ADMINS: Please Pin This Want of Bee List


HB Legend
Sep 1, 2004
The following are recognized by the HROT community as certified Want of Bees. Usage of these by any poster is assumed to be usage with full knowledge by that poster of the incorrectness of the WOB. Usage of any other WOB will be assumed to be proof of the supreme stupidity of the using poster, and there will be no limit as to the ridicule that will in sue:

…top ten finishes were an abomination (rather than aberration)
All-timers/Old-timers disease
Another words
Bathing ground (rather than breeding ground)
Bone and find
Dating back to pro-magnum man
Escaped goat
Extra-century perception
Growing expotentially
Fire distinguisher
Flash in the pants
Following proto-call
For all intensive purposes
Fought through some diversity
French benefits
Full proof plan
Granite (instead of "granted...")
Half hazardously
I made a personal pack not to listen
I am complementing (not contemplating) moving there
Have in my position (not possession)
Have a head code
Heat sinking
I appreciate my animosity (not anonymity)
In sue
In your infant wisdom
It's a mute point
Lack toast and tolerant
Lacks motervation
Nip this in the butt
None the lease
One in the same
Out of bounce
Physical year
Pigment of imagination
Prostrate exam
Rule of thump
Sacramento lamb
Seated 3rd in the playoffs
See the old geysers pushing oxygen tanks
Setting a president
Spurn (meant "spur")
Stat sure
Swinging/hanging from the raptors
Sue aside
Talk is chief
Temper tandem
That’s be on me.
The lawyer disposed of the witness
The tenements of the major religions
The whole bowl of wax
The playing service
Up and adam/atom
Want of Bee (born 3/14/05)
Windshield temperature
With every fiber of my bean
Wolf in cheap clothing
Wrecking havoc

Last updated: 2/24/08
In memory of Matt_Teach.
This post was edited on 2/19 7:51 PM by markfromj
This post was edited on 2/19 7:56 PM by markfromj
This post was edited on 2/24 10:55 PM by markfromj
This post was edited on 2/27 9:15 PM by markfromj
This post was edited on 2/28 9:07 AM by markfromj
This post was edited on 3/14 9:07 PM by markfromj
This post was edited on 3/14 9:11 PM by markfromj
This post was edited on 3/18 10:30 AM by markfromj
What is the correct plural of Want of Bee? Is it Want of Bees, or Wants of Bee? I vote for the latter.
Could someone also post to the top of the board a sample football schedule where each Big Ten teams plays 9 conference games, instead of 8.

Also, I would reccommend a list of common misspellings that it is, it wood be redicoulous to loose this thread.
This post was edited on 2/17 9:42 PM by The_Rock88

I hope I did this in a timely enough manner. Lord knows I don't want to be responsible for anyone committing sue aside over such a trivial issue.
I busted up laughing reading a few of those. Sacramento Lamb?! Lol...
Originally posted by uiowa08:
What is the correct plural of Want of Bee? Is it Want of Bees, or Wants of Bee? I vote for the latter.
I vote neither. Want ofs Bee sould seem to be the only option.
Someone used "Case Pin Point" with me last month.
He was a fresh grad... So, I laughed at him and made him feel really uncomfortable.
Originally posted by uiowa08:
What is the correct plural of Want of Bee? Is it Want of Bees, or Wants of Bee? I vote for the latter.

The original usage was actually plural and was "want of bees". As in (two sportscasters) are Trev Alberts want of bees.
Originally posted by DutchHawk:
Don't forget 'it's a mute point'.

The highlight of "mute point" was probably cidsports who was using it repeatedly, got called out on it, claimed he knew of "moot point" but "mute point" was a variation and continued using it.
Originally posted by BrewCityG:
Someone used "Case Pin Point" with me last month.
He was a fresh grad... So, I laughed at him and made him feel really uncomfortable.
NOt sure where this ranks, but I used to work with a guy who always said "Point in Case". Still does as far as I know.
These make me laugh - VERY hard. Like this:

Thanks, mark, for the list. Thanks, monster, for pinning it.
Originally posted by TAikin:

Originally posted by uiowa08:
What is the correct plural of Want of Bee? Is it Want of Bees, or Wants of Bee? I vote for the latter.

The original usage was actually plural and was "want of bees". As in (two sportscasters) are Trev Alberts want of bees.
I second that, I'm pretty sure it was want of bees.
I forgot a great one. A former co-worker used to give reports for the "physical year"
This post was edited on 2/18 4:30 PM by TAikin
Do any of you WOB's remember who the WOB poster was that came up with that WOB, WOB, and thus starting the WOB craze? Was it that WOB Mulva? He was a WOB if there ever was a WOB.
Originally posted by IaPhoneMan4Hawks:

Originally posted by TAikin:

Originally posted by uiowa08:
What is the correct plural of Want of Bee? Is it Want of Bees, or Wants of Bee? I vote for the latter.

The original usage was actually plural and was "want of bees". As in (two sportscasters) are Trev Alberts want of bees.
I second that, I'm pretty sure it was want of bees.
Absolutely. It should be "want of bees" for a variety of good reasons, not the least of which is that "want of bee" is a single term that really can't be meaningfully broken down into parts like "Attorneys General," or "mothers-in-law." Besides...

oh, never mind.
A recurring Lounge favorite: He/they was/were totally dominate.
But you should of known that.
I looked, but did not see "in sue" in the list of approved for use want of bee phrases. Doesn't this require some type of elevated ridicule being that it appeared in the original post in this thread?
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Hawkness Monster:
I'm thinking of moving this over to the Legendary Forum after a few days. What's your opinion on that?

Sounds fine to me. My motivation for starting this pointless exercise was to get a maintained list we could reference when we see a potential new WOB, because so many are now used with knowledge of their WOBness.
Originally posted by markfromj:

Originally posted by Hawkness Monster:
I'm thinking of moving this over to the Legendary Forum after a few days. What's your opinion on that?

Sounds fine to me. My motivation for starting this pointless exercise was to get a maintained list we could reference when we see a potential new WOB, because so many are now used with knowledge of their WOBness.

I figured that. The Leg Forum might be the best place to keep it.
I have no documentation for these, they were a while back, and may be only approximations of what was written:

"sop and wet"
"trader to the cause"
"in the mist of a four game losing streak"
Originally posted by zyvex789:
I have no documentation for these, they were a while back, and may be only approximations of what was written:

"sop and wet"
"trader to the cause"
"in the mist of a four game losing streak"

Nice work.

Keep 'em coming, boyz.