A strange campaign dead period...


HB Heisman
Jan 23, 2018
It's fascinating to me that right now that about the only things we "know" are that Biden has dropped out and that Harris is very likely to take his place. Other than that, largely a void of any reliable/non-speculative information about the process to get there, the VP leaders, state polls...not really even campaign messaging from either side. I suppose we should enjoy this quiet time a bit, but I feel like I'm going cold turkey.
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We also know she has $50M in donations already. Thats crazy.

Very interested to see how the GOP handles the presumed nominee to NOT have been voted for in the primaries. Feels a bit like the GOP worrying about the Dems not following the Dem process.

Oh, and that quiet period is great, but it will be filled with other speculation noise and smear prep discussions.

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