Anyone on death's door, or know someone who is . . . ?

Only the rich. Technically their pyres are made from sandalwood and then ghee as you said. I'm going with particle board and margarine. Actually, I did the preplan thing. I know the dude who will do my cremation. He's pretty cool and zany. Sadly no pyre but one of them machines.

Not sure I'd want a "zany" mortician.
Had a cousin who rented a farmhouse outside Iowa City with a couple of friends for a summer many years back. Owner had a coffin in the basement. There were several houseguests that summer that had a thing for relations in that coffin...
I had a cousin who made his brothers casket out of wood. Not sure if there are parameters to make it legal or what. But it couldn’t have cost more than $100 in material. I kind of like the idea.
Before or after he died?

I think I'd be a little freaked out if one of my siblings was building my coffin while I was still kicking.

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