A Mexican restaurant in Houston is keeping its mask rule. People threatened to call ICE on the staff.

I dont think Texas is better than that
I wonder which will cause more spread? The mask rules being changed or the Biden administration sending hundreds of covid positive immigrants people into various communities
I wonder which will cause more spread? The mask rules being changed or the Biden administration sending hundreds of covid positive immigrants people into various communities
You probably didn’t realize that immigrants being processed now are being vaccinated.
What do you have against masks? They have saved lives as well as long term health issues.
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I wonder which will cause more spread? The mask rules being changed or the Biden administration sending hundreds of covid positive immigrants people into various communities

Probably the "mask thing", because that's "real".

The other half of your sentence is false propaganda, designed to stir fear and public backlash against immigrants.
I wonder which will cause more spread? The mask rules being changed or the Biden administration sending hundreds of covid positive immigrants people into various communities
I heard Biden is sending THOUSANDS of actively infected illegals into Republican districts to live......and this is being facilitated by the FBI and CIA.....Master strategy!
One of the local publications in DFW put out a list of all the places still requiring masks, in an attempt to let people know ahead of time which establishments they could chose to patron (on either side of the issue).

Those that get upset over the mask requirement at a restaurant are a special kind of soft. You are required to wear it to your seat and if you go to the restroom. What is the BFD? Oh, muh freedums.
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One of the local publications in DFW put out a list of all the places still requiring masks, in an attempt to let people know ahead of time which establishments they could chose to patron (on either side of the issue).

Those that get upset over the mask requirement are a special kind of soft. You are required to wear it to your seat and if you go to the restroom. What is the BFD? Oh, muh freedums.
It is my understanding that in Texas, the restaurant can still require customers to mask up if they feel it safer. Is that the case or not?
It is my understanding that in Texas, the restaurant can still require customers to mask up if they feel it safer. Is that the case or not?
They can "require" it, but there isn't much "bite" to the enforcement, if the state has no interest in backing it up.
It is my understanding that in Texas, the restaurant can still require customers to mask up if they feel it safer. Is that the case or not?

Correct, and patrons can obviously wear a mask at a place that doesn’t require them.
They can "require" it, but there isn't much "bite" to the enforcement, if the state has no interest in backing it up.

I believe a restaurant can require, and enforce a mask policy (no entry/no service). Similar to as they would a dress code. Some businesses appreciated the state requiring one, as it gave the business cover/a shield from people wanting to personally blame store owner, or assign “blame” specifically to someone/something. @Fijimn might be able to provide more insight to this from a legal standpoint.
I believe a restaurant can require, and enforce a mask policy (no entry/no service). Similar to as they would a dress code. Some businesses appreciated the state requiring one, as it gave the business cover/a shield from people wanting to personally blame store owner, or assign “blame” specifically to someone/something. @Fijimn might be able to provide more insight to this from a legal standpoint.
A business can try to enforce a mask policy, but it's only a matter of time until some ignorant puke does something like make threats against staff to call ICE, or shoot the place up to save America.
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A business can try to enforce a mask policy, but it's only a matter of time until some ignorant puke does something like make threats against staff to call ICE, or shoot the place up to save America.

Sure, but those avenues existed during the state-wide mandate too. People have always been allowed to be a-holes. I did mention the “cover” provided by a state-wide mandate, and agree that it would help with some of these folks.
I wonder which will cause more spread? The mask rules being changed or the Biden administration sending hundreds of covid positive immigrants people into various communities

whats that have to do with a business owners right to have customers wear masks and those customers throw tantrums and threaten to tattle to ICE?
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They can deny service then, correct?

Sure; but then people throw tantrums in stores and rant about their rights.

When it's a local or state government mandate, the store is less likely to encounter those idiots. Eliminate those mandates, and you empower the idiots to act up.
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Our favorite mexican restaurant did the same after the governor opened things back up. I'm not quite sure why some people have trouble understanding that businesses can keep those rules in force if they like. Either go there or don't. The fact that people need to be assholes about things is ridiculous.
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"“People and businesses don’t need the state telling them how to operate."

"Now, Texans have mastered the daily habits to avoid getting COVID"

- Ken Abbott five days ago.

Nah man, people are stupid, and they don't respect business's rights/obligations to do what they think it best - they just want everyone to do things the way they want them done, and anyone deciding different is somehow infringing on their rights (to chips and salsa, in this case).

There will be more threats, and there will probably be violence, as businesses try and decide for themselves without the state mandate.
"It tastes different than it usually does, i think they changed the ingredients in the sauce."
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These idiots must not be reading the news. Calling ICE is only going to end up getting these illegals bus tickets to better cities, per our new Immigration policy.
I believe a restaurant can require, and enforce a mask policy (no entry/no service). Similar to as they would a dress code. Some businesses appreciated the state requiring one, as it gave the business cover/a shield from people wanting to personally blame store owner, or assign “blame” specifically to someone/something. @Fijimn might be able to provide more insight to this from a legal standpoint.

It's a weird area because there is no law enforcing the mask wearing. But technically if the store has asked the customer to leave because he/she is not following the mask policy, they are trespassing and the police can escort them off the premises or even arrest them.
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I believe a restaurant can require, and enforce a mask policy (no entry/no service). Similar to as they would a dress code. Some businesses appreciated the state requiring one, as it gave the business cover/a shield from people wanting to personally blame store owner, or assign “blame” specifically to someone/something. @Fijimn might be able to provide more insight to this from a legal standpoint.

Could a business require and enforce a "No shoes" policy? Seriously. I don't know. Would be interesting. If a Supermarket said, "No shoes allowed in store". What would happen?
Could a business require and enforce a "No shoes" policy? Seriously. I don't know. Would be interesting. If a Supermarket said, "No shoes allowed in store". What would happen?

They can't hold you down and put shoes on you, but they can ask you to leave if you aren't wearing complying with their dress code. If you refuse, you are trespassing and then the cops can remove you.
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They can't hold you down and put shoes on you, but they can ask you to leave if you aren't wearing complying with their dress code. If you refuse, you are trespassing and then the cops can remove you.
Another honest question. Do you think the police would resist enforcing the trespassing laws in the same way many have with mask requirements? No shirt, no shoes has been an accepted dress code for mostly decency reasons for ever. But no mask suddenly becomes a political issue and an affront to individual freedoms.
Another honest question. Do you think the police would resist enforcing the trespassing laws in the same way many have with mask requirements? No shirt, no shoes has been an accepted dress code for mostly decency reasons for ever. But no mask suddenly becomes a political issue and an affront to individual freedoms.

I think that people that don't wear a mask to an establishment that has a mask requirement are going to get their way because, generally, these businesses don't want to create a scene and make the eating/shopping experience unenjoyable, as well as put their employees at risk of escalation. One side is going to be an adult about this and try to coexist and the other is going to be childish.