The coaches preach balance in life. Their goal is to produce well rounded men by the time they leave the program.
They expect the wrestlers to put in the work on the mat. Champions last year
They expect the wrestlers to put in the work academically. Most of the starters were Academic All Big Ten last year.
They expect the wrestlers to have a solid, yet responsible social life. Numerous videos out there showing the fun our guys have while keeping the police reports to a minimum.
These are the expectations that has proven to produce a lot of great, well rounded young men.
I don't know what clj expects from big recruiting weekends, but their purpose is to show the recruits the whole package, which isn't just about wrestling.
Lets use a young stud from Georgia as an example. He may not know what to expect at Iowa. It's a pretty good distance from home. He knows there is great wrestling. He knows Iowa has passionate fans, but may not have a grasp on how passionate they are. He may have heard that our coaches and team are robots etc. I think he learned a lot about the program and fans this weekend. Some he probably already knew, some that probably opened his eyes.
Don't underestimate what that environment does for these guys. Some dreamed of going to Iowa, and that type of in person experience cemented that decision.
This weekend those recruits saw the wrestlers having a blast, storming the field and celebrating with the football players. He saw a filled up wrestling room with lots of fans on short notice. He saw the team is like a family, and there's a lot of fun to be had in Iowa City on and off the mat. He also saw how crazy the fans are, and was in 1 of very few stadiums that even know who the wrestlers are.