I see that a lot of reviews are saying that the first season gets better as it goes, and I believe Rashida even mentioned something about looking forward to the second season now that they had found their groove.
I love the premise, and the type of humor. I just didn't think they pulled it off all that well. Maybe Rashida just wasn't the best choice for the role of Angie. Don't get me wrong, there were funny parts and funny characters.
Children's Hospital does a better job at this type of humor, IMO. Tribeca wasn't horrible, but not as good as I had hoped.
One reviewer mentioned that he thought TBS did the show no favors by introducing it as a marathon, given that the episodes have nothing to do with one another. His opinion was that the flaws of the show are exposed by binge watching all in a row. I think I do agree with that to some degree. I sorta wish I had watched them one or two a week for awhile.