Anyone use Charter email? You'll love this site ;-)

Can't you just use gmail's client? You can still keep your old email addresses. It was a simple thing to have mediacom's client forward everything. You can even receive multiple email addresses in one inbox so you are one up on Hillary Clinton.
g-mail stands for "government mail", like the old G-man moniker

if you want nsa and homeland security all up in your business, use gmail
Can't you just use gmail's client? You can still keep your old email addresses. It was a simple thing to have mediacom's client forward everything. You can even receive multiple email addresses in one inbox so you are one up on Hillary Clinton.

I had never investigating using gmail's client for my charter email account ... I'll give that 10 minutes of my time later today and see how it goes ... Thanks!
Yes, using gmail is dangerous for all of us considering we're all talking about illegal activities in every email. I am merely biding my time before they drag me off to get piss-pounded for my crimes against the state.

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