Amb. Sondland Ordered State Dept. Not To Monitor Ukraine Call With Trump

Kenneth Griffin

HR Legend
Jan 13, 2012
The U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland tried to make sure there was no record of President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, a former diplomat told congressional investigators.

In testimony released on Wednesday, former United States Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor said that Sondland had plotted behind the scenes to make sure the call was not monitored or transcribed.

According to the deposition, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) asked Taylor how the call was different from other calls with heads of state.

“In the normal, regular channel, the State Department operations center that was putting the call together would stay on the line, in particular when you were having a conversation with the head of state, they would stay on the line, transcribe, take notes so that there could be a record of the discussion with this head of state,” Taylor explained.

“When he wanted to be sure that there was not, the State Department operations center agreed,” he continued. “And they told us, they said in response to [Sondland’s] request, they said, we won’t monitor and we certainly won’t transcribe because we’re going to sign off.”

Read the excerpt below from Taylor’s testimony.
Umm, wasn’t there a transcript of the call that was released, proving a quid pro quo?

It’s almost like both side are trying to outdo themselves with one lie after another. :rolleyes:
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Don't get your panties in a bunch....this is just another example of one side telling a narrative that nobody can prove happened or didn't happen. I wish they would all just do their freaking jobs that they were elected to do. Everyone that I know is just sick of both sides. He's not getting impeached...….move the F on!!!
Don't get your panties in a bunch....this is just another example of one side telling a narrative that nobody can prove happened or didn't happen. I wish they would all just do their freaking jobs that they were elected to do. Everyone that I know is just sick of both sides. He's not getting impeached...….move the F on!!!

Sorry you care so little about our Constitution, the separation of powers and the rule of law.
no there was a summary of the transcript released that showed that.
How can you summarize something that wasn’t “...monitored or transcribed”? (per Julian Borger tweet above).

They’re. All. Lying. :D
Don't get your panties in a bunch....this is just another example of one side telling a narrative that nobody can prove happened or didn't happen. I wish they would all just do their freaking jobs that they were elected to do. Everyone that I know is just sick of both sides. He's not getting impeached...….move the F on!!!
Quite a few people have testified it did happen. This isn't just some game of gotcha. Hiding your head in the sand is only helping Traitor Trump.
Don't get your panties in a bunch....this is just another example of one side telling a narrative that nobody can prove happened or didn't happen. I wish they would all just do their freaking jobs that they were elected to do. Everyone that I know is just sick of both sides. He's not getting impeached...….move the F on!!!

First of all they have proved it happened with numerous fact witnesses, emails, texts and documents. Second of all they are doing their jobs by being a check on a lawless president. They are upholding their duty to support and defend the constitution, unlike Moscow Mitch and the gang.
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I see Sondland was given an opportunity to "modify" his earlier testimony. So that likely means he went from lying 100% of the time to about 40-50% in this appearance.

With any luck, his next inquiry gets it down to only 10% falsehoods.
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Don't get your panties in a bunch....this is just another example of one side telling a narrative that nobody can prove happened or didn't happen. I wish they would all just do their freaking jobs that they were elected to do. Everyone that I know is just sick of both sides. He's not getting impeached...….move the F on!!!

The President of the United States withheld military aid to an ally, and held it ransom in exchange for them to make a public statement damaging to his political opponent.

This is extortion, and an abuse of power beyond anything any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

That you don't care speaks very poorly of you.
How can you summarize something that wasn’t “...monitored or transcribed”? (per Julian Borger tweet above).

They’re. All. Lying. :D

Sigh. The tweet refers to Sondland's instructions to the STATE DEPARTMENT.

It WAS monitored. And it WAS transcribed. By others NOT IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT.

What was released was not a transcript. It was compiled by notes taken and memories of the call. Reportedly there was an actual transcript taken that was locked away in a secture codeword enabled location.
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I see Sondland was given an opportunity to "modify" his earlier testimony. So that likely means he went from lying 100% of the time to about 40-50% in this appearance.

With any luck, his next inquiry gets it down to only 10% falsehoods.
It’s clear he got a good idea of what several other people said, and was actually smart enough to listen to his lawyers and get out from under a perjury charge. If he testifies in public it will be must see TV. He clearly put space between himself and Trump, and he’s a rich guy who doesn’t want to go to jail.
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The President of the United States withheld military aid to an ally, and held it ransom in exchange for them to make a public statement damaging to his political opponent.

This is extortion, and an abuse of power beyond anything any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

That you don't care speaks very poorly of you.

