A bigger gaffe machine than the gaffer-in-chief

Quit while your ahead. You know nothing about her and you just sound stupid.
Actually. he may not know her but is that really a prerequisite to speak on one's observations. The only other option to his statement is that she knows about what she speaks and still comes across as knowing nothing about the topic. So. Which is it? She talks about things she knows nothing about and gets it wrong, or she talks about things she knows about and still gets it wrong.

You've painted yourself into a logical corner where either way she and you look incompetent.
Four years ago April:

The coronavirus has sickened almost 2.5 million people worldwide and killed more than 170,000, according to Johns Hopkins University. In the U.S., more than 42,000 have died and over 787,000 have contracted COVID-19. Some of the hardest-hit countries in Europe and Asia cautiously starting to reopen for business, and some U.S. states have partially restarted their economies.
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We are way better off since the dark years of the Trump administration. The guy was a complete train wreck.
Fine, then don't change. This country is so polarized, it is sad. I'm at the age that it won't matter much to me. But my daughter and grandchildren will have to pay.

If you live in NYC, I feel for you. My last business trip there, someone was shot a block from my hotel. It has really gone down hill over the past 20 years.
Actually. he may not know her but is that really a prerequisite to speak on one's observations. The only other option to his statement is that she knows about what she speaks and still comes across as knowing nothing about the topic. So. Which is it? She talks about things she knows nothing about and gets it wrong, or she talks about things she knows about and still gets it wrong.

You've painted yourself into a logical corner where either way she and you look incompetent.
Actually looks like you painted yourself into a corner. Keep up the guess work. Betting the next response is 3 paragraphs,
No ones claiming her and her boss don't say dumb things from time to time, but the alternative right now is quite possibly the dumbest human being I have ever witnessed.
This wasn’t complicated… I agree it was clearly political, but again you guys who take a hardline stance one way or another, I do not get it.

I’m sure he was taking a jab, but it is reasonable to understand or expect that if somebody’s going to say something, they should know enough about it to not look completely stupid. It really does undermine her credibility….

And for those of you teeing it up to try to suggest no it didn’t…all that tells people is you have a “side”

There’s a lot of us cruising around out there that don’t have a side outside of Big government vs Little government…

Most of the rest of the Free world is smart enough to know politicians are politicians and they’re not trustworthy🤷‍♂️
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NOT POLITICAL! Simply a statement on the nation's leaders and their lack of understanding of college sports.

Kamala Harris Wrongly Claims NCAA Women’s Basketball ‘Was Not Allowed to Have Brackets Until 2022’

Oh c'mon now OP. You’re talking gaffes? Trump looked at the sun during an eclipse. That should “trump” about everything, but if not enough for you he thought injecting bleach would work, said windmills cause cancer, said his dad was born in Germany (he wasn’t), implied Frederick Douglas is still alive, claimed you need a photo ID to buy groceries, praised Washington's Continental Army for taking over airports during the Revolutionary War, during a speech to thousands of Boy Scouts talked about rich people having sex on boats, told a hurricane victim who had a boat land in his yard, "At least you got a nice boat out of the deal", told reporters that his Covid test came back "positively toward the negative", said Andrew Jackson could have stopped the Civil War (Jackson died long before the start of that war), referred to neo-Nazis and white supremacists as fine people.

And don’t forget, he tried to overturn a freaking election. Did nothing for hours as rioters beat up, tazed, pepper-sprayed cops, resulting in over 100 being hurt. FFS if this doesn’t eliminate him from candidates you consider, you have a serious problem.
Lol why does Kamala Harris need to know anything about college sports? What difference does that make in her job?
Because you know, the thing is, is that its worth it to, you know, enjoy ones job. Its truly important to have the enjoyment of your job so you can, you know, enjoy your job. It's a whole venn diagram. LOVE those!

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Fine, then don't change. This country is so polarized, it is sad. I'm at the age that it won't matter much to me. But my daughter and grandchildren will have to pay.

If you live in NYC, I feel for you. My last business trip there, someone was shot a block from my hotel. It has really gone down hill over the past 20 years.
It has not gone done hill the past 20 years. It has a bit since the pandemic though. That being said, I moved out of the the city nine years ago to live in the burbs.

