A third of Americans: 'Nothing' good about a Trump presidency


HB King
May 29, 2001
A new poll shows Americans are largely divided on what would be the most positive thing about a Donald Trump presidency, but there’s one answer that had the largest response: nothing.

The Gallup poll asked the question and while 33 percent said “nothing,” another 10 percent had no opinion, meaning four in 10 Americans failed to name anything positive that would come of him taking the White House. This is while he continues to have a commanding lead over Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the polls.

The biggest positive listed was that Trump is a “good business person” and “follows through” while 9 percent cited his immigration policies. Eight percent said one positive is that he’s honest and “says what he feels.” Five percent of those surveyed said they feel he could improve the economy while another five percent said in general, he could turn things around. Or in other words, follow through on his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan.

There also were two percent who said a positive would be the entertainment a Trump presidency would provide.


Americans listed a number of personal characteristics they view as negative for Trump. For example:

  • Twelve percent said he’s too outspoken and impulsive
  • Nine percent believe Trump is too arrogant.
  • Seven percent said he’s racist.
  • Five percent said he’s offensive/rude while another five percent said he would embarrass the U.S. internationally.
As you’d expect, the responses were largely split among party lines as Republicans focused more on his positive traits while Democrats zeroed in on the negative.

The poll was conducted among 1,012 adults nationwide and has a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.
Not much good about Clinton either...

The emails on Hillary Clinton's private server contained classified intelligence from some of the U.S. intelligence community's most secretive programs, according to a new report.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III sent a letter to leaders on congressional intelligence committees last week detailing the findings from a review of Clinton's emails, a spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN.

Two government agencies flagged emails on Clinton's server as containing classified information, the inspector general said, including some on "special access programs," which are above "top secret" in classification level.
Not much good about Clinton either...

The emails on Hillary Clinton's private server contained classified intelligence from some of the U.S. intelligence community's most secretive programs, according to a new report.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III sent a letter to leaders on congressional intelligence committees last week detailing the findings from a review of Clinton's emails, a spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN.

Two government agencies flagged emails on Clinton's server as containing classified information, the inspector general said, including some on "special access programs," which are above "top secret" in classification level.
Up till now, I have been uncertain I could even vote for Trump. Now there is no doubt in my my mind I have to, especially if , as expected Hillary is the Democratic nominee. I am not sure how any One can vote for Hillary seeing how she values keeping secret records that by law should be public over the very security of our nation. Now her aides are trying to blame a vast right wing conspiracy on the information being released. The women is shameless in the pursuit of power. Up till now some people have said "there is no smoking gun yet". That completely ignores keeping top secret information on a private sever in your home is the smoking gun. But putting that aside, this new unimpeachable info certainly has to be the smoking gun.
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Up till now, I have been uncertain I could even vote for Trump. Now there is no doubt in my my mind I have to, especially if , as expected Hillary is the Democratic nominee. I am not sure how any One can vote for Hillary seeing how little she values the very security of our nation
we all have to.
And the Left will beat their conspiracy drum and deny\deflect. Even with the horse (FBI, etc) telling them otherwise.

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