It might be 100 but I saw plenty of middle teen moms, some with multiple children.The age of consent in Iowa is 16. It is 18 in Utah.
It might be 100 but I saw plenty of middle teen moms, some with multiple children.The age of consent in Iowa is 16. It is 18 in Utah.
wrongNo they don’t.
Don't the menfolk get to be gods with their own planet when they die?wrong
Many Worlds and Many Gods: An Excerpt from
Mormonism also believes that these innumerable worlds or kingdoms were also inhabited by
We used to drive to yellowstone from LA a couple of times a year when I live down there. Sometimes we'd stop for food in Utah. One trip we stopped somewhere around Logan for food/piss and I paid with a crisp $20 and the girl working the counter asked me if it was pay day with wonder in her voice.I will say this, minus that horrendous photo of the fattie, I collaborate with a company in Utah, about 90 miles northwest of Salt Lake City. SLC is mostly normal, many minorities, Samoans, odd kind of practicing Mormons, but but...if you rent a car and go to for example, the Cache Valley, near Logan, Utah, the true mormons come out. Most of the women (young and mostly jail bait) are stunning, mostly blonde and appear to be oversexed or pregnant in their teens. I stayed in a hotel there and this girl, maybe 16 or 17, desk clerk, asked me what the purpose of my visit was. I told her and she was suitably confused and then asked me whether I was Mormon (derp no) and married (also no). She asked me why I wasn't and I was like this place is whack. Then I got the spiel on the whole Mormon thing and how she yearned to leave her home town of 80 people. It's kind of sad in those rural communities the opportunities or lack thereof, these people have. It is obvious polygamy is taking place and its more than obvious there is weird sexual abuse and not to mention the age of consent is way younger than any sane location. All in all a sociological cluster f but it does exist, sacred undies and all.
My wife (no pic) and I are not religious people. After seeing this, I'm starting to wonder if my wife has secretly found god after having our first child.
It pretty much exists in the open. Wink wink nudge nudge.Utah had to ban polygamy when it became a state.
However, today it is estimated that 30,000 to about
50,000 people live in polygamous households in Utah.
These people call themselves "Fundamentalist Mormons.