Ages of Players

His Hawkness

HB All-American
Gold Member
May 5, 2003
Did anybody else find it odd that the announcer would say the age of the player or when they are turning 20 for every player during the entire game or was it just me?
That was weird and Mason even said that one player was a true freshman and only 19. Like it was weird to be that young as a true freshman in September.

BTN commentators are not very good. With all the $ coming in, invest in some good or up & coming young talent. I should have just said the BTN is not good
Yes, it became a joke at my house. If we were playing a drinking game i wouldn't have caught the second half.
I thought the guy sounded like the hof announcer Lindsey Nelson Some of you old timers might remember him. Other than happy joes like birthday announcements he was a solid announcer
I have never heard anything like it. It usually only gets pointed out if a guy is like Amobi Okoye young or Chris Wienke old. This guys gave you the ages of everyone.
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The 21 yr old QB hands off to the 19 yr old RB at the 20yd line ,who runs behind the 22 yr old LT,bounces off the 18 yr old LB at the 25yd line,and finally gets tackled at the 35yd line by the 23 yr old safety. I dunno,think he might've been on to something.
The announcer needs to do a BYU game. Those 18 year olds turn into 25 year olds, on average.
When they came back from commercial some cheerleaders - I think - were doing some tumbling and he said, "Gymnastics: not my specialty."

He was kind of quirky, but in a benign way. I liked him as a change-of-pace.
Mason is a moron. He went from coaching to doing BTN studio shows to color commentary in the booth. All are moves down the football ladder.
I could see how this guy could have gotten himself in a pickle if he started listing the cheerleaders ages.
The only thing I can guess is that it was sort of his editorial to remind us all of how young these players "don't be so hard on them". Very unusual, indeed.
The play by play guy does Washington Capital games. I think he was brought in for Maryland fans. Assuming he still does hockey and is PT for the BTN
I like at the end how he trolls the Pitt guy who was standing under the goal post. I too was annoyed by all the age comments.

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