Angie's List Withdraws Campus Expansion in Indiana


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
INDIANAPOLIS, March 28, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Angie's List (Nasdaq:ANGI) CEO Bill Oesterle today announced the company has pulled its proposed campus expansion project on Indianapolis' Near East Side from City-County Council consideration as a result of the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
"We are putting the 'Ford Building Project' on hold until we fully understand the implications of the freedom restoration act on our employees, both current and future," said Angie's List CEO Bill Oesterle. The company was expected to break ground on the project within days.
"Angie's List is open to all and discriminates against none and we are hugely disappointed in what this bill represents," said Oesterle.
The company will begin reviewing alternatives for the expansion of its headquarters immediately.
This post was edited on 3/28 12:21 PM by THE_DEVIL
Boy someone from Iowa's Dept of Economic Development should be all over this one.
NCAA concerned about the new law as well.

INDIANAPOLIS -- With the Final Four a week away from shining a spotlight on Indianapolis, NCAA president Mark Emmert said Thursday that the governing body for college sports is concerned about an Indiana law that could allow businesses to discriminate against gay people.

The law would prohibit state and local laws that "substantially burden" the ability of people -- including businesses and associations -- to follow their religious beliefs.

The NCAA offices are located in Indianapolis, and Emmert said the organization was concerned about how it might impact student-athletes and employees. His terse statement also suggested the NCAA might consider moving future events out of Indianapolis.

"We will work diligently to assure student-athletes competing in, and visitors attending, next week's Men's Final Four in Indianapolis are not impacted negatively by this bill," Emmert said, hours after Gov. Mark Pence signed the measure into law. "Moving forward, we intend to closely examine the implications of this bill and how it might affect future events as well as our workforce."

ESPNINDIANAPOLIS -- With the Final Four a week awa
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

INDIANAPOLIS, March 28, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Angie's List (Nasdaq:ANGI) CEO Bill Oesterle today announced the company has pulled its proposed campus expansion project on Indianapolis' Near East Side from City-County Council consideration as a result of the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
"We are putting the 'Ford Building Project' on hold until we fully understand the implications of the freedom restoration act on our employees, both current and future," said Angie's List CEO Bill Oesterle. The company was expected to break ground on the project within days.
"Angie's List is open to all and discriminates against none and we are hugely disappointed in what this bill represents," said Oesterle.
The company will begin reviewing alternatives for the expansion of its headquarters immediately.
This post was edited on 3/28 12:21 PM by THE_DEVIL
Sounds like a weak excuse. I don't see the major implications from the Freedom Restoration Act on Angie's List"s business. I would say that it is more likely that the campus expansion was put on hold because the stock is down more than 50% in the last year, has never made a profit and the business has no real barrier to entry. There are more more advertisements for HomeAdvisor that is basically the same business without the stupid name.
When will business's realize that supporting the "gay bully mob" is a losing issue. Look what happened to Chick Fil-A, they made out like a bandit with support and they're still thriving.

The law is not anti-gay, it just isn't. This is not a pragmatic issue, it's a "feel good" issue devoid of reason.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

When will business's realize that supporting the "gay bully mob" is a losing issue. Look what happened to Chick Fil-A, they made out like a bandit with support and they're still thriving.

The law is not anti-gay, it just isn't. This is not a pragmatic issue, it's a "feel good" issue devoid of reason.
Its probably more anti women really. No headscarf, no service. Why aren't you mad about these religious people forcing their religion on the public IMCC? You asked in a thread a few days ago why atheists don't just leave religion alone, well this is your answer. The religious bully mob out numbers the atheist gay bully mob, so we have to be constantly vigilant.
Remember when Congress passed a similar federal act almost unanimously and President Clinton signed it into law?

Neither, apparently, do liberals.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by TJ8869:
Remember when Congress passed a similar federal act almost unanimously and President Clinton signed it into law?

Neither, apparently, do liberals.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I think we do, Hobby Lobby taught us to pay closer attention.
Originally posted by TJ8869:
Remember when Congress passed a similar federal act almost unanimously and President Clinton signed it into law?

Neither, apparently, do liberals.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
And certainly nothing has changed in America's view toward homosexuals in the last 20 years or so.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

When will business's realize that supporting the "gay bully mob" is a losing issue. Look what happened to Chick Fil-A, they made out like a bandit with support and they're still thriving.

