A Tribute To Those Who Risked Their Lives...

Aug 23, 2013
Mt. Juliet, TN
Then, of course, we have the guy who risked his life playing the sax...and the one who trained to be a Taliban warrior.
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No...but he wore more than a hs band uniform or a stupid looking Taliban comment please.
I'm not defending Obama. I asked about Dubya. Nice deflection though. I'm a political agnostic an despise Obama...especially when his policies are the same as Bush's on steroids.
You do realize the Air Force fighter pilots are among the most highly trained and skilled we have in the armed forces?
Texas Air National Guard is not the same as Air Force. Bush did not see battle, thus, did not risk his life...unless falling off of a barstool.
I'm not defending Obama. I asked about Dubya. Nice deflection though. I'm a political agnostic an despise Obama...especially when his policies are the same as Bush's on steroids.
I understand that...and I am not being negative in any way towards you...however when it comes to presidents I prefer mine in some sort of American service uniform...not that of the Grand Mufti of Pakistan....or head sax player at Hope HS.
Texas Air National Guard is not the same as Air Force. Bush did not see battle, thus, did not risk his life...unless falling off of a barstool.

Still Lt. Bush Jr. did not make policy for the Air National Guard. He had the same core training as his active counterparts. Being a fighter pilot requires an enormous amount of effort.
Still Lt. Bush Jr. did not make policy for the Air National Guard. He had the same core training as his active counterparts. Being a fighter pilot requires an enormous amount of effort.
My OP stands. He did not risk his life.