Are there people driving around with similar pictures of Trump?


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
When did this become acceptable from the truck owner's standpoint and an ex-president to post it?

Trump Posts Image Of Biden Bound And Kidnapped​

March 30, 2024 Trump Corruption, Trump Lies

NBC News reports:
Former President Donald Trump shared a video on social media Friday that included an image of President Joe Biden bound and restrained in the back of a pickup truck. The 20-second video, which Trump indicated was taken Thursday in Long Island, New York, shows a truck emblazoned with “Trump 2024” and a large picture depicting Biden tied up and lying on his side. Trump has previously used violent imagery and rhetoric, both in his 2024 presidential campaign and before.
On March 16, he vowed that there would be a “bloodbath” if he was not re-elected, while speaking about the economy. Last year, before his numerous indictments, Trump warned about “potential death and destruction” if he were to be charged in the Manhattan district attorney’s hush money case against him. He also shared an article on Truth Social that had an image of him with a baseball bat near Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s head. The post was deleted.
Remember Kathy Griffin and Trump's severed head?

Totally the same thing. I bet Trump will be "cancelled" now by decent folk like you and that you'll fling the death threats and other harrassment at Trump that you did at Griffin.
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Leftwingers saying the most deplorable things.

bOtH siDeS!!!!!!!!!

Former President and current Nominee of the Republican party vs some Randos who may not even be or vote Democrat, if they vote at all!

There wasn't a Democratic politician in there who said anything remotely close to what Trump did per Biden with the Truth Social post.

Totally both sidesies and same thing arghle bargle ka-BOOM.
The video starts off with 3 leftwing politicians.

Everyone needs to lower the temperature in the room. Everyone.
Go eff yourself. Lower the temperature of your own candidate and party and then start worrying about anyone else.

You support a guy whose campaign catch phrase when he first ran for President was "lock her up".

So why aren't you people going on a days long hissy fit about Trump the way you did with Griffin?
Do I see some Pepsi in that truck bed?
To be fair to the OP, even I was a little shocked Trump has gone this far, and checking for a thread about the top Republican in the country openly promoting violence still shocks me. It shouldn't at this point, but it does.
Yes. The riots had everything to do with the left.
You're not making any kind of relevant point here. Joe Biden and the Democrats have nothing to do with anything that can be termed as a violent riot in 2020 as a result of the Floyd protests.

And once again, you should be cleaning up your own sewer party/politicians before you start throwing stones from your glass house at anyone, even anarchists from the Floyd protest days of 2020.

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