Arbor1’s meltdown cause . . .

Which is fueling it the most?

* racism
* fear
* misogyny
Keeping Up With The Kardashians Everything GIF by E!
Every once in a while I unignore some of those "people" and bat the flies for a bit.
Looks like we all know what's driving your meltdowns.
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Which is fueling it the most?

* racism
* fear
* misogyny

Clearly it’s a combination of the three, but which is driving the train? My money is on fear.


From all the $$ he wasted on INFOWars penis-enlarging supplements that didn't work.
Then, a tranny at the public pool made fun of his tiny wiener in the showers.
Someone who's spamming the board starting anti-Kamala threads every hour. I had to break down & put him on ignore, it was ridiculous.
Whenever someone starts spamming the board it usually goes to ignore. Left or right. Huey, Chishawk, for example have made the list. Also anyone that uses a variation of retarded in an insulting manner.
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So glad I put that whack job on ignore.
Just put him on ignore.

Would be interesting to have Mods post which posters have the most people ignoring them. Obviously trolls, that if more people would pit on ignore, would clean up this forum quite a bit. Fewer people seeing their troll posts would result in fewer responses to their nonsense.
Which is fueling it the most?

* racism
* fear
* misogyny

Clearly it’s a combination of the three, but which is driving the train? My money is on fear.
In 1933 FDR told Americans that we had “nothing to fear but fear itself”. FDR’s words are every bit as relevant today, 90 years later, as they were that day of his 1st inauguration.
MAGA sells fear. Apparently, America is buying.
My guess is 60% A, 40% C.

B is what keeps these numbskulls cult-ing for Trump.
My "favorite" part of what's going on right now is the partisan outrage over every little truth and lie about Kamala, that in and of itself would/could raise an eyebrow, but at the same time aren't even in the same stratosphere as the things Trump has done. MAGAs could be holding a framed photo of trump standing over a dead body (that he murdered) while simultaneously yelling that Kamala slapped someone. It's un-frack'n-believable.

When it comes to Kamala, I don't think she's a good candidate and it has nothing to do with her race or sex, but we can't even discuss her policies on here because, "That der WO-man is a DEI hire who slept her way right to the top, fellers!" IMO, HBOT is the worst it's ever been and that's saying something. I tagged @Phenomenally Frantastic FOUR different times to answer my questions in a post. After the THIRD he answered the softball question about Biden, then completely ignored the part about Trump.

It's nearly impossible to have a meaningful discussion about differentiating ideals here.
My "favorite" part of what's going on right now is the partisan outrage over every little truth and lie about Kamala, that in and of itself would/could raise an eyebrow, but at the same time aren't even in the same stratosphere as the things Trump has done. MAGAs could be holding a framed photo of trump standing over a dead body (that he murdered) while simultaneously yelling that Kamala slapped someone. It's un-frack'n-believable.

When it comes to Kamala, I don't think she's a good candidate and it has nothing to do with her race or sex, but we can't even discuss her policies on here because, "That der WO-man is a DEI hire who slept her way right to the top, fellers!" IMO, HBOT is the worst it's ever been and that's saying something. I tagged @Phenomenally Frantastic FOUR different times to answer my questions in a post. After the THIRD he answered the softball question about Biden, then completely ignored the part about Trump.

It's nearly impossible to have a meaningful discussion about differentiating ideals here.
The truth is Kamala is not a strong candidate and is way too liberal for the average person's taste.

The problem is we are dealing with the MAGA idiot brigade, so rational discussion, as you rightly point out, is impossible.

As bad as Kamala is, below is a pretty accurate depiction of what we're dealing with in terms of the impossibility of having constructive dialogue with the MAGA idiot brigade:

When people are that far removed from reality and are that oblivious to self-awareness, discussion of any kind is an exercise in futility.
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