saying their Nazi's. . . I'm saying they are heading down a road like the Nazis which is to normalize violence against innocents as a good thing.

And quite frankly I wish both sides would use the term socialist correctly. AOC is not a socialist no matter what she says or the Republicans say. Her political philosophy is more or less that of social democracy.

And quite frankly I hope she's pushed out in the primaries by someone who's willing to put country over ideology and be a team player.
“Heading down the road”. They’re about 10 miles into a 3000 mile trip.

Interstate 90 goes all the way from Seattle to Boston. But the vast majority of cars you see on I-90 in Seattle are not headed to Boston. A lot of them are probably headed to Issaqua or North Bend. Some of them might be headed to Spokane. Some may even be headed as far as Missoula or Bozeman or Billings or Rapid City.

Technically they’re all on the road to Boston, but very few of them are actually headed to Beantown.

There’s really only one reason to draw parallels between Republicans and Nazis. You know it. I know it. Anyone with a functional brain knows it.

Nothing evokes visceral images quite like referencing Nazis. It’s nothing more than political hyperbole.
I'm a loooong way from thinking there could be another Holocaust-type event but I'm just around the corner from wide-scale targeted violence against people identified as Democrats.

That pipe bomb planted on 1/6 is as-yet an "unsolved case".
She IS a socialist...a democratic socialist. Just about every living, breathing US citizen is somewhere on that particular spectrum. Those that claim otherwise are generally lying. Or too stupid to know what it means.
Tell that to every poster who loses their shit every time someone refers to her as a socialist.
See, I disagree with this. Read your own words, carefully, then think about Trump’s ascent and his rhetoric from the beginning—including the birther crap. And, no, today’s American may not have the same cause to feel aggrieved, or the scale is different, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t as widespread albeit on some lesser, more subtle level. People feel an economic anxiety and insecurity now. And they’re looking for someone to blame. Trump was/is really good at scapegoating, and even better at picking the usual suspects to scapegoat.

It’s all super-reminiscent of circumstances leading to nazism. I’ve said this countless times now, and it’s never really disputed: whenever there is an uptick in economic anxiety/insecurity, there is almost always an uptick in racist-style rhetoric and xenophobic-style scapegoating. It’s a really easy tool to wield by those in power for whom “keeping things as they are” is of real interest.
Again, none of that is in dispute. The question is this: Are the parallels being drawn today evidence of a precursor to eventual genocide or is this simply libturds immersed in tribalism and hyperbole arbitrarily connecting the dots for their own political aims?

We can draw comparisons to common traits of the nascent stages of the Nazi movement in 1930s Europe all night. That’s not really saying much, though. The Nazis were very much tribal in their political, social, and military endeavors. But not all forms and expressions of tribalism are created equally, thankfully.

So, again, I ask: What compelling evidence exists that Republicans are on the road to creating concentration camps and slaughtering 6 million libturds? If all anyone has got is Q nuts are crazy and Republicans demonize their political adversaries, then that’s not cogent or compelling.
All these people claiming the right is on the way to genocide while at the exact same time celebrating the deaths of unvaccinated people.

Who is "celebrating"?

Reddit has set up a HermanCainAwards thread mocking them; but that's not "celebrating".
So, again, I ask: What compelling evidence exists that Republicans are on the road to creating concentration camps and slaughtering 6 million libturds?

What "compelling evidence" existed that the Germans would do this, starting in the early 1920s?
I agree 100% with you.

The reason why I take issue with capricious comparisons to Nazism is because the equivalence you mentioned is indeed being pushed and proper distinctions are not being drawn.

Parallels can be made to about anything throughout history. And in doing so, it often creates a slippery slope of false equivalence that is reckless and dangerous. Right now, certain members of the GOP should be highlighted on their own merits of reprehensible behavior and rhetoric. Drawing Nazi comparisons does the exact opposite of what it’s intended to do, though, which is to sound the alarm of how concerning and problematic the Trump movement is; the hyperbole undermines that and waters it down.

In short, let the Trump movement be spotlighted for what it is, not for what it’s not. If you have to revert to Nazi references and tropes (without clear cut evidence) to bolster your argument, then you have already lost the debate.
I agree, but it’s not because the comparison is wrong—because the parallels are there and should be alarming—it’s because the American people can’t handle shit. We’re just so damn emotional about everything. And we defeated nazism and it’s a big source of pride, a big reason for our superiority complex. So to even suggest we could be in the middle of a similar movement is simply impossible for many to consider without a rise in blood pressure.

People need to give some thought to how otherwise perfectly normal, everyday people got swayed into and caught up in the hatred of nazism a century ago. Just as perfectly normal, everyday folks today are getting caught up in similar stuff. And that it is finding itself into our Congress, well, that’s pretty remarkable.

Kinda crazy, right? That we’re in this kinda sorta zeitgeist? But we’re in it, despite that it can be hard sometimes to see it with the clarity afforded by the passing of some time.

Brexit rhetoric. RW/Trump rhetoric. Rise of xenophobic rhetoric in many pockets of Europe with all the human migration over the last ten-plus years.

We got a lot of nasty shit afoot. (Yes, I am referencing my texts from the other day.)
How is Reddit's Herman Cain Awards "gaslighting"?

They pull posts directly from the threads of anti-vaxxers, who end up on ventilators (and often die).

That's not "gaslighting". The narrative is "karma" for folks who listen to Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson over their own Primary Care Physicians.
Tell that to every poster who loses their shit every time someone refers to her as a socialist.
Link? I mean, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m getting a feeling the actual instances of this are few and even then there is some context to consider.

Please, link me.
The anti-Jewish rhetoric picked up steam long before that point. Read Mein Kampf (1925). And many Germans saw Hitler as their savior because they had been that desperate. In short, they would have bought into anything.

As you well stated, it was a long process that led to the genocide. The desperation of the German people after WW1 was very much a part of the process, as Jews were being conveniently scapegoated for the German people’s economic hardships even prior to the rise of Hitler.

There aren’t nearly that many people aggrieved in the United States today. What you are seeing today is good old fashioned tribalism at its worst. I will agree Trump and the movement he inspired are the most egregious offenders of tribalism. That is without question true.

None of that is an antecedent or direct line to genocide, though. The comparison is faulty. On many levels.

I hope you are right but people casually dropping threats that they want to kill fellow Americans and people in power being mostly ok with that or outright egging it on is pretty damn scary. And honestly after Trump and 1/6 I no longer hold the belief of "can't happen here" with anything.