Anyone sold a house in the last 30ish days?

I'm about to list my current townhome in the next month so hoping it doesn't in the $250-$300K price range lol. The one across from me got listed last Wednesday and was Option Pending today. So 6 days before it had a contract, but even that is pretty slow compared to earlier this year in the Houston market. I can live with that kind of turnaround if I'm able to sell it for $50K more than I bought it a few years ago.
The twitter algorithm for at least the past 6 weeks feeding me doom and gloom posts about the real estate market. I think it may be due to my living in Tampa. The claim is that this is one of the most over-valued markets. One of the experts quoted said to expect a 5% downturn nationwide and 10% in places like Tampa. That doesn't even faze me. My house lost 65% of it's value from 2008 to 2011, if online sites like Zillow are to be believed.. A 10% reduction is like pocket change after living through that.