A little more on the Renteria-Wagner matchup

This should be a real tough contest! Can't wait for jrent to get in the room as I think he's going to fill out for the years. Wagner is an interesting prospects and could definitely see him with Schwab.
Schwab has quite the depth already at 125. Leighton Gaul is a RSSO, Schwarm and Rohweder are incoming FR, and Yates is one of the nation's top 125 recruits. Just some food for thought.
You are posting some great articles lately! Love this quote from JRent

Renteria on the Night of Conflict: “I’m really excited about wrestling at Carver-Hawkeye Arena. It will be my first time in front of Hawkeye Nation. I am working extremely hard to put on a show for them. I want to show them I have been dreaming of this moment since I was five years old. It’s the first part of my dream coming true.”