Anybody ever cut their foot on cereal?

Funky Bunch

HB Legend
Mar 30, 2011
I cut my foot at breakfast in the Dominican. Went to the doctor on the resort and they gave me penicillin and some cream. Any idea how long it will take to heal?
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It wasn't on Cap'n Crunch was it? If so, see Lone Clones diagnosis in the other thread.
Got my toe caught in a Cheerio once (I was much younger then). Didn't hurt. Made the Cheerio taste bad. Pissed off Mom.

I've had a Grape Nut caught in my teeth, if that counts.
I cut my foot at breakfast in the Dominican. Went to the doctor on the resort and they gave me penicillin and some cream. Any idea how long it will take to heal?
Depends on whether the cereal has a lot of preservatives or is organic.