All this talk of the "Illuminati"...

Jakeleg Jake

Sep 27, 2004
but nobody has fingered them yet. I pretty much suspect Trump...for sure Bill Gates because he has his hands all in the educational cookie jar...also Clintons and Bushies although I'm not sure if they are part of the club or just willing stooges. How about the Kennedys?
I think OiT references the Bilderbergs as Illuminati. Or not. OiT will fill you in.
but nobody has fingered them yet. I pretty much suspect Trump...for sure Bill Gates because he has his hands all in the educational cookie jar...also Clintons and Bushies although I'm not sure if they are part of the club or just willing stooges. How about the Kennedys?
Illuminati, real or not, is more of a broad term.

Check into groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Pay attention to the people involved in bringing those organizations together. Also pay special attention to the members and how many Cabinet positions and political positions in general they occupy.
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What's up with the Zika virus controversy? Is the Iluminati involved with that too?
Who was involved in the HIV virus...Illuminati trying to knock off blacks?
all viruses that are weaponized are the illuminati trying to wipe out humans period. they don't care black or white. the main goal is to kill off humans. you would think they would want them for slaves or taxes, but they want less of us. that's why they are pro abortion and pro weaponizing viruses and pro war and pro death at any age
Are the illuminati like the mysterious masked pervert crowd in the movie "Eyes Wide Shut"?

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature. "

oh yeah, the illuminati is into environmentalism also so that they might make us think nature is more important than us so that we kill ourselves off in favor of the almighty mother nature. we humans are destroying the earth so we must go... & all that jazz
Are the illuminati like the mysterious masked pervert crowd in the movie "Eyes Wide Shut"?
I think. I've heard alex jones talk about this movie and on coast to coast am they talk about it but I've never seen it, I need to see it
I can't keep all this straight in my brain. Does the illuminati back Hillary or Donald?
I think. I've heard alex jones talk about this movie and on coast to coast am they talk about it but I've never seen it, I need to see it

Well, I'm not sure they're as socially and environmentally aware in the movie as that list of values you offered... But the movie is interesting nonetheless. Plus the added chance to see Nicole Kidman in a sexed up role.
Well, I'm not sure they're as socially and environmentally aware in the movie as that list of values you offered... But the movie is interesting nonetheless. Plus the added chance to see Nicole Kidman in a sexed up role.
they could be minions or underlings. I need to see it
I can't keep all this straight in my brain. Does the illuminati back Hillary or Donald?
Hillary, certainly not Donald. they would be Clinton/bush types. bush going to yale , skull and bones. unless the Donald attended a secret society in college.
I don't think there is a secret, centuries old international cabal of puppet masters. But I think their game is trying to prove Jesus liked to have sex with women.
well, most do think he married mary Magdalene, oh and they think he had kids and the bloodlines are the chosen ones!

Let me ask a serious question here. If the Illuminate actually existed, what good would they be if people actually knew who they were?
they don't care who knows, all people will be gone, they know, they stay.

in other words: it's about ruling over several hundred people rather than several million. it's easier that way. they will know each other, we will be all gone
they don't care who knows, all people will be gone, they know, they stay.

in other words: it's about ruling over several hundred people rather than several million. it's easier that way. they will know each other, we will be all gone

Oh, it matters. If you say that "the president of the central banking system" is causing problems, that's a whole lot different than saying that the Illuminate is causing problems. If you don't know who they are, then how could you blame them?
Oh, it matters. If you say that "the president of the central banking system" is causing problems, that's a whole lot different than saying that the Illuminate is causing problems. If you don't know who they are, then how could you blame them?
the president of the central bank works at the behest of the illuminati, bush and Obama are just "coffee getters" to the illuminati
they don't care who knows, all people will be gone, they know, they stay.

in other words: it's about ruling over several hundred people rather than several million. it's easier that way. they will know each other, we will be all gone
What century are they going to implement their plan? They seem a very patient organization.
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