ANTIFA: Just like WWII Vets

Really hate to see scary things happening to these alt-right dickweeds like Ngo. Thank you for bringing these very important issues to HROT.
Case in point. Someone ok with the actions of Antifa because he deems someone he disagrees with as a Nazi. An Asian Nazi nonetheless
No, they aren't normal.

Nor are KKK members and neo-Nazis.

And none of these people represent most Dems and Repubs. And they don't justify continued support of President Bone Spurs. Enough.
Nobody claims Neo Nazis are normal. That can’t be said for Antifa, whether it’s Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon or even our own @WWJD. They all have made the claim that Antifa are just like our brave soldiers who fought in WWII
Nobody claims Neo Nazis are normal. That can’t be said for Antifa, whether it’s Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon or even our own @WWJD. They all have made the claim that Antifa are just like our brave soldiers who fought in WWII

Most sane people don't.

Link to these people comparing Antifa to WWII soldiers? I'm genuinely curious.
This made me laugh. It "has appeared online"? You mean your editor at large posted it?

Unsettling security footage has appeared online of what appears to be six antifa grunts approaching journalist Andy Ngo’s door. (Disclosure: Andy Ngo is the editor at large for TPM.)

The video, taken on Halloween by a home security system, shows a group of men approaching Ngo’s front door, each of them wearing hooded sweaters with print-out masks of Ngo’s face.

Cuomo once compared anti-fascist members to allied troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day to fight Nazi soldiers in World War II in a tweet in August 2017:”

And obviously, you are NOT smart enough to understand the message Cuomo was sending. I don't talk politics with my 9 year old grand daughter, either.
And obviously, you are NOT smart enough to understand the message Cuomo was sending. I don't talk politics with my 9 year old grand daughter, either.

You can send a message without invoking ridiculous comparisons. But then again, you and your ilk often deploy blow torch rhetoric so I’m confident the Antifa/WW2 soldier comparison doesn’t even phase you.
Unfortunately, one of these days, they are going to mess with the wrong people and a couple of them will get killed. Wish they would back off a bit would hate to see someone get killed playing these silly games.
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Case in point. Someone ok with the actions of Antifa because he deems someone he disagrees with as a Nazi. An Asian Nazi nonetheless

I didn't call him a nazi. I didnt say I was okay with all of antifa's actions. Just not real concerned about this. But, hey, we all get to choose our battles. It's cool that this is your crusade.
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Why do you wingers obsess with Antifa? The only time I hear it mentioned is on HROT. Just stay in your own world and throw your conspiracy and racist shit within your circle. The rest of us don't want to hear it.
Huh? Your dudes are the ones targeting an Asian American. Just because you don t hear about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Maybe you should question your main stream media if your not hearing about these stories. It’s almost like they are biased or something. By the way go read the ample stories of main stream media members comparing these terrorists to WWII heroes. Educate yourself and take the liberal blinders off.
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Huh? Your dudes are the ones targeting an Asian American. Just because you don t hear about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Maybe you should question your main stream media if your not hearing about these stories. It’s almost like they are biased or something. By the way go read the ample stories of main stream media members comparing these terrorists to WWII heroes. Educate yourself and take the liberal blinders off. might be denser than Iowa........if possible.
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I do not support nor defend Antifa. However, I'm not going to horribly concerned about their actions considering what the right has defended.

I mean, white supremacists have actually killed people recently. White supremacists and Nazis pretty much hate everyone, and want to do harm to anyone, who disagrees with them. Antifa pretty much only hates and does things Nazis and their sympathizers.

There was a time in this country when hating Nazis and their sympathizers was the norm, not the extreme. We need to get back to it being the norm, that would likely diminish the influence and activity of Antifa.
There was a time in this country when hating Nazis and their sympathizers was the norm, not the extreme. We need to get back to it being the norm, that would likely diminish the influence and activity of Antifa.
IMO, the problem is that the terms nazi, nazi sympathizers, alt right, white supremacist, etc are thrown around so loosely and frivolously anymore that they have started to lose their meaning and impact.

I think people are on board with hating actual neo nazis and klan members. It’s when people start calling an Asian man a white supremacist or anyone with an opposing view a nazi, that you lose people.
Huh? Your dudes are the ones targeting an Asian American. Just because you don t hear about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Maybe you should question your main stream media if your not hearing about these stories. It’s almost like they are biased or something. By the way go read the ample stories of main stream media members comparing these terrorists to WWII heroes. Educate yourself and take the liberal blinders off.

WTF are you talking about? I have no idea what this shit means or where you get this shit from. You have to be wallowing in some deep winger shit to ferment this crap. It seems to matter to you neo nazis so go to it.
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I have a theory that Hawkland’s wife left him for Antifa. That’s about the only thing that can explain his obsession and repeated threads about Antifa.
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I do not support nor defend Antifa. However, I'm not going to horribly concerned about their actions considering what the right has defended.

I mean, white supremacists have actually killed people recently. White supremacists and Nazis pretty much hate everyone, and want to do harm to anyone, who disagrees with them. Antifa pretty much only hates and does things Nazis and their sympathizers.

There was a time in this country when hating Nazis and their sympathizers was the norm, not the extreme. We need to get back to it being the norm, that would likely diminish the influence and activity of Antifa.
Unfortunately, what you wrote above is the reality in your head. The idiocy of the left knows no bounds, and it's absolutely killing this country.
I have a theory that Hawkland’s wife left him for Antifa. That’s about the only thing that can explain his obsession and repeated threads about Antifa.

You must have missed the story yesterday about the Antifa dude that was sentenced to 6 years for brutally assaulting a counter protestor with a night stick. The hate for Antifa is warranted like it or not. They are horrible representatives of what the left believes.
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$20 says Andy stages this to get back in the news.

Let’s see...personal buddy of the Proud Boys who was filmed in videos laughing as they discussed assaulting specific protestors, who was fired from his college newspaper for fabricating quotes and caught red handed fabricating videos (editing out where Proud Boys attacked protestors with a hammer and only showing when it was wrenched out of his hand and thrown back at the Alt Righters)....yep! This sounds like a believable source who TOTALLY DID NOT have some of his Proud Boy buddies play dressup so he could drum sympathy from the dumb%*% Magats on here.

Yep, for sure he was attacked. Lol.
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WTF are you talking about? I have no idea what this shit means or where you get this shit from. You have to be wallowing in some deep winger shit to ferment this crap. It seems to matter to you neo nazis so go to it.
One poster here on HROT compared ANTIFA to WWII soldiers and now he’s blown it up in his mind to be something bigger. Don’t take the gray shirts seriously.
You must have missed the story yesterday about the Antifa dude that was sentenced to 6 years for brutally assaulting a counter protestor with a night stick. The hate for Antifa is warranted like it or not. They are horrible representatives of what the left believes.
They are more like horrible representatives of what libertarians believe.