According to ChatGTP, Are You an Average Democrat or Republican or a Radical D or R?

Using ChatGTP's definitions, I most closely align with...

  • Total voters
Nov 28, 2010
In the linked study, Chat GTP was asked to define average and radical Dems and Rs. Using its answers, which comes closest to your views?

ChatGPT Question re Democrats:

Define for me an average democrat and a radical democrat in today’s context.

ChatGPT Answer re Democrats:

In today’s context, an average Democrat refers to a member or supporter of the Democratic Party who generally aligns with the party’s mainstream views and policies. This typically includes support for progressive economic policies, such as higher taxes on the wealthy, expanded government programs to address inequality and protect workers, and social liberalism, such as support for abortion rights and LGBTQ+ rights.

On the other hand, a radical Democrat refers to a member or supporter of the Democratic Party who holds more extreme views and is willing to take more aggressive or controversial actions to achieve their goals. This can include advocating for more radical policy proposals, such as defunding the police, increasing taxes on the wealthy even further, or implementing more aggressive measures to combat climate change. Radical Democrats may also be more willing to challenge traditional Democratic Party leaders and norms in order to advance their agenda.

ChatGPT Question re Republicans:

Define for me an average republican and a radical republican in today’s context.

ChatGPT Answer re Republicans:

In today’s context, an average Republican refers to a member or supporter of the Republican Party who generally aligns with the party’s mainstream views and policies. This typically includes support for conservative economic policies, such as lower taxes and limited government intervention in the economy, as well as social conservatism, such as opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage.

On the other hand, a radical Republican refers to a member or supporter of the Republican Party who holds more extreme views and is willing to take more aggressive or controversial actions to achieve their goals. This can include advocating for more radical policy proposals, such as eliminating certain government programs or departments, or taking a more confrontational approach to issues such as immigration or national security. Radical Republicans may also be more willing to challenge traditional Republican Party leaders and norms in order to advance their agenda.
If that's the free version of ChatGPT then it is using info through September 2021. The response is very vanilla so I doubt an update to “current environment” would change much.

Did you think to have it “regenerate” the response to see what types of changes it introduced?
If that's the free version of ChatGPT then it is using info through September 2021. The response is very vanilla so I doubt an update to “current environment” would change much.

Did you think to have it “regenerate” the response to see what types of changes it introduced?
Check the OP link to see how the study was conducted. I think there are grounds for criticism, but it's a pretty thorough study. If they mentioned which version of ChatGTP they used, I missed it.
Because I don't align lock step with either. I do believe in lower taxes and think the Democrats are soft on crime and socially the Republicans are generally jerks.
Lol in 2023 the entire GOP is attacking the FBI and our Judicial system to protect the twice impeached 4 times indicted domestic terrorist. 😆
I don’t fit these AI groupings. I will be the outlier and save the world from the robot revolution
Most average Republicans I know are pro choice within reason (generally 12 to 15 week cap with rare exceptions for health reasons only beyond that) and have zero issue with same sex marriage. Most are more accepting than Obama was pre 2008.
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I support abortion rights and LGBTQ+ rights as well as worker rights and equality for all. I also think our border is porous and needs to be fixed, tax loopholes need to be closed, and we need better bang for our tax buck that what we are currently getting, I also support universal background checks and red flag laws for guns, and think people who block traffic to stop oil drilling should be murdered.

So...whatever that is.
I think a lot of people prefer the average Republicans economic policies with the average Democrats social policies.

I know the socially liberal/moderate and fiscally conservative is a fairly common claim here on HORT, but it's the smallest bloc out there. The reality is that most Americans are more conservative socially than the Democratic party and lots of conservatives aren't all that fiscally conservative... which is why the culture war/social stuff is such a big thing for Republican politicians.

This was in the NYT morning newsletter a couple months ago:

"Americans tend to be more progressive on economic issues than they are on social issues. If you can remember that, you will be able to make better sense of the 2024 campaign.

It explains why DeSantis and Trump are competing with each other to sound populist, even if it means favoring government regulations and benefits. It explains why Trump’s criticism of free trade resonated with voters — and why President Biden has promoted his own “buy America” economic policies, breaking with centrist Democrats. It also explains why today’s Republicans campaign on social issues like immigration, crime, gender and religion; most Americans are more conservative on these subjects than the Democratic Party is.

It is true that there is a subset of voters, many of them affluent, who like to describe themselves as “socially liberal and fiscally conservative.” If you’re reading this newsletter, you probably know some people in that category. Yet it happens to be the least common combination in American politics. The typical swing voter is instead “socially conservative and fiscally liberal.”"

This illustrates it, I don't know why the labels are gone.

Left axis. more socially conservative at the top, more socially liberal at the bottom
Bottom axis, more fiscally liberal to the left, more fiscally conservative to the right.

From 2016 voters.


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