As for someone being shot, that happens pretty much everywhere in this country now. NYC is pretty safe for such a big city. There are over 20M people in the NYC metro area so shit does happen from time to time. Iowa and NYC have pretty comparable homicide rates, fyi.
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If you live in NYC, I feel for you. My last business trip there, someone was shot a block from my hotel. It has really gone down hill over the past 20 years.
I have lived in NYC and Iowa. I never felt unsafe in the 2 years I lived in Manhattan. In comparison, when I go home to visit rural Iowa, I'm astounded at how many meth heads and alcoholics I have encountered with entire rooms full of guns that they're convinced they're going to "need" someday. Not sure why or who they plan to shoot, but I don't wanna be anywhere near them when they do. I have never met a single person in NY, MA or CT that owns a gun (I also don't know anyone addicted to meth, coincidence?) and I feel much safer going about my business.

Growing up in Iowa I was often concerned with my physical safety, being called a "fag" "beaner" "queer" "wetback" "homo" countless times over the 16 years I lived there. A classmate told a teacher he hates all gay people and would kill one someday -- the teacher didn't do anything about it. Again, never felt even remotely scared of such a verbal assault since I moved to the east coast 12 years ago. It's great that you feel safer in Iowa than NYC, but I assure you that's b/c of what you look like, how you're perceived, and how you perceive the world.
How about 95% of politicians suck, and the other 5% just haven't been corrupted by the system yet.

There are some good people that get elected. Then they arrive in DC and are given the "Here's how things work around here" orientation. They either play ball or their stay is short. Our legislative branch has essentially become a self-enrichment scheme with a lot of lifetime players. D and R. Term limits is (are?) way overdue, but of course it will never happen. Nobody is going to vote themselves off the gravy train.
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Four years ago April:

The coronavirus has sickened almost 2.5 million people worldwide and killed more than 170,000, according to Johns Hopkins University. In the U.S., more than 42,000 have died and over 787,000 have contracted COVID-19. Some of the hardest-hit countries in Europe and Asia cautiously starting to reopen for business, and some U.S. states have partially restarted their economies.
So, Trump was responsible for the China virus?
Oh c'mon now OP. You’re talking gaffes? Trump looked at the sun during an eclipse. That should “trump” about everything, but if not enough for you he thought injecting bleach would work, said windmills cause cancer, said his dad was born in Germany (he wasn’t), implied Frederick Douglas is still alive, claimed you need a photo ID to buy groceries, praised Washington's Continental Army for taking over airports during the Revolutionary War, during a speech to thousands of Boy Scouts talked about rich people having sex on boats, told a hurricane victim who had a boat land in his yard, "At least you got a nice boat out of the deal", told reporters that his Covid test came back "positively toward the negative", said Andrew Jackson could have stopped the Civil War (Jackson died long before the start of that war), referred to neo-Nazis and white supremacists as fine people.

And don’t forget, he tried to overturn a freaking election. Did nothing for hours as rioters beat up, tazed, pepper-sprayed cops, resulting in over 100 being hurt. FFS if this doesn’t eliminate him from candidates you consider, you have a serious problem.
Boy! I would like to see your actual proof for all of these statements. You must live in a basement and listen to CNN/MSNBC etc. all day. I forgot your proof is probably CNN/MSNBC etc. Instead your guy in charge now called a woman a lying dog faced pony soldier which I actually heard.
Nothing. It is just another item on an endless list of things she talks about that she has no idea of what she is saying.
Wait just a darn second. Are you saying Trump the Liar, Trump who justs makes shit up and throws it at the media, is not in this conversation.

I just have to laugh because the Orange headed guy is just a lying, prefabricator. Kamala is a nuclear scientist compared to trump.

Not making it political but just real. Trump lied close to 20,000 times as prez or about every time he opens his mouth
Four years ago April:

The coronavirus has sickened almost 2.5 million people worldwide and killed more than 170,000, according to Johns Hopkins University. In the U.S., more than 42,000 have died and over 787,000 have contracted COVID-19. Some of the hardest-hit countries in Europe and Asia cautiously starting to reopen for business, and some U.S. states have partially restarted their economies.
And not too many months later The Dumpster wanted to wash out everyone's lungs with bleach and spray light into their lungs. The guy is dumber than a rock except for two things how to sue his contractors so he doesnt have to pay them and how to suck in about 30 million americans who for some reason believe in QAnon crap, believe the eclipse is some left wing conspiracy, etc etc