Are you superior to your political opposite?

Well, what say you? Are you superior?

  • Yes - I can barely see them past my nose.

    Votes: 23 38.3%
  • No - We're all just people.

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • Maybe - Do they carry around JD Vance jizz?

    Votes: 18 30.0%

  • Total voters


HB Legend
Dec 16, 2001
Iowa City, IA
@NorthernHawkeye was lamenting the "elitism" on display in another political thread by his political nemeses. Seems like a poll is in order. So, do you think you are superior to your political opposite?

I'll kick things off. I am superior to most everyone I meet - politics is just one of the many factors that could come in to play. So, I am voting "Yes."
Your signature gif told me everything I needed to know before your vote was tallied.

(because it's perfection btw)
The sad thing is, the bar is insanely low.

I'm not some intellectual - I fully admit I have quite a few friends smarter than me.

But compared to the average Trump lover, I'm a staggering tower of genius. But then again, so is the slightly above-average 5th grader 🤷‍♂️
@NorthernHawkeye was lamenting the "elitism" on display in another political thread by his political nemeses. Seems like a poll is in order. So, do you think you are superior to your political opposite?

I'll kick things off. I am superior to most everyone I meet - politics is just one of the many factors that could come in to play. So, I am voting "Yes."
I had to go with the first choice because my political opposite, by definition, gargles with Trump/Vance jizz.
It's hard for me to understand how anyone can support Trump after he incited a coup to overthrow our government but that's just me.

I don't argue politics or anything these days because it never changes minds.
For starters that never happened lol
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I do consider myself better than anyone dressed up as a pill while dancing around an abortion trailer at the DNC, I will admit. (Or anyone who unironically claims that an abortion is the same as a blood draw)
Anyone who voluntarily admits to supporting Donald Trump may as well have "I AM STUPID" tatooed on their forehead.

I see a whole lot of stupid on both sides. Low IQ folks and even otherwise intelligent people that have completely lost the ability to think for themselves and simply get led around by the nose. This board is a perfect example of that although the right wingers on here are next level dumb.
I see a whole lot of stupid on both sides. Low IQ folks and even otherwise intelligent people that have completely lost the ability to think for themselves and simply get led around by the nose. This board is a perfect example of that although the right wingers on here are next level dumb.
The difference is that the stupid, low IQ folks on one side are driving the bus and they’re on the far right side of the road.
I do consider myself better than anyone dressed up as a pill while dancing around an abortion trailer at the DNC, I will admit. (Or anyone who unironically claims that an abortion is the same as a blood draw)
What about the tens of millions of people who don’t do that, yet still don’t want a criminal as POTUS? You smarter than them? Asking for a friend…
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What is this Vance jizz in a cup thing? Was gone all weekend and feel I missed something weird.
It's hard for me to understand how anyone can support Trump after he incited a coup to overthrow our government but that's just me.

I don't argue politics or anything these days because it never changes minds.
But Donny’s the guy who rushed your beloved covid injection into the marketplace years before it should have ever been approved, quite possibly saving your life. Kind of ungrateful on your part. :rolleyes:
I 100% see myself as superior to anyone willing to vote for Trump. It baffles me that some of the most intelligent people I know are ready to vote for him. For example, my business partners. One’s the finance guy, worked at T Rowe for 20 years was vice president of operations. He was disgusted with Trump over the Jan 6 debacle and everything along with it. Yet, he’s openly said he’s voting for him. My other partner in solar, smart guy, got a college degree in business, same thing. Voting for Trump. On top of that, the dumbasses know damn well republicans are the ones trying to kill net metering in every state. The only reason we still have it in Florida is because Desantis miraculously killed the bill that would have devastated our business. It was 100% republican votes that got the bill to his desk. I just don’t get it.
I 100% see myself as superior to anyone willing to vote for Trump. It baffles me that some of the most intelligent people I know are ready to vote for him. For example, my business partners. One’s the finance guy, worked at T Rowe for 20 years was vice president of operations. He was disgusted with Trump over the Jan 6 debacle and everything along with it. Yet, he’s openly said he’s voting for him. My other partner in solar, smart guy, got a college degree in business, same thing. Voting for Trump. On top of that, the dumbasses know damn well republicans are the ones trying to kill net metering in every state. The only reason we still have it in Florida is because Desantis miraculously killed the bill that would have devastated our business. It was 100% republican votes that got the bill to his desk. I just don’t get it.
A lot of the business owner/upper middle class/wealthy folks I know loathe paying taxes so much they'd vote for Charles Manson if he said he'd lower them.

That's the main issue we are dealing with, I think.

Then you have the subset that really are racist in their hearts, even if they hide it.

Between those two cohorts, you have a fairly large percentage of Republicans that know Donald Trump is a stupid amoral piece of shit, but feel like he won't harm them and he might help their personal finances.

Those people actually make me more disgusted than the average moron Trump voter, because they should know better..
A lot of the business owner/upper middle class/wealthy folks I know loathe paying taxes so much they'd vote for Charles Manson if he said he'd lower them.

That's the main issue we are dealing with, I think.

Then you have the subset that really are racist in their hearts, even if they hide it.

Between those two cohorts, you have a fairly large percentage of Republicans that know Donald Trump is a stupid amoral piece of shit, but feel like he won't harm them and he might help their personal finances.

Those people actually make me more disgusted than the average moron Trump voter, because they should know better..

I also believe there is a lot of this. As someone with means who doesn’t think this way, I relish in my superiority.
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Idk, how are we qualifying it?

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