I think Hayden in his retirement may have actually became interested in golf. I say this because I ran into him at Finkbine. Not with my cart (!) but on the range.
It was Father's Day of 2000 (?) and I decided to swing through IC on my way to see my Dad. Couldn't resist the tug of Finkbine and decided to hit a few.
At first I was hitting all by myself. A little later I saw this "old guy" with shades checking things out. Truthfully, it was a little off-putting at first. A little later, holy shite he's still there. A little later, holy ... That's Hayden Fry!!!
So my mind starts working and I think I gotta ask him to sign something for my Dad. I approached him and he wrote a wonderful message on a scorecard, lol. Hayden also expressed interest in me and my game, similar to anyone else thinking about taking up the game.
My Dad would later say what he liked most was Hayden included a line that he "enjoyed meeting your son, SBAH." Good on both of them.
That scorecard is in my possession now and is a nice way to remember both my father and Hayden.