Are the educated, really that educated?


HB Legend
Mar 23, 2015
You constantly hear within the bickering of politics and social issues, about how educated one person is compared to another.

During a good debate, let's say in racial issues, you will almost always see education come up as a side topic. This can be due, to what someone says, and how they say it. It can be due to someone using it as a tool in the argument. Such as, "well i'm educated in this, and I read a book, and I know what I'm talking about."

Todays educational system is mostly based on the fact that the system is molding you to fit into it. That is not necessarily a GREAT education, because it leaves out so many other facets of learning and development.

There is not argument that the educational structure in this country is dominated by 'Progressive' ideology. Which is not a fluke by the way. It was very much designed with this in mind.

That being said, there is also an ignorance about education that comes from certain types, that believe that there is NOTHING of value to be learned in the systems educational system. I disagree with that, but the over bearing political nature of most colleges, is undeniably a turn off to some.

Basically what I'm asking here, is whether the educated really are as educated as they believe? Have they learned more than just their job skill? Are their learned job skills, really that important, where in most fields, on the job training is much more important and used.

Does having a degree make you smarter than a person who does not. Though the person without the degree is more well versed in the real world ideologies and work practices that they have obtained without a paid education? The old, "if you're so good at business practice, then why are you teaching it, instead of practicing it."

As an example, my grandfather, whom served in the military, barely got his Diploma and had no collegiate education, damn near became a millionaire. He now lives a quiet life in Nevada, off of the work and fruits of the business practices he mostly learned on his own and while on the job.
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Look at all the MLB players who are drafted after high
school graduation and go on to become millionaires.
Their basic skill is knowing how to play baseball on
the major league level. With only a high school diploma
they can become rich with an annual salary in the millions.
Look at all the MLB players who are drafted after high
school graduation and go on to become millionaires.
Their basic skill is knowing how to play baseball on
the major league level. With only a high school diploma
they can become rich with an annual salary in the millions.
It's a smack in the face to 3rd party candidates everywhere. He could EASILY make big noise as a 3rd party candidate and energize it, instead he sells out and shuts it down completely, bowing down to the Republican party.
It's a smack in the face to 3rd party candidates everywhere. He could EASILY make big noise as a 3rd party candidate and energize it, instead he sells out and shuts it down completely, bowing down to the Republican party.

And that is why I am against high school baseball.
You seem to be equating how much money someone makes to whether their education was necessary. Though it is one determining factor, it isn't everything. There are a LOT of stupid multi-millionaires in this world.

As to whether a college degree makes you more intelligent? I think that largely depends on the individual. I can tell you that I use basically none of the things taught to me in college. Everything I do on a day to day basis I learned by the time I graduated high school or on the job over the years. College, for me, was just to get a piece of paper and line on my resume. It didn't make me any better at my job.