It's a witch hunt for which nothing is going to happen. Not a reflection of me, I have no stance on the subject for either side. My point's a waste of time. They may as well go spend another $16M on trying to prove Roger Clemens used steroids. There will be no meaningful resolution to this. Besides....Biden's son should be looked at. What the hell is he doing in Ukraine, making a Kabizillion Dollars? What is the background of how he got there and why they would pay him that amount of money for doing what most people would do for much, much less most likely. That might be a better question.....not that I really care.
It's a witch hunt for which nothing is going to happen. Not a reflection of me, I have no stance on the subject for either side. My point's a waste of time. They may as well go spend another $16M on trying to prove Roger Clemens used steroids. There will be no meaningful resolution to this. Besides....Biden's son should be looked at. What the hell is he doing in Ukraine, making a Kabizillion Dollars? What is the background of how he got there and why they would pay him that amount of money for doing what most people would do for much, much less most likely. That might be a better question.....not that I really care.
You're wrong. He's going to be impeached. And because *you* and apathetic dipshits like you don't care that this POTUS (specifically) is using his office in this manner, the Senate will acquit him of what really is an egregious transgression that would be the end of any other politician. If Biden's son should be investigated, there are legitimate ways for that to be done. That wasn't done because Trump didn't and doesn't care if Hunter Biden did anything wrong. He just wanted there to be a public announcement that he was being investigated. Pay attention or STFU.
It's a witch hunt for which nothing is going to happen. Not a reflection of me, I have no stance on the subject for either side. My point's a waste of time. They may as well go spend another $16M on trying to prove Roger Clemens used steroids. There will be no meaningful resolution to this. Besides....Biden's son should be looked at. What the hell is he doing in Ukraine, making a Kabizillion Dollars? What is the background of how he got there and why they would pay him that amount of money for doing what most people would do for much, much less most likely. That might be a better question.....not that I really care.

LC, is that you? I always love the poster who claims they don't have a side and then defends one side.
It's a witch hunt for which nothing is going to happen. Not a reflection of me, I have no stance on the subject for either side. My point's a waste of time. They may as well go spend another $16M on trying to prove Roger Clemens used steroids. There will be no meaningful resolution to this. Besides....Biden's son should be looked at. What the hell is he doing in Ukraine, making a Kabizillion Dollars? What is the background of how he got there and why they would pay him that amount of money for doing what most people would do for much, much less most likely. That might be a better question.....not that I really care.

Despite your irrational prattling and non sequiturs, it is not a witch hunt.

It is now established fact that Trump is guilty of extortion. It cannot be denied.
How can you summarize something that wasn’t “...monitored or transcribed”? (per Julian Borger tweet above).

They’re. All. Lying. :D
*sigh* The STATE DEPT didn't monitor it from their end. The call WAS monitored from the WH end. Vindman is NSC...not State. Pay attention.
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It's a witch hunt for which nothing is going to happen. Not a reflection of me, I have no stance on the subject for either side. My point's a waste of time. They may as well go spend another $16M on trying to prove Roger Clemens used steroids. There will be no meaningful resolution to this. Besides....Biden's son should be looked at. What the hell is he doing in Ukraine, making a Kabizillion Dollars? What is the background of how he got there and why they would pay him that amount of money for doing what most people would do for much, much less most likely. That might be a better question.....not that I really care.

Ohhh you are a troll. Carry on then.
It's a witch hunt for which nothing is going to happen. Not a reflection of me, I have no stance on the subject for either side. My point's a waste of time. They may as well go spend another $16M on trying to prove Roger Clemens used steroids. There will be no meaningful resolution to this. Besides....Biden's son should be looked at. What the hell is he doing in Ukraine, making a Kabizillion Dollars? What is the background of how he got there and why they would pay him that amount of money for doing what most people would do for much, much less most likely. That might be a better question.....not that I really care.

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It’s clear he got a good idea of what several other people said, and was actually smart enough to listen to his lawyers and get out from under a perjury charge. If he testifies in public it will be must see TV. He clearly put space between himself and Trump, and he’s a rich guy who doesn’t want to go to jail.
And Sondland is Exhibit A as to why it was a brilliant idea to have the earlier testimony behind closed doors. No one could coordinate their stories.

Hell, when Trey Gowdy was interviewed about how the Benghazi hearings started... paraphrasing.."We get so much more, and better, info doing it that way".

The WH wanted to intimidate and threaten those testifying. Guess even pro Trumpers like Sondland realized that lying for the President just isn't worth going to prison over.