ADMINS: Can we get this one pinned until after the election?! “Every year, an estimated 2,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens” Thanks, jo!

"If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism."

Thomas Sowell
This is not a link to MSN. It links to a junk news site which mentions a report that it doesn't actually reference.

I suspect that the number mentioned here comes from ICE 2018 fiscal year report. I included the link below. Also that report does not distinguish between illegal immigrants vs legal immigrants who are not citizens. Attributing all of the homicides to illegal immigrants is not accurate. Additionally the homicides do not establish that the victims were Americans. It is likely that many of the victims were not citizens. The claim is not accurate. It also isn't up to date more recent reports have a homicide number around 1,500. You can find these on ICE's website

This is not a link to MSN. It links to a junk news site which mentions a report that it doesn't actually reference.

I suspect that the number mentioned here comes from ICE 2018 fiscal year report. I included the link below. Also that report does not distinguish between illegal immigrants vs legal immigrants who are not citizens. Attributing all of the homicides to illegal immigrants is not accurate. Additionally the homicides do not establish that the victims were Americans. It is likely that many of the victims were not citizens. The claim is not accurate. It also isn't up to date more recent reports have a homicide number around 1,500. You can find these on ICE's website

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You're a bigger fool for believing his apology.
What apology?.
I cited the data.

You were duped into thinking this was an MSN article and weren't curious enough to find the source data.

You can't actually engage with data and then call me the fool. Further I can easily think of ways that the actual data supports your position.

I can help you make these arguments. I would be willing to do that in the interest of developing your critical thinking skills.
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What apology?.
I cited the data.

You were duped into thinking this was an MSN article and weren't curious enough to find the source data.

You can't actually engage with data and then call me the fool. Further I can easily think of ways that the actual data supports your position.

I can help you make these arguments. I would be willing to do that in the interest of developing your critical thinking skills.
1 is too many, but you attempted to poo poo it down to 1500 when we both know 2000 was probably extremely low in 2023.
Such precision! How do they do it?! You do know this under reported, right? States like MN and CA go to great lengths to mask status to shield ILLEGALS from stats.
I imagine that have a reporting system. I'm skeptical that there is a systematic underreporting of homicides to ICE. I do believe that there is underreporting of lower level crimes.

The California prison system appears to have a very active system for reporting to ICE.

I imagine that most of these reports come from law enforcement and the prison in the general I think the folks who work in these positions would be inclined to report particularly people involved in violent crime
As to the ICE report itself, they would certainly be incentivized to highlight their value. This likely directly effects their support and funding.
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you posted a fake story, but hes the fool for helping you get a real source?
OP never tries to defend his position. If you question the validity of the right-wing media stories he posts he will just call you names, deflect or not try to make an argument. Classic MAGA, make wild claims with no facts when asked to back it up, reply with yelling and more baseless claims.

Anymore, I reply to him just as sport, to see how long it takes to be called a name or for him to not respond. If you press him long enough he will just stop replying to you in his own threads but will continue to reply to others. Its pretty gratifying.
OP never tries to defend his position. If you question the validity of the right-wing media stories he posts he will just call you names, deflect or not try to make an argument. Classic MAGA, make wild claims with no facts when asked to back it up, reply with yelling and more baseless claims.

Anymore, I reply to him just as sport, to see how long it takes to be called a name or for him to not respond. If you press him long enough he will just stop replying to you in his own threads but will continue to reply to others. Its pretty gratifying.
I agree. Chickenshit4 never replies, cause he's... well, a chickenshit. And dont forget, he's on records supporting Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's horrid comments about our dead service members being 'losers and suckers'. He's deplorable, but I can easily see thats what he's going for... any attention. And by the way... he's a liar.
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No, no, no. I wasn't going to call you a liar. I just wanted to make sure I never sent my kids there because obviously the degrees aren't worth the paper they are written on.
Well, when "parents" refer to their children as "kids," you probably don't have to worry about any degree beyond HS.
I have a BA in finance, lunch lady, so go clean up the hotdogs from the floor.

Without rage, it ain't getting fixed....


Exactly zero people believe you ever went to college.

Hell, completing the G.E.D. may be a stretch, but what is Russia's version of that?

Insecure little simpleton.

Right, a BA in finance. 😂 I was not aware that Podunk Community College was offering BAs. Especially in finance. More like woodworking or janitorial services. If he even has one. Knowing how much he lies about everything, I would imagine his middle school degree is his proudest accomplishment. 'Merica!!
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Right, a BA in finance. 😂 I was not aware that Podunk Community College was offering BAs. Especially in finance. More like woodworking or janitorial services. If he even has one. Knowing how much he lies about everything, I would imagine his middle school degree is his proudest accomplishment. 'Merica!!
Pffft, janitorial services? That requires way too much work for him. He would never have time to sit around on the internet and cry about illegals taking jobs if he did that.
Probably more than you have in your trailer, which I am told is parked in the corner of the parking lot in the local laundromat. Good for you chickenshit4! Keep moving on up!