Ann Coulter: over/under

she asked a question... sooooo, what's the answer? how many of them do live in the united states?
The 53 year old Ann Coulter is not employed by anyone.
She is an author and columnist who is independent and
a free lancer. Fortunately, Ann is too skinny and too
brash to be taken seriously by most people.
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I'm looking forward to Ben Carson and Trump and the rest of the anti-political correct crowd to rally around her. #AnnCoulterMatters
If anything this will have more Publishers at her door.
Any publicity is good publicity if you were in their shoes. Creates interest and debate. She is an attention whore, no doubt.

The only people that FNC axes are those that make idiots out of themselves... see Dick Morris after the 2012 elections.
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Who is going to fire her?
I never said she was going to be fired; I asked how long she'll have a job. :)

As others have noted, if she can't find a publisher to buy her manuscripts, or if she can't convince any newspaper to run her columns, and if she is barred from FOX news and shunned by the GOP she is essentially 'fired.'

We will see how well her past support of our 51st state serves her in this situation.
isn't maher a jew? she is in love with him I heard

No.....Maher isn't Jewish. They are friends. I'm not sure (like someone else said in this thread) what the issue is with what she much time was spent pandering to the Jewish people in that debate it was laughable.....when immigration is the issue that is at the forefront for most conservatives/Republicans.....she was making fun of them (the candidates)....some of you aren't happy with anything, I'm convinced of it. There were multiple responses from Jewish people.....none that I saw had an issue with it. I guess white guilt is now expanding to Jewish people?

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