The law is not anti-gay, it just isn't. This is not a pragmatic issue, it's a "feel good" issue devoid of reason.
So, like most of your posts?
"I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays"

Originally posted by ironside1:
"I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays"

Really. If a gay business refused to do business with a heterosexual couple, so be it. That's their choice as a private business in America. WHO F-ING CARES!?
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by ironside1:
"I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays"

Really. If a gay business refused to do business with a heterosexual couple, so be it. That's their choice as a private business in America. WHO F-ING CARES!?
Me, I care. I'll protect your rights IMCC even if you won't. I'm not sure it would be against any gay person's religion to serve heteros. Isn't that interesting? What happened to your belief that religion should be kept private? Did you have a conversion?
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by ironside1:
"I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays"

Really. If a gay business refused to do business with a heterosexual couple, so be it. That's their choice as a private business in America. WHO F-ING CARES!?
Me, I care. I'll protect your rights IMCC even if you won't. I'm not sure it would be against any gay person's religion to serve heteros. Isn't that interesting? What happened to your belief that religion should be kept private? Did you have a conversion?
So gay people are perfect? They have no bias's or imperfections of any type world wide? And refusing business under religious practices is perfectly fine. Are there not signs in every business that say they "reserve the right to refuse business at any time"?

I never knew gay people had no imperfections or beliefs of any type. Amazing.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by Speedway1:
I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays.
So what does a person do when no one with in a 300 or 400 mile radius will not sell you food and you have no means of travel?
I am way behind the times on the OUTRAGE of this law but can someone explain why a law is needed for someone to refuse who they do private business with?

I don't agree with discrimination against gays, but this is America and if I want to be an asshole I should be able to be an asshole.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Me, I care. I'll protect your rights IMCC even if you won't. I'm not sure it would be against any gay person's religion to serve heteros. Isn't that interesting? What happened to your belief that religion should be kept private? Did you have a conversion?
So gay people are perfect? They have no bias's or imperfections of any type world wide? And refusing business under religious practices is perfectly fine. Are there not signs in every business that say they "reserve the right to refuse business at any time"?

I never knew gay people had no imperfections or beliefs of any type. Amazing.
I didn't say that, but it's kind of you to jump to that conclusion. I must be representing well.
No can you tell me why religious people shouldn't leave us alone the way you want atheists to leave them alone? BTW, can you point me to the section in any holy book that says don't sell to the gays? Won't that be interesting when the US government starts making theological rulings about what is doctrinal to various faiths? I can't wait. Small government my gay ass.
Originally posted by L. Wade Childress:
I am way behind the times on the OUTRAGE of this law but can someone explain why a law is needed for someone to refuse who they do private business with?

I don't agree with discrimination against gays, but this is America and if I want to be an asshole I should be able to be an asshole.
The gay mafia is increasing their bullying ways.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by L. Wade Childress:
I am way behind the times on the OUTRAGE of this law but can someone explain why a law is needed for someone to refuse who they do private business with?

I don't agree with discrimination against gays, but this is America and if I want to be an asshole I should be able to be an asshole.
The gay mafia is increasing their bullying ways.
It's not about your private business dealings, it's about public business dealings. You might privately own a McDonalds but you can't keep the Jews out even if you think they are all Christ killers because you are running a business of public accommodation. And why anyone would think this a gay issue is telling. The law doesn't mention gays. The Bible doesn't mention gays. There are a whole lot of things the Bible or Quoran is against beyond gays. Be careful what you wish for.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by ironside1:
"I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays"

Really. If a gay business refused to do business with a heterosexual couple, so be it. That's their choice as a private business in America. WHO F-ING CARES!?
You'd come apart at the seams with outrage if this was happening on a regular basis. If a minority group was making a stink about not serving whites for "religious", reasons you'd start a thread decrying why Al and Jesse weren't leading protests against the business owners.
Originally posted by lucas80:
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by ironside1:

"I agree with the Law. You should be able to refuse anyone. Not just the Gays"

Really. If a gay business refused to do business with a heterosexual couple, so be it. That's their choice as a private business in America. WHO F-ING CARES!?
You'd come apart at the seams with outrage if this was happening on a regular basis. If a minority group was making a stink about not serving whites for "religious", reasons you'd start a thread decrying why Al and Jesse weren't leading protests against the business owners.
I would hope he wouldn't. I would hope he would do business elsewhere. Nature hates a vacuum, and other businesses would pop up for the other segment of the population. Basically, you'd see some self segregation on a grander scale, which is great of that's what people choose.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Boy voters sure hate conservative ideas when they are implemented and once they understand the nature of the moral sickness and hatred that drive these ideas.
Originally posted by jscott78:
Boy voters sure hate conservative ideas when they are implemented and once they understand the nature of the moral sickness and hatred that drive these ideas.
that's left to be seen, also think you are over the top in your analysis
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Oh I don't know the nutbird who signed this hate crime legislation is already furiously backpedaling at the thought of losing big business, jobs and votes.

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