Despite 4 years of Spanish, the combination of a poor student and a poor teacher (RIP in peace Marge) led to zero learning.
Given my job and the good fortune of having a friend that is a professor dealing largely with ESL, I have decided to being to learn, or attempt to learn, Spanish. Over the last few weeks I have been at two functions where everyone was bilingual and met a gentleman last night that is fluent in 7. My friend and her brilliant students have been a great motivator for me.
I curious if anyone here speaks more than one language and if so what? I’m guessing @FSUTribe76 speaks at least a dozen.
Given my job and the good fortune of having a friend that is a professor dealing largely with ESL, I have decided to being to learn, or attempt to learn, Spanish. Over the last few weeks I have been at two functions where everyone was bilingual and met a gentleman last night that is fluent in 7. My friend and her brilliant students have been a great motivator for me.
I curious if anyone here speaks more than one language and if so what? I’m guessing @FSUTribe76 speaks at least a dozen.